Monday, 31 May 2021

France says allegations of US espionage on European leaders are ‘extremely serious’ & may have ‘consequences’


31 May, 2021 10:47

France says allegations of US espionage on European leaders are ‘extremely serious’ & may have ‘consequences’
Reports that the US National Intelligence Agency, aided by Denmark, spied on top European politicians including Angela Merkel are “extremely serious” if true, the French secretary of state for European affairs has said.

“It is extremely serious, we must verify if our EU partners, Danes, have committed errors or mistakes in their cooperation with the American services… And then on the American side, see if indeed there was listening, spying on politicians,” Clement Beaune said in an interview with the France Info radio network.

The statement comes a day after European media reported that the US National Intelligence Agency allegedly spied on European politicians, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (who previously served as minister of foreign affairs), with the help of Denmark, from 2012 to 2014. According to Danish public broadcaster Danmarks Radio, the US National Security Agency (NSA) tapped into Danish telecommunications cables to spy on officials in Germany, Sweden, Norway, and France. The Danish military intelligence services are said to have helped the US.

ALSO ON RT.COMDenmark helped NSA spy on Merkel & other European leaders, new reports reveal, as Snowden says Biden was ‘deeply involved’

The French secretary of state for European affairs said the situation could have “consequences in terms of cooperation” with the United States.

We are not in a world of Care Bears, so this kind of behavior, unfortunately, can happen, and we will verify it. Between allies, there must be trust, a minimum cooperation, so these potential facts are serious.

Beaune added he did not know the identity of the French officials who were allegedly spied on.

Danish Defense Minister Trine Bramsen declined to comment on what she called “speculation” about intelligence matters in the media, according to Reuters. The Danish Defense Intelligence Service, as well as the US' Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the NSA, declined to comment on the media report to the news agency.

Star of David; Land of Myth



Photograph Source: Chris Yunker – CC BY 2.0

“We stand for justice, truth and the value of a single human being.” With these simple but powerfully inspiring words, a life-time ago, the world held-out hope that at long last international law and accountability would progress from abstract, esoteric principle to momentous binding application. The Nuremberg Tribunals spoke directly to the pain and suffering of tens of millions of civilians swept up into the geo-political chambers of supremacist hate and violence, victimized by an unprecedented rampage of the relative few who committed a calculated, gruesome violation of human rights. Yet, before the ink had even dried on exalted ideals and commanding words, Europe was at it, once again, with the forcible implant of a generation of surviving victims into age-old Palestine, indifferent to how many new victims were crushed by its latest colonial project, which continues brazen, unchecked and deadly all these decades later.

What is there about our shared journey that permits us, with ease, to consciously blind ourselves to the grief of others because it aches too much to see the obvious? That upends echoes of pain as screams come in unbearable waves that leave no doubt of its horrible source of crimes, in progress, of broken families and dreams never to be dreamt? What finds escape in crafted denial that accepts no combat from waves of reality… for to handle truth is, seemingly, well beyond our collective capacity?  It is the story of our day. Star of David … land of myth.

We live in times where the yardstick of reality is a measure beyond the conscious, willing reach of many, while to others but a passing, indifferent glance too numbed by the spin of daily life to stop and feel the pain and suffer of those regarded as little more than a momentary snapshot of another distant world.  It is within this discount that the Star of David has found comfort, indeed empowerment as it has upended a value system held out long-ago to be the universal pathway of international justice for all.

