Monday 30 September 2024

Is an Iran retaliation now inevitable, following Israel’s bombing of Beirut?

 IDF aren’t that good when it comes to close contact fighting; killing children and beating up women is more their tour de force.

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It came as a shock to most Lebanese, even those Shiite communities who live in the southern suburb where Hezbollah’s leaders live. The 2000-pound bunker buster bombs, U.S.-made of course, were designed to bring down apartment blocks and the attack was designed to kill Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah but also to show the Lebanese the real strength that Israel has: airpower.

In recent weeks, a lot of wild speculation has filled the internet’s airways about the subject of whether Israel is going to invade Lebanon. In reality, this is unlikely for a number of reasons. Mainly though, Netanyahu knows that of all the various ways to engage an army, Israel would be on its back foot with infantry, as it is widely known that the IDF aren’t that good when it comes to close contact fighting; killing children and beating up women is more their tour de force. Fighting Hezbollah close-up would be a blood bath for their own people which would make the Beirut bombing look like a military exercise. Another reason why Netanyahu won’t invade Lebanon is that the resources that it takes up would stretch Israel way beyond its capacity and leave it very vulnerable on two fronts: first, the close-up fighting that the IDF would have to engage in with Hezbollah fighters; and secondly he knows Iran would have no choice but to carry out massive ballistic missile strikes on cities in Israel. So far, Iran and Hezbollah have not wheeled out their top of the range missiles which can match what Israel fired on Beirut’s southern suburbs.

This poses the question, what is breaking point for Iran? And when will Hezbollah consider its own land invasion of northern Israel. For the second question, Hezbollah leaders are probably hoping that Israel will invade as this is where its fighters can be in their element. For this reason, Nasrallah probably doesn’t want to stretch his own resources too far. For Iran now to toy with the idea of a serious retaliation which would impact Netanyahu and his ephemeral political euphoria, it knows that it will be giving the Israeli leader what he has always dreamt of: a war with Iran which he believes the U.S. will have no choice but to join.

Despite Joe Biden claiming he knows nothing of the recent Beirut bombing of Israel, the truth is that the U.S. played a major role in it, with a number of U.S. planes in the sky providing support, not to mention an aircraft carrier close by. We can no longer pretend that the U.S. is not at war with Iran, but the call centre journalists who make up the ‘defence correspondents’ of our national newspapers will do everything they can to do just that.

Israel is of course tone deaf to both international opprobrium from the Global South, despite a mass walk of most of the UN ambassadors during Netanyahu’s recent speech at the UN. But it is also not bothered by Arab countries who have shown that they are appalled by each and every day its own level of depravity reaching an all-time low. Saudi Arabia’s own delegates at the UN also walked out of the assembly, along with Kuwait and Iran, which gives an indication that certainly the Arab world is divided over its support of Israel and its regional ambitions. Lebanon may well prove to be the breaking point for Arab states who consider the tiny country protected by a banal logic of ‘only we may kick our own dog, not you’.

And the frail allegiance which Israel has with a handful of Arab countries which signed up the Abraham Accords is also stretched to breaking point. Just recently in Morocco an IDF soldier on holiday found himself arrested on war crime charges by a court in Rabat – a move which cannot be seen as feral or accidental given that nothing happens in Morocco without the King’s approval. Countries like Morocco, UAE, Bahrain, Sudan battle each day an impossible dilemma as getting out of the Trump-brokered deal would be almost impossible, especially Morocco which has huge investment on longer-term projects tied up. These countries had already alienated Hezbollah and to some extent Iran due to their alliance with Washington and will be watching very carefully how far Israel will go now with the Iranian proxy in Lebanon. Netanyahu believes he’s in a very good position as either no response from Iran, or a retaliation is both a scenario he can exploit. For the moment, air superiority is an easy hand to play. Unless of course Iran choses to cut the head off that particular snake.

Famine in Europe: the real goal of anti-Russian policies

 Irresponsible policies disguised as “support for Ukraine” could lead Europe to social collapse in the long term.

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The controversy over Ukrainian agricultural products continues. Ukrainian food products have simply invaded the European market and are driving thousands of farmers out of business. Despite the protests and political pressure, no EU decision-maker seems interested in changing this tragic scenario. However, the crisis seems to have even deeper dimensions and could be a real time bomb for the entire European society.

