Sunday, 23 March 2025

. BDS is now part of international law after the ICJ advisory opinion July 2024 and the UNGA Resolution September 2024, in which it ordered Israel to evacuate all Settlers from Palestine and other states to basically do BDS in order to pressure Israel finally ending its 57 year long brutal, illegal military occupation in Palestine. Once again, Germany is disrespecting international law.

Melanie Schweizer 🇩🇪
Boycott Israel. Today BDS marched to the highest administration court in Germany. Germany implemented a resolution in 2019 against BDS. Court proceedings will be held on Wednesday there against the resolution. BDS is now part of international law after the ICJ advisory opinion July 2024 and the UNGA Resolution September 2024, in which it ordered Israel to evacuate all Settlers from Palestine and other states to basically do BDS in order to pressure Israel finally ending its 57 year long brutal, illegal military occupation in Palestine. Once again, Germany is disrespecting international law.
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39th U.S. President Jimmy Carter called 1$ra€l an apartheid state: “The word ‘apartheid’ is exactly accurate - much worse than in South Africa.”

The Resonance
39th U.S. President Jimmy Carter called 1$ra€l an apartheid state: “The word ‘apartheid’ is exactly accurate - much worse than in South Africa.”
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On Friday's @ukcolumn news, we covered the recent JFK File release, and the real elephant in the room: 🇮🇱Israel. This only scratches the surface.

Patrick Henningsen
On Friday's news, we covered the recent JFK File release, and the real elephant in the room: 🇮🇱Israel. This only scratches the surface. We also noticed a lot of so-called 'influencers' on social media telling you not to look at this glaring connection. Decide for yourself...
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