For generations, the world has been a largely silent witness to an unbridled Western enterprise erasing millions of Palestinians from their unbroken ancestral homeland in the name of a diabolical resettlement project built of tenants with enduring leaseholds elsewhere dating back for as long as the West has been settled.  Yes, the Old Testament (and other historical religious narratives) as so much providential design, speaks of the Jewish people and the Holy Land as if not just inexorably intertwined, but apparently, it is claimed to the exclusion of all others. However, let us not forget like beauty resting in the eye of the proverbial holder, elsewhere in sacred text we learn the universe is just over 6000 years old; Joshua stopped the sun moving across the sky; Lot, the only righteous man in Sodom offered up his virgin daughters to be gang-raped by a mob; a human witnessed a conversation between God and Satan; that two of every animal fit on a boat for forty days while a flood destroyed the world; that humankind was formed of clay; that the Jewish God, YHYH, fought a monster named either Leviathan, or Rahab or Sir Sea; that the serpent in Eden talked to Eve; that David’s harp was played at night by the wind; and that Samson fell 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. Star of David … land of myth.

This is not to say that Jews, like Muslims, Christians and non-believers alike, have no claim to live in the Holy Land, in peace, with equality and justice side by side … but simply to provide context to the land-grab preach of messianic Zionists willing and enabled to commit the most heinous of crimes because they speak to their God and, having heard back, reason they have received an age-old green light to abuse, to steal, to cripple, to murder in the name of their fanciful biblical “right of return.”  If this is to be the divine decree of YHYH, I for one want no part of any such deadly theocratic temple of heresy. But what of others…  those that keep eyes closed and heart icy cold, stripped of principle and voice, soundless while the palpable unspeakable orgy of history repeats itself day in and out, targeting Palestinians, in particular its very young and very frail.  Age-old communities which seek nothing but the right to be left alone, with family and friends, to tend to their fields, to pursue their education, free to journey where they wish, with whom they want, to chase their dreams and hopes, not simply with the crafted, deflective talisman of “dignity and respect,” but in a state of their choice with values and aspirations of their choosing. Star of David … land of myth.

Tragically, it is far too easy to compartmentalize our world into victimizer and victim, giver and taker. It is define clearly road-marked, or should I say pockmarked, by a seeming endless trail of pillage and pain. Nowhere is that more flagrant than in the occupied Territories… nowhere more predictable and purposeless than it is in the killing fields of Gaza. I have written about Gaza for years. There is little I can say, now, about it that has not been said by me and countless others time and time again. It is a vision of extreme cruelty and criminality long memorialized by all the world to read of and see, if only one’s thirst for knowledge takes them beyond the empty, craven pretext of those who would target and murder civilians, leaving behind the constant wail of mourn and a trail of tattered essential infrastructure and broken hearts. Star of David … land of myth.

But what of Israel itself, the “Nation-State” that exalts the democratic ideal but holds near and dear a dark, supremacist theology that promotes Judaism and Jews to the exclusion of all others and divergent faiths? Twenty percent of Israel proper (if ever a misnomer) is, in the words of fundamental ethnic cleanse, “48” Arabs, not Palestinian, as if refusing to flee the grand Zionist pogrom of 1948, re-invented by political fiat an age-old culture and tradition to fit the new European imposed and packaged narrative. It continues unabated and unabashed today with largely European Ashkenazi’s promoting a political reality defied by unmistakable, glaring human truth.  No … “48” Palestinians are not equal in any way of consequence at any time of meaning when weighed against the Jewish state and its Zionist agenda … one that reduces all others to but convenient ritualistic stage props for the dutiful …  those unable, or willing to discern the disguise of rhetorical makeup which covers inequity at its worst.  Star of David … land of myth.

Where is the Israel of today?  In 2018, its parliament, the Knesset, passed a new foundational act referred to as the Nation State law that canonized Jewish supremacy over all of its Palestinian citizens.  In unambiguous, seismic- like, terms the law removed any and all pretense about the nature of Israel, identifying the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people alone. The law, which promotes no allegiance to democratic norms or guarantees of equality, fails to mention, let alone outlaw, discrimination on the basis of race, nationality or ethnicity. Designating Hebrew as the sole official language of Israel, it stripped Arabic of its previous de jure state status. It recognizes only the Jewish people as having a national right of self-determination and calls for promotion of “Jewish settlement” within Israel to the exclusion of all other groups, ethnicities and faiths. Constructed of unmistakable apartheid features, the law celebrates overtly racist acts leaving no doubt about the second class status of Palestinians citizens, defining sovereignty and democratic self-rule as belonging solely to the Jewish people of the world no matter where they may reside. In relevant part, Act 1 of the law states that “the Land of Israel (“Eretz Israel”) is the historic national home of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established, and in which the Jewish people exercise its natural, cultural, and historic right to self-determination … which is solely for the Jewish people.”  Act 2 limits state symbols, holidays and recognized religious practices to solely those that are Jewish in history and character.  Star of David… land of myth.

