Thursday 9 August 2012

from looney loner to crazed, neo nazi....

As the looney loner story falls apart a new one is taking its place - that of a  song crazed "frustrated neo nazi".

The circle of stories has to expand further, though. One has to look deeper. Into the inspiration Hitler drew from American history and Policies, for example.   Policies that are pursued even today as economic frontiers are expanded by military might -  at gun and missile point. Controlling the resources of others was at the heart of the West's  'success' story. The story continues, unchanged.

The stories told to justify that resource control may change. The raw reality won't . The reality of those untold stories behind the spin  has to be addressed .Lets begin here at the the links that cropped up this morning . it says a lot about the stories behind the spin. about that stories that have yet to be told.

Jesus killed Mohammed,” one of the men told him. The soldiers guffawed. JESUS KILLED MOHAMMED was about to cruise into the Iraqi night.

jesus killed mohammed.
For all the endless chatter — and endless rights erosions — over the threat of Terrorism from Muslims, the reality is that there have been more Terror attacks on U.S. soil in the past decade committed by white, “right-wing extremists” than by Muslims.

These men are not mad or crazy.  They are the well-trained students of American foreign and domestic policies. They have learned well the United States’ message: that violence and mayhem are the answer.  We need to change the scripts, and confront the fallout of a decade of the War on Terror—and other excuses for state-led violence quickly, before the chickens come home to roost.


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