The Bulgarian government recently asked the European Commission to pass a resolution banning the import of Ukrainian chicken eggs. According to the Bulgarian authorities, the large amount of cheap Ukrainian eggs on the European market is hurting Bulgarian producers, who rely on egg sales as a vital part of their business. Thousands of Bulgarian farmers are going bankrupt, and the crisis is only expected to get worse in the near future.

The problem is not limited to eggs or Bulgaria. Selling grain, meat, dairy products and everything that is produced in the countryside seems to be no longer an attractive business in Europe. Since 2022, protests for change have been taking place in all parts of the European continent. From Poland to France, no European farmer is happy to see his products being replaced on the market by massive quantities of cheap Ukrainian agricultural items.

This is due to the irrational decision of European decision-makers to ban all import tariffs on Ukrainian food products. The measure is allegedly intended to boost the Ukrainian economy during the crisis caused by the conflict with Russia – which ironically is sponsored by the West itself. In the current European market, it is cheaper to import Ukrainian food than to resell the native products, which is obviously causing thousands of farmers to abandon their businesses.

As well known, most of Europe does not have a very strong agricultural sector, with local farmers relying on government aid to stay active in the market. Without this aid and with the invasion of Ukrainian products, it is simply no longer profitable to be part of European agribusiness, which is why thousands of people are likely to stop working in the rural areas and join the growing class of the European “precariat”.

At first, some analysts may see this scenario as a mere market shift, replacing European production with Ukrainian production. However, this analysis is limited. Despite having some of the most fertile soils in the world, Ukraine is currently a target of Western financial predators, who demand the handover of arable land as a means of payment for NATO’s billion-dollar aid packages. Organizations such as Blackrock and other funds will soon own almost all that is left of Ukraine’s “black soil.” And then Ukrainian agricultural production will depend on the willingness of the “financial sharks” to feed the Europeans.

It is true that the lack of food self-sufficiency in European countries is not a new problem. Imports are already a vital mechanism for all of Western Europe. But parallel to the dependence on imports, there is also the irrational policy of sanctions and coercive measures against several emerging food-producing countries. The Russian Federation, for example, is prohibited from selling anything to Europeans, but the problem is even greater. The EU has been considering for years imposing severe sanctions on Brazil, for example, alleging “environmental irregularities”. It will get to the point where the EU’s “humanitarian and environmental” requirements will prevent Europeans from buying anything from any country.

If we ask who is interested in this whole scenario, the answer will once again seem clear. There is only one country encouraging Europe to impose more and more sanctions, buy more and more Ukrainian grain and send more and more weapons to Kiev under payment terms regulated by Blackrock. Of course, this is the same country that boycotted Russian-European energy cooperation and committed the terrorist attack on Nord Stream. And certainly this is also the only state interested in maintaining the geopolitical status quo and preventing the creation of a multipolar world, where Europeans would have freedom of alignment and could pragmatically choose their partners.

The US-EU alliance is a real time bomb and in the long run it will lead Europe to famine. Already in the process of deindustrialization, energy crisis and destroying its entire food security architecture, Europe faces one of the bleakest futures in human history. And almost all European decision-makers seem happy with this scenario.

The Arab Jew Experience Exposes the Myths of Middle Eastern Antisemitism

 • August 14, 2024

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A significant justification for Israel’s existence relies on the narrative that, because of the alleged inherent and rabid antisemitism of Arabs and Islam, the Jews of the Middle East never had a home. Without Israel, it is said, these Jews would be left on the fringes of Middle Eastern societies, marginalized for an irrational prejudice against their religion and ethnicity by Muslims.

Historian and author Avi Shlaim details in his book, “Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab Jew,” through personal experience and historical analysis the lies that this narrative is constructed upon.