Under the law, hundreds of admission committees throughout Israel have the power to reject applications from Palestinian citizens to live in communities on the grounds of “cultural incompatibility” thus legitimizing communities across the country designated for Jews only. One recent challenge to state policies that seek to control and purify the landscape speaks volumes. Thus, not long ago, a magistrate’s court on the outskirts of Haifa denied a request for the establishment of an Arabic school or funding for Palestinians to be bused to nearby ones.  In relying upon the specific legislative aim of the nation-state law, the court held the presence of Palestinian citizen/students would undermine the town’s “Jewish character.” In another successful effort by the Israeli to deny equal educational opportunity to all there is no Arabic-language school for a population of approximately 3,000 Palestinian  students in Nof Hagalil (formerly Nazareth Ilit), a town where they constitute 26 percent of its residents.  This is the rule and not the exception in Israel where Palestinian citizen/students largely attend segregated schools denied equal funding and resources routinely doled out to Jewish contemporaries… thus marginalizing and placing them at a systemic educational disadvantage. In Israel, economically disadvantaged Palestinian students do not receive the same level of financial support as do Jewish students with the same financial needs.

Elsewhere, Palestinians are typically denied apartments and homes or land leased for commercial use that is designated for Jews only… thereby consigning them to segregated poverty ridden neighborhoods due to a lack of educational and religious services or state sanctioned discriminatory housing practices. This reality is a direct and desired result of budgeting policies that divert public funds to Jewish councils, communities and individuals… and not Palestinian… for the purpose of ensuring exclusive Jewish enclaves. Indeed, regulatory practices have significantly reduced the areas designated for Palestinian local councils and communities which now have access to less than 3% of the Israeli land base. As a  result, more than 90% of that land is under state control and, thus, subject to nation-state regulations which have succeeded in limiting new housing and business opportunities to Jews only. In a country where Palestinians comprise over 20% of the total population and live in some 139 towns and villages, they receive only 1.7% of the state budget for local councils. Not at all aberrant or inadvertent, according to the Adalah-The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, Israel maintains over 65 laws that overtly discriminate against Palestinians.

For example, government funding is denied to Palestinian institutions that commemorate the Nakba or challenge, by speech alone, the existence of Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state” or commemorating “Israel’s Independence Day, or the day on which the State was established, as a day of mourning.” Likewise, an association or political party cannot be registered if among its goals is the denial of the existence of the State of Israel or of the democratic character of the state. Under the law, the candidacy of any party or individual that denies the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people or the democratic character of the state or one that incites racism is prohibited.

Needless to say by design these government practices have inflicted great and disproportionate injury to the health, safety and welfare of Palestinian citizens throughout Israel. Year in and out the Palestinian population has been found to be far behind Jewish contemporaries in life expectancy, infant mortality, morbidity, diabetes and obesity. There are significant gaps in the extent and quality of health-care services provided to the country’s Palestinian residents compared to those that are Jewish. Nowhere is the damage of the nation-state law more palpably visible than it is to Palestinian Bedouin citizens who live under constant siege by an Israeli military that routinely demolishes their homes and villages, as unrecognized by the state. Several hundred thousands of Bedouins have no access to government services including no support from the Israeli electricity grid or its water infrastructure system. Star of David … land of myth.

