Wednesday, 31 August 2016

‘Naked breasts, not burkinis!’ French PM wades into stormy waters with national identity speech

© Wikipedia
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls poured more oil onto the ongoing controversy over Islamic clothing in public places, when he appeared to suggest that head-to-toe coverings worn by Muslim women contravened the French spirit.
Valls, who is considered to be on the right wing of the ruling Socialist party, invoked the image of country’s national symbol, Marianne, which was adopted during the French Revolution to represent freedom and enlightenment – and the rejection of traditional values.
“Marianne has bare breasts because she feeds the people, she does not wear a headscarf because she is free!” Valls told a group of supporters during a public speech. “That’s the Republic!”
The sentiment comes at a particularly sensitive time, after mayors of around 30 French cities banned the burkini, a ‘modest’ female Islamic swimming suit, under the pretext that they were unhygienic and were likely to provoke public disorder and anti-Muslim sentiment in a country still smarting from a string of terror attacks.
The ban has been overturned by higher courts, but some mayors have said that they intend to enforce them regardless.
Valls had been in favor of the anti-burkini law, saying that the garment is “the expression of a political project, a counter-society, based notably on the enslavement of women.”
Valls’ Marianne quote served as touch paper for an ill-tempered online debate.
Left-wing historian Mathilde Larrere shot back that “Marianne has a bare breast because it’s an allegory, you cretin!” She then posted a series of images showing that Marianne was not always bare-breasted, noting that she is often wearing a Phrygian cap, itself a head covering, albeit one that symbolizes freedom.
Other users noted that Marianne would be just as likely to be arrested – for public indecency – as a burkini wearer, or noted that using images created within a different cultural context centuries ago was not conducive to a productive debate.
There were also some Valls supporters, who praised him for resisting the perceived Islamisation of the European culture.
Valls, and other, often nominally left-wing politicians are resorting to the current measures in the face of a surge of popularity for right-wing parties, including the National Front, ahead of next year’s elections.

UN report on Syria chemical attacks lacks proof to pin blame or introduce sanctions – Moscow

The findings of the latest UN report that blamed Damascus for the use of chlorine in several chemical attacks in 2014 and 2015 lack specifics, while some of the evidence might have be fabricated by opposition and terrorist groups, Russia’s envoy told UNSC.
Already at this stage, we have a number of questions regarding the findings of the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism on some cases. Evidence provided in the report gives rise to serious doubts. It could have been fabricated by the forces opposed to Damascus and terrorist groups, perhaps not without outside help,” Moscow’s Vitaly Churkin told a closed-door meeting of the UN Security Council. His speech was circulated by the Russian permanent mission.
Last week the UN Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) published an inquiry dealing with nine attacks in seven areas of Syria. Eight of the cases involved the use of chlorine. The inquiry was unable to reach a conclusion in six cases but attributed at least two attacks to government forces.
The report claimed that there was sufficient data to conclude that Syrian Arab Air Force helicopters dropped chemical weapons on Talmenes on April 21, 2014, and Sarmin on March 16, 2015.
Following the report, UNSC members have been debating whether to introduce additional charges on Syria given the fact that Damascus agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013 when it signed the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention under a deal brokered by Russia and the US. If Syria did indeed violate the Chemical Weapons agreement, the UN will be forced to impose sanctions under Chapter seven of the UN Charter.
But the Russian envoy to UN challenged the findings, claiming that findings are based on a single factor, namely which side had the capability to use aviation for the chemical weapons drop.
The document states that the investigators “did not find evidence that the armed opposition has used helicopters during the incident,” Churkin said. “From the wording, we can conclude that there is no direct evidence to the contrary – that the opposition did not use helicopters.”
Furthermore, Churkin noted that report also stated that rebels managed to capture an airfield which had nine combat ready helicopters, which could have been used by rebels who have necessary technical skills and training to operate the machines.
“It is not clear why the authors of the report questioned the existence of such ‘levels’ [of technical knowledge] in well-trained” militants that also could come from abroad, the diplomat noted.
Churkin also noticed that the authors of the report virtually recognized themselves the “ambiguity of the available evidence” by resorting to using a language filled with “assumptions, rather than stating clearly established facts".
Earlier in the day Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Bashar Jaafari, told reporters that UN report was based on the witness testimonies provided by the armed terrorist groups. Furthermore, the Syrian diplomat accused the findings of lacking any actual evidence based on sample analysis and medical reports.
In light of the lack of reliable evidence the Syrian authorities consider it appropriate to continue the thorough examination of the incidents in Talmenes and Sarmin” to establish facts, Churkin said.
Following the closed door UNSC meeting Churkin told reporters that there are a number of questions which have to be clarified before Russia will accept all the findings and conclusions of the report.
Clearly, there is a smoking gun. We know that chlorine most likely has been used — that was already the finding of the fact-finding mission before — but there are no fingerprints on the gun,” Churkin said following the closed-door session.
“There is nobody to sanction in the report which has been issued,” he said“It contains no names, it contains no specifics. ... If we are to be professional we need to question all the conclusions.”

Islamist Rebels Capture Key Christian Town in Western Syria

Rebels Say They Are 'Cleansing' Town, Have More Surprises in Store

by Jason Ditz

The strategically important town of Halfaya in western Syria’s Hama Province has fallen to a group of Islamist rebels dominated by the al-Qaeda-linked Jund al-Aqsa. The town fell quickly in an overnight assault, overrunning both the limited military presence and pro-government locals.
The strategic value of Halfaya is its proximity to the main Damascus-Aleppo highway, and the part of the highway that links it to the Mediterranean coast, territory almost exclusively held by the government. The scary part, however, is that the population of the town is mostly Christians and Alawites.
Jund al-Aqsa isn’t particularly friendly to either, but has made public their intention to inflict devastating casualties on the nation’s Alawite population. President Bashar al-Assad is an Alawite, and many rebels see the Alawites as pro-government in general. Since the rebels have tended to target them, many indeed are supportive of the government.
One of the commanders involved in the capture of the town reported that a “cleansing” is currently ongoing, and that the rebel faction behind the push “will have more surprises in store” after the successful offensive.

Washington's Role as Israel's Enabler

The Obstacle to Peace

Washington's Role as Israel's Enabler

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