“There was no history of antisemitism in the Arab world. Antisemitism is a European disease,” Shlaim tells Chris Hedges. “In the 1930s, antisemitism was exported from Europe to Iraq in particular, and it’s striking that there was no antisemitic literature in Arabic. So antisemitic literature had to be translated from European languages into Arabic…”

Shlaim was born in Iraq, where a thriving, educated and economically diverse society existed for Jews during his childhood. He describes how “It took Europe much longer than it took the Arab world to accept the Jews as equal citizens,” and how “[Jews] were very much part of the fabric of Iraqi society. We [were] not a foreign body. There were thriving Jewish communities throughout the Arab world, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq, in Egypt, throughout North Africa, but the Jewish community in Iraq was the most successful, the most prosperous, and also the best integrated of all the Jewish communities.”

It was Israel, according to Shlaim, that brought the divide and plight of the Jews in the Middle East. Shlaim mourns a time where his family experienced peaceful coexistence: “Muslim [and] Jewish coexistence was not an abstract idea. It wasn’t a distant dream. It was the everyday reality.”

Shlaim’s accounts also utilize his skills as a historian, diving into the incontrovertible evidence he discovered that reveals false flag atrocities committed by the Israelis against Iraqi Jews themselves. These attacks fomented a fear of antisemitism amongst Arab Jews, correlating with a significant spike in Iraqi Jewish emigration, and ultimately, coercively reinforced the legitimacy of the Jewish state.

“[T]his false flag operation,” Shlaim said, referring to the 1950 and 1951 Israeli bombings of Iraqi Jews, “is a terrible indictment of the State of Israel, because Israel was created to provide a safe haven for Jews fleeing persecution. Israel was not established in order to destabilize and frighten and create insecurity for the Jews of the diaspora.”

“The real upheaval,” Shlaim recounts, “ happened when Israel was created in 1948 and as my mother said to me, when Israel was created, everything was turned upside down.”



Chris Hedges


Max Jones


Diego Ramos and Max Jones


Diego Ramos, Sofia Menemenlis and Thomas Hedges

The Myth of “Russian-Chinese Disinformation” and the U.S. Informational PsyOps

 Raphael Machado

U.S. disinformation and psyops strategies are based on what they accuse other countries of doing.

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In the contemporary world, as we all know, conflicts have lost the linear character of kinetic clashes between opposing armies. This phenomenon hasn’t disappeared, but it has ceased to constitute the primary part of confrontations between opposing forces. In fifth-generation conflicts, even when there are clashes between armed forces, they are always preceded and accompanied by a myriad of other types of operations—psychological, cyber, and others—which facilitate the achievement of objectives by conventional forces. These other operations can even replace conventional forces when psychological operations achieve absolute success.

The U.S. would not be the unipolar hegemon if it had not long since mastered the subtleties of these forms of confrontation, which only in recent years have been better understood by counter-hegemonic forces.

This is why it is extremely curious when U.S. authorities indignantly denounce the “psyops” carried out by “malicious actors like Russia and China” against the U.S. population. Yet, it is a remarkable phenomenon, because, in fact, initiatives, projects, and departments focused on “combating disinformation by malicious actors” have been growing in recent years.

Here, it may be appropriate to give a personal example (which also gives me more grounds to reflect on the topic of “psyops” and “anti-psyops”): In 2023, I (along with SCF columnist Lucas Leiroz) was named in a report produced by the U.S. Department of State as one of the leaders of a “Russian disinformation network” of a “quasi-paramilitary” nature that “threatens democracy” in Brazil. The report was specifically produced by a team from the Global Engagement Center, a branch of the U.S. Department of State’s Global Public Affairs Office, created in 2016 to supposedly “combat disinformation” directed by foreign state and non-state actors that could threaten U.S. and allied policies, security, and stability.

Beneath the sanitized terminology, however, what we have is an Orwellian propaganda apparatus that, besides determining the “official truth” about events, seeks to discredit journalists, activists, and intellectuals who stray from the established parameters. The fact that this is not seen as merely a “public relations” activity, but rather as part of a military strategy, is indicated by a French report called Information Manipulation, which points out that almost all the employees of this agency are from the Pentagon. A practical effect of the aforementioned report is that it is common for “bots” on social networks to post the link to the State Department’s accusations in the comments of my posts.