Israel, and its choir, take great pride in extolling and preaching its democratic ideals and opportunity to the rest of the world…  no matter how plainly desperate its overreach and fraudulent its claim.  Seldom does a day pass without a Zionist apologia for its crimes against humanity, its war crimes, its genocide … skillfully relying upon the cheap talisman that, as the only democracy in the Middle East, it is entitled to do whatever it must to protect its noble call for all its citizens. For the poor, for the oppressed, for the dissenter, for those of a different skin, faith or gender there is nothing unusual or unique about this, by now, timeless pretext.  Israel is not alone in its shout to democratic equality that, historically, has meant little more to many than the tyranny of the majority.

What is democracy? Was it not a democratic ideal that ravaged indigenous communities throughout North America; that assaulted Africa to kidnap natives as commodities for sale in slave markets in the South; that denied women the right to vote and full equality throughout the United States… reducing them to mere chattel for centuries?  Ask a Muslim in France about the democracy that strips her of her Hijab or the young German activist imprisoned because his speech crossed the line of acceptable.  Yet, the democracy of Israel is very much an unmatched sinister blight on the contemporary body politic of the world and has been for more than 73 years. A world body that shares the complicity and blame as it has stood by in idle silence funding an unbroken pounding of millions whose only offense is to be the age-old landlords of the consecrated earth that the Star of David demands.

So just who is this David,  this star cast for 73 years to buff up the blood-stained blue and white banner that has defiled the ancient air above Jaffa, Haifa, Ashdod and dozens of age-old Palestinian cities and villages extracting unbearable pain from so many for far too long? In the Book of Samuel, legend has it that David is a young shepherd who gains fame by slaying the giant Goliath, the titan of the Philistines who, as a foreboding harbinger of distant times to come, arrived in the Holy Land from Europe in the 12th century B.C., as an earlier colonial project of sorts, only to disappear from history some 600 years later. Today, David is that bruising, beastly giant and Palestinians the shepherds.

Stanley L. Cohen is lawyer and activist in New York City.

Truths That Must Be Urgently Propagated



The Biden administration along with the Democratic Party has been obliged to recognize the reality of systemic racism in this country. It can do this, if nervously. And both Biden and Kamala Harris can follow up, when asked if America is a racist country, by saying no, the country itself is not racist because the American people (in general) aren’t racist. The recognition of the “system” aspect is risky because the system is capitalism; recall that Biden owes his nomination to the DNC that vetoed Sanders’ bid declaring that “a socialist can’t win in the United States.”

But it’s politically necessary for the Democrats and thus for the news staffs at CNN and MSNBC to embrace the powerful Black Lives Matter movement as well as the Sanders supporters. We are thus at a point where Biden observes that the progressives “hate” him because he doesn’t support socialism but AOC says Biden has “exceeded expectations” in his support for spending bills. Meanwhile Marxist professors increasingly appear on TV—surely progress.

But whereas capitalism can now be discussed—usually, in a conversation about how to improve or perfect it—imperialism still cannot be, in polite company, in the public space. You can talk all the right talk on racial equality, as Biden (despite his history) now does. You can even be a passionate champion of equality in this country, and still believe in such concepts as American Exceptionalism, the Free World, the sacredness of “our alliances,” the existence of “national interests” that pit “us” against “our adversaries” including “bad actors” and “spoilers” like the Russians and Chinese. You can be a “Democratic progressive” and see Ukraine as a victim of Russian aggression. You might even be able to be a BLM activist and see some good in “pushing back” on China, especially if you’ve been convinced that the Chinese are committing genocide. Anti-racist consciousness is related to but doesn’t necessarily produce anti-imperialist consciousness.

So as consciousness of institutional, structural, systemic racism comes to pervade this multiethnic society, and becomes linked in the popular mind with the profit system and the One Percent, the tendency to “support our troops” persists alongside patriotism itself.

