the sikh killings spin is in !
The usual spin is kicking in. White killers are always' lone wolves'. Mentally unsound wolves, at that. Even if the lone wolves insist they are sane and part of a pack, the killers are always loony loners.Unlike the killers from other browner peoples who act as and are a part of evil nations.
The whiter nations are not responsible for the doings of their 'lone wolves'.There will be no bombings. Not even selective drone inflicted deaths. Just denial and spin. The hard questions remain remain not asked - except by the brown "others' .
"Sikhs are not Muslims. The second argument, now clichéd, is to make the case that this is violence at the wrong address. Sikhs did nothing wrong, they are peace-loving and so on. It assumes that there are people who did do something wrong, are war-mongering and therefore deserve to be targeted. The liberal gesture of innocence has within it the sharp edge of Islamaphobia. It seems to suggest that Muslims are the ones who should bear this violence, since their ilk did the attacks on 9/11 and they are, all two billion of them, at war with the United States. "
The fear of the 'raghead' Muslim is not confined to the extreme right either. Even President Obama fears being connected with anything muslim. he will not wear a turban that would make him look like the stereotypical muslim 'rag head'. Even wearing green is taboo
Not even obviously muslim looking supporters of his will be allowed to be a part of the photographic construct of the President.
Two Muslim women at Barack Obama’s rally in Detroit on Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women’s headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.
"An American official is said to have explained at one of the pre-visit meetings that each day Obama has to remind the US that he should not be mistaken for a Muslim just because his middle name is Hussain."
It is the photographic construction of identity and the selling of an image that really interests me. All those photo ops have to work to construct an image and not challenge the construction. But in doing that they are demonising the already stereotyped Muslim "Other" as the enemy.
Is it any wonder , then, that brown ,apparently muslim "outsiders' are attacked ? The fact that Sikhs have been in the US for a over a century does not matter. But even then, they were dark outsiders who would not be allowed to being their women with them and they could only marry other dark women. Mexican women.
White racism was a reality then. It still is, And it will continue to grow if the hard questions are not asked. Now.
The whiter nations are not responsible for the doings of their 'lone wolves'.There will be no bombings. Not even selective drone inflicted deaths. Just denial and spin. The hard questions remain remain not asked - except by the brown "others' .
"Sikhs are not Muslims. The second argument, now clichéd, is to make the case that this is violence at the wrong address. Sikhs did nothing wrong, they are peace-loving and so on. It assumes that there are people who did do something wrong, are war-mongering and therefore deserve to be targeted. The liberal gesture of innocence has within it the sharp edge of Islamaphobia. It seems to suggest that Muslims are the ones who should bear this violence, since their ilk did the attacks on 9/11 and they are, all two billion of them, at war with the United States. "
The fear of the 'raghead' Muslim is not confined to the extreme right either. Even President Obama fears being connected with anything muslim. he will not wear a turban that would make him look like the stereotypical muslim 'rag head'. Even wearing green is taboo
Not even obviously muslim looking supporters of his will be allowed to be a part of the photographic construct of the President.
Two Muslim women at Barack Obama’s rally in Detroit on Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women’s headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.
"An American official is said to have explained at one of the pre-visit meetings that each day Obama has to remind the US that he should not be mistaken for a Muslim just because his middle name is Hussain."
It is the photographic construction of identity and the selling of an image that really interests me. All those photo ops have to work to construct an image and not challenge the construction. But in doing that they are demonising the already stereotyped Muslim "Other" as the enemy.
Is it any wonder , then, that brown ,apparently muslim "outsiders' are attacked ? The fact that Sikhs have been in the US for a over a century does not matter. But even then, they were dark outsiders who would not be allowed to being their women with them and they could only marry other dark women. Mexican women.
White racism was a reality then. It still is, And it will continue to grow if the hard questions are not asked. Now.
Not a lone wolf according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which does amazing work tracking white supremacists and other haters in the US. Plus was the first to connect the dots between the shooter and the white supremacist movement:
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