In this sense, the U.S.’s “fight against disinformation” involves the production of disinformation to discredit the issuer of inconvenient narratives—namely, theses that contradict the disinformation produced in Washington. At the end of the day, “disinformation” ends up being redefined to mean “everything the enemy says,” while the U.S. side produces “science” and performs “fact-checking.”

One can clearly see how this entire discourse on “disinformation” is permeated with double standards. Take, for example, the case of the myth of “Russian interference in U.S. elections.” This psy-op, directed primarily at the domestic audience, was designed to make the U.S. electorate believe that Putin was behind Donald Trump’s election in 2016, and that he tried to “steal” the 2020 election for him, and is trying again now.

This specific psy-op involved coordination between the Democratic Party, the mass media, U.S. intelligence agencies, and private cybersecurity companies (such as Crowdstrike) with the aim of appealing to a “patriotic sentiment” against a candidate supposedly colluding with “foreign” interests. There’s also a certain trace of McCarthyism here.

In this procedure, a supposed “hacker attack” on Hillary Clinton’s emails is analyzed by a private cybersecurity company, with authorization from the intelligence services, and the conclusions are widely spread by the mass media as a “closed case” in which no doubts remain. All this has been part of an endless “Russiagate,” with its most recent branches being the accusations against “Tenet Media.”

China has also been targeted by similar operations. In September 2023, for instance, the same Global Engagement Center of the State Department published a report titled “How the People’s Republic of China Seeks to Reshape the Global Information Environment,” accusing China of spending billions acquiring shares in foreign media and promoting influencers to manipulate information about China. Among the Chinese tools mentioned by the State Department is censorship. This is quite curious. After all, part of the West’s psychoinformational war involves fighting to censor TikTok, which some accuse of “dumbing down” U.S. youth (and making them more promiscuous), while others accuse it of promoting anti-U.S. narratives through mysterious secret algorithms.

And, of course, we also know that the U.S. widely uses censorship against its adversaries in all spaces controlled by corporations tied to the Deep State, like Meta and Google, for instance. Just in the last few weeks, we’ve seen the censorship of RT on Meta networks. Meanwhile, on YouTube, this week, several important channels offering a counter-hegemonic view of events in Ukraine were deleted.

Thus, we can clearly analyze U.S. disinformation and psyops strategies based on what they accuse other countries of doing. Censorship eliminates the inconvenient presence of counter-narratives so that the West can freely promote the narratives of its choosing.

To make this even clearer, we can pay attention to a recent project involving some of the actors already mentioned. Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “Countering the People’s Republic of China Malign Influence Fund Authorization Act.” This project, as its name explicitly states, aims to guarantee resources (more than $300 million a year) to finance informational initiatives (i.e., psyops) aimed at undermining the confidence of Indo-Pacific, and particularly African, countries in collaboration with China and in their integration into the Belt & Road Initiative. In relation to this, it is also important to note the document A Vision for 2021 and Beyond, produced by the U.S. Army’s First Special Forces Command at Fort Bragg, as a simulation of the integration of psyops and geopolitical objectives in the context of “countering” Chinese influence in Africa.

“Malign influence,” a term frequently used in all U.S. documents on “disinformation,” is the euphemism employed to describe actions carried out by counter-hegemonic countries aimed at challenging the unipolar status quo of the “rules-based international order.”

The project would specifically aim to “support civil society and independent media,” which, in contemporary conditions, extends to social media influencers, who have become one of the best methods for influencing younger age groups, who no longer trust the mainstream media. When this is associated with the censorship of dissenting opinions, it creates the perfect scenario for information manipulation.

This project, which still needs Senate approval, will, in fact, be carried out precisely by the Global Engagement Center of the Department of State, with the help of USAID.

A similar case, but on a much smaller scale and one that, apparently, is not working very well, is the effort to destabilize Venezuela and incite the Venezuelan people, recently led by Erik Prince—who, in a typical hybrid scenario, gathered both mercenaries and a psyops operation on social networks called “YaCasiVenezuela.

“YaCasiVenezuela,” which is also the name of some social media pages, is a psyops aimed at convincing Venezuelans that Nicolás Maduro’s fall is imminent and that they will have international support to overthrow him. The type of message and the way it is presented bears similarities to the pre-Euromaidan propaganda.