Biden is being urged by some to model himself on FDR, architect of the New Deal of the 1930s. Others urge him to take his cue from Harry Truman, architect of the Cold War. But Biden lacks the power of Roosevelt. And today’s world is very different from that which emerged from the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany and the postwar division of Europe into spheres of influence.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, the former Republican congressman, and co-host and wife Mika Brzezinski, daughter of the nefarious national security advisor who thought it would be a good idea to support the Afghan jihadis and their foreign allies to fight the secular Soviet-backed regime in the 1980s, are big advocates of the Truman route. Biden should strengthen NATO, created by Truman in 1949 to fight communism. It should do so to defend the rules based international order, maintain peace and stability, continue the prosperity that’s existed since 1945. It should do so to “push back” on Russia for its “aggression.”

In other words, one should live in a world of delusions as ridiculous as those that haunt the minds of the QAnon adherents. One should prettify the 1950s like the Trump supporters, as a time America was great. One should fight for racial equality (didn’t Truman integrate the U.S. military?) while upholding traditional foreign policy.

No, no, no, no, no. Some things need to be urgently said, repeated, propagated.

1. NATO is not a good thing but a profoundly BAD thing. Its continued expansion as advocated by Biden is the most likely trigger of World War III between the two great nuclear powers. Formed as an anticommunist, anti-Soviet alliance by U.S. imperialists in 1949, it lost its purpose with the collapse of the USSR, its bloc and modest military alliance in 1991. The U.S. president, George H. W. Bush, promised the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, that NATO would not move an inch further east. But Bill Clinton, Bush’s successor, expanded NATO to include eastern European countries which actually using NATO forces militarily for the first time…to destroy Serbia in 1999. Moves to expand NATO have already provoked war, for no good reason. NATO expansion—especially to include Ukraine—should be opposed and NATO should be dissolved.

It should be constantly repeated that NATO was never used in war during the Cold War period (1949-1991). It was used against Serbs in Bosnia in 1995, Serbia in 1999, Afghanistan from 2001 and Libya in 2011, all places far from the North Atlantic and having little to do with the mutual security of alliance members. NATO is a prime agent of U.S. imperialist aggression. It destroyed the most affluent country in North Africa (as Hillary Clinton explained, to prevent “genocide” in Benghazi

2. China has legitimate historical claims to many islands in the South China Sea. Some of them have been visited, fished, charted and claimed for centuries before there was a United States. Some are contested between China and Vietnam or the Philippines. On islands it claims China feels the right to construct runways and harbor facilities; it feels rights specified by the UN Law of the Sea (that Beijing has ratified whereas Washington has not) to build on semi-submerged atolls. Soon to have the world’s largest GDP, China has no interest in impeding international trade between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. But the U.S. claims that its regular provocative naval operations near waters claimed by China are necessary to assure freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. This is dangerous mythology.

According to State Department doctrine, Russia is the U.S.’s leading “adversary” while China is its leading “competitor.” What this means is that Russia remains the only military power on earth comparable to the U.S., with an equal nuclear stockpile. So long as it is a power it is an imagined threat. It doesn’t have to invade countries (the way the U.S. does routinely); it will be accused of “aggression” if it defends its long-standing allies in Syria against terrorist insurgents, or pushes back on NATO expansion plans in Georgia and Ukraine. It is necessary to posit a threatening Russia to justify more NATO expansion until the process of encirclement is complete.

The case against Russia mainly involves: (1) the charge that Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014, for no good reason; (2) the charge that Russia has interfered in “our elections” (weakening confidence in the integrity of the system); (3) alleged Russian hacking of U.S. websites; and (4) the charge that Russia is a dictatorship ruled by a corrupt killer. There are other, highly dubious, charges about paying bounties to the Taliban to kill U.S. troops, using microwave transmissions against U.S. embassies, etc. But the case for Russia as “adversary” is weak; it is not about U.S. aggression towards the U.S. in its neighborhood but the U.S. effort to surround Russia and Russia’s measured moves in response.

