Sunday, 23 March 2025

This document from New York Times in 1948 concludes that the 6 million number is a deliberate lie intended to guilt trip the Christian population into supporting the Zionists aspirations regarding Palestine.

This document from New York Times in 1948 concludes that the 6 million number is a deliberate lie intended to guilt trip the Christian population into supporting the Zionists aspirations regarding Palestine. Also in 1948: - The genocidal jewish Morganthau Plan was replaced by The Marshall Plan - The Smith Mundt Act that prohibited mainstream media from lying was introduced (Obama abolished it in 2012) - Bank of England and other central banks were nominally nationalised - US Military Police in Vienna came with a document after having conducted crime scene investigations in all the camps the Allied forces had access to that A: No poison gas was used in any of the camps and B: That the next former camp inmate - particularly of jewish descent - who claims poison gas was used will be taken to court charged with perjury. Conclusion: THEY LIED!!! And while all the steps taken above was in the right direction they clearly were not enough, considering the tremendous suffering of crimes against humanity committed by the Red Army and the Allied Forces on the German people as well as French and Eastern European civilians. Now it is time for Israel and the wealthy Khazarian mafiya members to repay all the money they have extorted from Germany and other Christian nations. MSM, Hollywood and our Zionist run education system have been able to guilt trip the Christian nations and must be shot down or heavily fined and management changed with people who are not zionists. The khazarian mafiya shall also be convicted to pay for rebuilding Germany and Eastern Europe to the standard it had before WWII. What do you think?
Mads Palsvig
The good guys* did not win the WWII. The jewish** Bolsheviks had already in 1939 killed 66 mio Orthodox Christian Russian, Ukrainian, Kosakh and other nationalities. The Germans fought valiantly to save the European nations from a similar fate. We went to war to protect…
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