And here is where one must finally pay attention to the role of social media in these operations. Social networks have been the main arenas for spreading psyops in recent years, with the previously mentioned cases adding to a myriad of others. The main novelty in psyops is “deepfakes,” freely used to produce fake videos of political opponents. This tactic produces videos where the adversary appears to say things they wouldn’t normally say, which would obviously be damaging during an election period.

But this technology is so accessible, thanks to developments in artificial intelligence, that in many countries, virtually all political actors are using these methods, as seen, for example, in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, for obvious reasons, the U.S. is better prepared to effectively use this type of tactic, as revealed by The Intercept in March 2016. According to the documents analyzed at the time, the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) was seeking companies capable of building the necessary apparatus for what they call “advanced technologies for use in military informational support operations,” specifying that the goal is to gain the ability to collect data on social networks to shape and direct “influence operations,” thus achieving the capacity to produce digital fraud and disinformation campaigns. These terms are not value judgments and are present in the very document in question, dated February 2023, and published by SOCOM’s Directorate of Science and Technology.

But the U.S. also uses already “classic” methods of disinformation and psyops on social networks, such as creating fake profiles managed by the military or creating bots, as happened in 2020 with the aim of sabotaging Sino-Filipino relations with false information about vaccines. This operation took place on Twitter (now “X”), at the time still under the direction of Jack Dorsey. The same Jack Dorsey was allegedly contacted in 2010 by the State Department to collaborate on the creation of the app ZunZuneo, a kind of “Cuban Twitter,” whose real purpose was to promote a “Cuban Spring” in Havana. It is unclear if Dorsey was actually involved in this project, which ultimately failed and was shut down in 2012.

One way or another, the international landscape promises an intensification and radicalization of U.S. informational operations, directed especially at the civil societies of “disputed countries”—while simultaneously, the U.S. accuses its adversaries of “disinformation” and leverages its influence over the most popular social networks to silence dissenting voices.

Israel Will Continue To Increase Assault on Lebanon


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told Israelis the military assault on Lebanon will continue to escalate.

 September 27, 2024 at 10:38 am ET 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explained on Friday that Tel Aviv is planning to ramp up its military operations in Lebanon. The remarks followed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejecting a US and French proposed ceasefire to halt the fighting on Israel’s northern border.

While visiting northern Israel, Gallant said, “We’ve been hitting Hezbollah very hard over the year, and especially in recent weeks – we will continue increasing this effort.” He continued, “We intend to bring about security to the communities in the north, and return those who left to their homes safely.”

Israel’s bombardment of southern and eastern Lebanon continued on Friday. On Monday, Tel Aviv launched one of the largest military assaults of the 21st century on Lebanon, killing over 500.  The strikes have continued over the past week, with the death toll now surpassing 700.

Gallant did not explain how Israel may increase its attacks on Lebanon. On Wednesday, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, said the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were preparing for a ground invasion. “We do not stop, we continue to attack and continue to strike them everywhere. The goal is a very clear goal, to return the [displaced] residents of the north safely. To do this, we are preparing the [ground] maneuver,” he told Israeli soldiers.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is showing he is unwilling to de-escate in Lebanon. On Thursday, the US and France proposed a 21-day ceasefire on Israel’s northern border. Netanyahu’s office released a statement quickly rejecting the offer.

“The report about a ceasefire is incorrect. This is an American-French proposal that the Prime Minister has not even responded to,” the statement said. “The report about the purported directive to ease up on the fighting in the north is the opposite of the truth. The Prime Minister has directed the IDF to continue fighting with full force, according to the plan that was presented to him. The fighting in Gaza will also continue until all the objectives of the war have been achieved.”

On Saturday, Axios reported that Tel Aviv had received support for its plan to ramp up attacks in Lebanon by claiming it was a policy of “de-escalation through escalation.” However, Netanyahu now appears unwilling to de-escalate.

Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.

Biden, Harris Release Statements Strongly Backing Israeli Killing of Nasrallah


An Israeli official said they decided to kill the Hezbollah chief because he wouldn't separate the Israel-Lebanon border from Gaza

 September 29, 2024 at 12:06 pm ET 

On Saturday, both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris released statements strongly backing the Israeli assassination of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, which was carried out using US-provided 2,000-pound bombs.