The election interference charge is lame, designed as much to encourage reverence for a system undeserving of respect. The century began with a rigged stolen election in the USA. The campaigns of 2016 and 2020 showed that Wall Street interferes in U.S. elections to insure no socialists will be nominated for high posts. U.S. elections are shaped by corporate support and corporate media shaping public opinion. They are not “sacred” to begin with, Russian “interference” has been exaggerated (to discredit the 2016 election result), and if Russians did indeed invest some hundreds of dollars in social media to favor Trump who called for friendship with Russia over the warmonger Clinton it is not surprising.

The character of Putin and his regime are not U.S. security threats, any more than those of the Saudi prince and his court. There are no outstanding territorial issues between Russia and the U.S., although Blinken is questioning Russian territorial claims in the Arctic Ocean. (There are five countries with claims in the ocean: Russia, Norway, Denmark, Canada, and the U.S. All have ratified the UN Law of the Sea establishing their continental shelf claims—except the U.S. 53% of the Arctic Ocean coast is Russian, less than four percent U.S. Alaskan.)

There is no basis for ongoing U.S.-Russian enmity. The Russians continue to refer to “our American partners,” not “our American adversaries.” They didn’t pick the fight this is NATO expansion. They are reacting to a hostile threat.

We should point out that Russia was a friend and partner up to 2004 when NATO expanded suddenly to include Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania. The Russians, told “don’t worry, this has NOTHING to do with you,” were not amused. When informed in 2008 that NATO would soon include Georgia and Ukraine, they resisted. When Victoria Nuland (now back in the State Department leadership) organized a coup in Ukraine in 2014, in order to facilitate Ukraine NATO admission (and the seizure of Crimea from the Russian Navy) Russia responded (understandably) by reestablishing sovereignty over Crimea and encouraging the Donbas region’s separatist movement, none of which have anything to do with U.S. national security. This is all about NATO expansion, and getting the people to believe that NATO is a good thing to be maintained and expanded even in these changing progressive times.

The case against China centers around (1) its mere rise as a competing (capitalist) economy, which being so threatening has to be explained as the result of systematic unfairness (by any 21st century U.S. administration); (2) its “naval buildup” in the South China Sea where it pursues historical sovereignty claims; (3) its human rights violations as alleged by Washington, the paragon of human rights; and (4) its threats against the Chinese province of Taiwan, and the Chinese special administrative region of Hong Kong.

But what happens in Xinjiang is not the business of the U.S. government; it might make China deplorable but not a U.S. adversary. It is not “competing” with the U.S. over the Uighurs’ future or the Xinjiang cotton industry. It is pursuing its own interests vis-a-vis (the racist, imperialist) U.S.

Why should the people line up behind myopic Rip van Winkels like Biden and Blinken whose brains remain frozen in the Cold War? is it not obvious that their fundamental conception (American Exceptionalism) is religious idiocy? Russia is exceptional in being the world’s largest nation with a uniquely Eurasian character. China is exceptional in being the world’s most populous nation with a high degree of ethnic and linguistic unity. Japan is exceptional. Tonga is exceptional. Greece is exceptional. Israel is exceptional. So what?

Just as we should not support police departments against the people we should not support the State Department against the world as it tries to mobilize support in this country for the next war. Their effort requires the systematic vilification of Russia and China, the depiction of the last four years as an “aberration” under Trump, the reassertion of God-given U.S. leadership, avoidance of any accountability for the last several imperialist wars endorsed by Biden and Blinken. They want to pick up where we left off, leading the world, like that fine old racist Truman did.

The truth that must be urgently propagated is that Biden wants to maintain an alliance with progressives, and can move “left” on social spending—but represents Bush-Obama normalcy on foreign policy. The world has grown to reject that normalcy. If Trump has abetted that process, it’s one unintended positive consequence of his term. American Exceptionalism is racism. NATO is capitalist imperialism. The campaign against China is capitalist competition tinged with Sinophobia and even “anticommunism.” It is all irrational and reactionary.

“The workers of the world,” Marx said wisely, “have no country.” The point is to make one. Biden’s country wants to plod on with the project of world conquest, uncreatively applying all the discredited baggage of the past. (But of course we must push back on Russia as Russia opposes a NATO Ukraine! But of course we must push back on China until we curb its rise with a quick decisive naval war!) But the center-right Democrat brought to power by anti-fascist sentiment should not be allowed to confuse the people about NATO, Russia, China, and the toxicity of capitalist imperialism.

Neither Russia nor China is an enemy of you and me. NATO is toxic and should be dismantled. Capitalism is still in decline, taking longer to die than we’d like but still expiring. The racist power structure is under attack as never before. But consciousness of the wide world always lags in this solipsistic country. Until the edifice of American Exceptionalism is pulled down or pulverized—and the U.S. acknowledges its war crimes in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere—we can reach the level of Buffalo Soldier but cannot be woke.

Gary Leupp is Professor of History at Tufts University, and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Religion. He is the author of Servants, Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa JapanMale Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion, (AK Press). He can be reached at:

Lost in (Hebrew) Translation

  MAY 30, 2021 


Those who follow my work are probably familiar with the idea that there is no modern Hebrew word for peace (meaning harmony and reconciliation). The Hebrew Word Shalom (שלום) is interpreted in modern Hebrew as ‘security for the Jews.’ In Israel the reference to ‘shalom negotiation’ is construed as a premeditated set of conditions that guarantees ‘security’ for Jewish Israelis by means of: secure borders, disarmament of the Arabs, an American commitment to supplying arms to Israel, economic expansion and so on.

It would be unreasonable to expect a culture that lacks a lucid notion of peace and reconciliation to lead the region towards harmony and human brotherhood. The truth of the matter is that even in the delusional heydays of the Oslo Accord, when some were foolish enough to believe that peace was about to prevail, the so-called peace enthusiasts amongst the Israeli decision makers (Shimon Peres & co) advocated the phantasy of a “New Middle East,’ a vision of a regional new order: an economic cooperation with the Jewish State at its very centre. The ‘dream’ of a ‘new Middle East’ entailed a coalition of so called ‘democratic states’ defying ‘Khomeinism’ by means of Western orientation and hard capitalism. Though the globalist agenda was clear to Shimon Peres, the one ingredient he managed to skip was the Palestinians and their prospects of returning to their land, orchards, fields, villages and cities.

Shalom in its contemporary Hebrew meaning, is a judeo-centric concept that is blind to otherness.

The recent conflict in occupied Palestine (especially the clashes in Israeli/Palestinian mixed cities) brings to light another crucial concept that has been lost in translation into modern Hebrew.

Often enough we hear from Israelis officials and Hasbara spokespersons about ‘Israeli/Arab coexistence.’ Yet, bizarrely enough, there is no Hebrew word for coexistence. While the English concept of coexistence refers to an harmonious and peaceful existence of two entities or more, the Hebrew word for coexistence is du ki-yum (דו קיום )Du ki-yum literally translates as twofold – existence, it refers to two entities that live side by side. Du ki-yum sustains the differentiation and particularity of its elements. In du ki-yum the elements stay apart, separated or even segregated. The notion of du ki-yum practically sustains the binary distinction between the ‘Jew’ and the ‘Goy.’ While coexistence is a synonym for harmony, togetherness and assimilation, du ki-yum, defies the possibility of human brotherhood. It points at success in ‘conflict management,’ presenting a prospect of living ‘alongside’ rather than ‘together’.

I guess that at this point no one will be surprised to find out that there is no word in Hebrew for harmony either. The first Israelis, who worked day and night to revive their biblical language and rename every possible Latin and Greek concept, didn’t bother to find a Hebrew word for harmony. When Israelis refer to harmony they deploy the Latin word harmonia (הרמוניה).