President Biden said in a statement that Nasrallah’s death was “a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.” The president said the US “fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and any other Iranian-supported terrorist groups.”

Biden said that he ordered Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to send additional military assets to the region. “I directed my Secretary of Defense to further enhance the defense posture of US military forces in the Middle East region to deter aggression and reduce the risk of a broader regional war,” he said.

Biden claimed that he seeks de-escalation in the region, but his administration has continued to provide military aid and other types of support for Israel since it began its dramatic escalation in Lebanon.

A view shows the damage at the site of the Israeli airstrike that killed Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday, in Beirut’s southern suburbs, Lebanon, September 29, 2024. REUTERS/Ali Alloush

Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee, released a similar statement, saying that “Hezbollah’s victims have a measure of justice.” The vice president said she has an “unwavering commitment to the security of Israel.”

“I will always support Israel’s right to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis,” Harris added.

Harris also claimed that the administration was working for a diplomatic solution. But the day before Nasrallah was killed, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a US-backed ceasefire proposal, and Israel said it secured $8.7 billion in new military aid from the US.

An Israeli official told ABC News that Israel decided to kill Nasrallah because he wouldn’t separate the situation at the Israel-Lebanon border from Gaza. Hezbollah had been clear that it would stop its attacks on northern Israel if there was a ceasefire in Gaza.

The Israeli airstrikes that killed Nasrallah leveled multiple residential buildings in Beirut. The attack also killed Abbas Nilforoushan, a senior commander from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Tehran is vowing his death will not go “unanswered.”

The killing of Nasrallah and other Israeli escalations in Lebanon could lead to direct US intervention since the US has vowed it would defend Israel if it faces a large-scale attack from Iran. US troops in Iraq and Syria could also come under attack from local Shia militias in response to US support for the killing of Nasrallah and the slaughtering of civilians in Lebanon.

Israeli airstrikes have continued to pound Beirut and other areas of Lebanon. The Lebanese Health Ministry said at least 33 people were killed and over 190 people were injured by Israeli airstrikes on Saturday. On Sunday, the ministry said at least 21 people were killed and 47 were wounded by Israeli attacks on eastern Lebanon’s Baalbek region.

US a hostage to Israel – NATO state


Washington’s tendency to serve the Jewish state has become “an accepted fact of life,” Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says

US a hostage to Israel – NATO state

Israel has been so successful in lobbying the US political establishment that Washington essentially does the bidding of West Jerusalem, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has said.

In an interview with the TRT broadcaster on Saturday, Fidan addressed the recent Israeli airstrike on Beirut, Lebanon that killed Hezbollah political leader Hassan Nasrallah. He added that recent events have shown that Türkiye’s worst fears about the Middle East conflict spilling over beyond the Palestinian enclave of Gaza have come true.

“In other words, we said that if Israel is not stopped, it will carry this war to other places... It seems that there is a serious desire in Israel, among [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and his team, to expand the war to the region, and they are trying to advance this,” he said.

He went on to accuse the US of turning a blind eye to West Jerusalem’s actions, claiming that “Zionism has taken root in American politics.” 

“The fact that the entire power of the American state has been transformed into a structure that serves Israel… is no longer a disturbing issue here, but has become an accepted fact of life. This, of course, makes sane Americans incredibly uncomfortable,” Fidan said.

According to the foreign minister, some US politicians cannot publicly oppose this foreign policy if they wish to remain part of the system. “They are in such despair,” he added.

Fidan went on to say that Nasrallah was “an important figure in the region” and “the void left by his absence will be difficult to fill.”

Türkiye has been openly critical of Israel’s response to the surprise Hamas attack on the Jewish state last October, which has resulted in unprecedented destruction in Gaza, with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan going so far as to compare Netanyahu to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Erdogan has also condemned Israel’s attack on Beirut, calling it a “massacre” that “no person of conscience can accept.”

The US remains a key ally of Israel in the region, supplying it with weapons. Following the assassination of Nasrallah, US President Joe Biden said the US “fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah” and “other Iranian-supported terrorist groups.” He added that Nasrallah’s “death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.”