When we attempt to delve into the prospect of peace in the region, we may have to accept that a culture lacking notions of peace, harmony and coexistence may not be able to lead the region towards harmonious and peaceful coexistence. If peace ever prevails between the river and the sea, it is because Israel has surrendered to accepting its meaning.

(Republished from Gilad Atzmon by permission of author or representative)

Pro-Israeli US group presents ‘Iron Dome’, a smirking flying superhero who reminds critics of supremacist villains


31 May, 2021 09:24

Pro-Israeli US group presents ‘Iron Dome’, a smirking flying superhero who reminds critics of supremacist villains
An Israel-themed superhero character nicknamed ‘Iron Dome’ has attracted mockery on Twitter after being promoted by an American pro-Israeli group. Users were left unconvinced of his virtues.

What better way is there to explain to American children that Israel is the good guy than creating a superhero character wearing the country’s national symbols and naming him after a weapon system? This was probably the rationale of US-based pro-Israel advocacy group Stand With Us when they tweeted out a picture of an athletic flying man dressed in white-and-blue spandex, with a Star of David on his chest, with a smug smirk on his face. They declared him to be a “new Israeli superhero… the protector/defender of Israel. We love it!”

The character was credited to Israeli actress, singer-songwriter, and model Sarai Givaty. She said the artwork was done by Yehuda Devir, an internationally acclaimed artist known for humoristic depictions of his life with wife Maya.

Givaty came up with the idea of Iron Dome to explain to her small children what was happening earlier this month during the flare-up of violence between Israel and Hamas. While in reality the eponymous air defense system was intercepting rockets coming from the Gaza Strip, she told kids that the loud booms were the sound of the superhero smashing the projectiles.

ALSO ON RT.COMHow the British government secretly funded Syrian cartoons and comic books as anti-Assad propaganda aimed at children

But after the character was given a publicity bump by Stand With Us, it was met not with relieved smiles, but with cringing mockery. To many, Iron Dome evoked such characters as Homelander from ‘The Boys’ and Omni-Man from ‘Invincible’. Both have recently made their way from the pages of adult comic books to the silver screen, with adaptations in 2019 and 2021 respectively.

Homelander and Omni-Man are among the most powerful beings in their respective fictional universes, not unlike DC Comics’ Superman. They pose as heroic defenders of humanity, but (Spoiler alert!) they are not what they seem. Homelander is a violent, immature glory hound, fixated on his TV ratings. Omni-Man is the one-person advance force of a tyrannical space empire, softening up Earth’s defenses before an invasion. Both are certain that their off-the-charts superpowers make them superior to everyone else.

Other commentators reminded the advocacy group of its previous attempt to deliver its message through superhero genre tropes. Captain Israel was created by Arlen Schumer and unveiled by Stand With Us in 2011. He is an immortal defender of Israel, protecting it from the great menace of BDS, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement.

Apparently modeled after Marvel’s Captain America, that superhero was carrying a shield shaped as the Star of David and what appeared to be a flaming menorah-topped staff as a weapon. The series only lasted for two issues, though, and its website disappeared several years later. It remains unclear whether Iron Dome will be picked up by Stand With Us for a series of his own.

The attempt to defend Israel’s policies by embodying its cause in a superhero figure reminded some of cartoonist Eli Valley and how he savaged the concept in one of his strips. The mock comics ‘Israel Man and Diaspora Boy’ satirize the belief that Jews living in Israel are superior to members of the Jewish diaspora. Valley, who is Jewish, is an outspoken critic of Israel and is considered by some pro-Israeli groups to be a bigoted anti-Semite.

While not as popular as in the US, superhero comics have been incorporated into Israel’s popular and political culture. For instance, Israeli comic artist and writer Uri Fink started his career in the 1970s with a book about superhero Sabraman, who fights against Nazi supervillains such as Dr. Mengele with his radioactive superpowers.

Decades later, Fink and writer Eli Eshed co-authored a mocu-history book about a supposedly widely popular strip featuring superhero Golem and how it reflected and impacted life in Israel over its history.