Monday 19 August 2024

The hard and the soft options to bring the criminal Israeli regime to heel

 Much as how NATO deployed its vast array of soft and hard power weapons against Russia, so also does this article consider what can be done to bring Israel either into the civilised world or to its senses.

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Much as how NATO deployed its vast array of soft and hard power weapons against Russia, so also does this article consider what can be done to bring Israel either into the civilised world or to its senses. Just as with NATO’s approach to Russia, so also does the article emphasise the concrete power that comes out of the barrel of a gun, and from the softer power of boycott.

Although the Argentinian Pope is correct to draw our attention to the power of prayer, the fact is that prayer’s power has been considerably diminished by the power the Catholic Church, as well as the Anglican-aligned cults, have bestowed to Israeli mouth pieces and agents. Today’s Palestinian children, Christians and Muslims alike, will die of old age before any light sufficient to change Israel’s mindset will come from those cancerous sources.

Meanwhile, when pianist Jayson Gillham referenced Israel’s mass murder of Palestinian journalists in Gaza, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) promptly canceled his scheduled performance. In far-away North London, Norman Lebrecht, the BBC’s odious Israeli agitator, informed us that the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is beholden to its “Jewish donors”, who vetoed Gillham, whom the odious Lebrecht brands as an odious “anti-Israel agitator”, whom “self-respecting Jews will not want to be associated with”.

In Nagasaki, meanwhile, the United States and its British, French, German and sundry other lapdogs boycotted the commemoration of America’s 9 August 1945 terrorist atomic attack on that city, because rabid Israel was not also invited.

The larger relevance of these two events is that any attempt from whomsoever at drawing attention to Israel’s ongoing war crimes will bring swift retribution. And these are not isolated incidents. Germany, to take one loathsome example, has insisted that anyone, who wishes to claim German citizenship, must first swear an oath of allegiance not to Germany, but to Israel.

Although the situation in the United States is so extreme that it barely warrants commenting on, the overall message is that any and all actions or thoughts that are inimical to Israel’s interests are politically and socially unacceptable in NATO’s halls of power and influence. The reality of that message is that anyone and everyone trying to engage in effective action against Israel must weigh up whether or not their actions are worth the candle.

As well as being a moral question, it is also a tactical one which Gillham, for one, must decide on. Although we can all admire him from afar if he copies Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters and gives Israel the finger, few of us will contribute to his gofundme campaign, assuming he would be allowed have one, if and when Gillham and hundreds of conscientious artists like him end up destitute, broke and out of work. That is the power of NATO’s Israeli lobby, which feels itself entitled to assassinate everyone “from diplomatic attaches, to university professors, to scientists, to thinkers and men of words—as in activists—to military men, to jailed prisoners, to resistance figures and fighters, and some just “unknown” collateral-damage, for-fun kills: you name them; Israel has targeted them”.

Although that quote comes from Ilana Mercer, an apparent right winger on an apparent right wing site, she does hit the nail on the head and she is quoted, because few, if any, in the mainstream media are prepared to call Israel out, because of the consequences of this normalisation of Israeli terror folk like Gillham collaterally suffer from.

The irony not only with respect to Gillham and Nagasaki, but more generally as well, is that boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) are fine, when used against Russia, Syria and Belarus but, according to grifters like Noam Chomsky, is the most horrible of abominations if even contemplated against Israel. Whatever the truth of that, the BDS campaign seems to be awash with targets, and there does not seem to be a soft drink or candy company that Israel does not have its pudgy paw in.

Perhaps the BDS brigade, not having the United States and its pack of Nagasaki lapdogs at its back, would be more effective if they concentrated their energies on high profile targets like oil supply (hello Turkey, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) and air flights into and out of Israel.

With respect to that latter, Jordan and especially Saudi Arabia should be held to account for allowing El Al access their air space but so too, of course, should any and all airlines that codeshare with them and all hotel chains who billet El Al cabin crew, as well as selected car rentals that collaborate with them.

From both an academic and tactical point of view, it is fascinating that Israel can compete in the Paris Olympics, where they won seven medals, as well as in a full range of international sports and song contests without suffering the severest turbulence. Although the BDS lot are busy as bees, it seems that neither the spectacular splash nor the ability to bring down big game like El Al are their forte.

Although it could be argued that an effective BDS campaign would hamper negotiations for the release of the October 7th hostages, Israel and its Nagasaki chums have never been serious about that and the mass morgue, that is devastated Gaza, bears ample testimony to that.

Although Israel and her chums believe they have the right to commit every war crime imaginable, because Iran and her regional allies do not concur, gallant, blameless Israel sees herself “trapped, surrounded by the well-established tentacles of Iran, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq.”

As Hezbollah continue to resist Israel’s annexation of Lebanon’s Shebaa Farms and Kfar Chouba hills and, as they refuse to cede the Litani River to help cater to Israeli’s ever-expanding water needs (the Lebanese, like the Palestinians don’t matter much in that regard), we can expect the mother of all fist fights on Israel’s northern border.

As regards the West Bank, it is business as usual there, with Israeli colonialists randomly murdering and looting, whenever the fancy takes them. Gaza is hell on earth for the natives and then, of course, there are the Houthis, who have elevated the art of asymmetric warfare to hitherto unprecedented levels.

At last count, Yemen, with a nod and a wink to Hezbollah, have expanded the scope of their operations to stop all enemy naval supplies through the Cape of Good Hope, in parallel with expanding and escalating their activities in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. Not content with all that, they have also added the Israeli ports of Asdood, Ascalan and Haifa to their list of prime targets, as well as the Leviathan natural gas field in the Mediterranean, the Tamar, Shaman and Zoha fields in the Dead Sea, together with Israel’s Orot Rabin, Rotenberg, Eshkol, and Haifa power stations, as well as all Azeri and Kazakh oil supplies crossing the Mediterranean to Israel.

Given all of that has combined to put the demand for Israeli bonds in the toilet, one must ask what will happen when the Iranian “octopus” also enters the ring. Although I have never witnessed an octopus box, I do know they have many tentacles, and so can deliver all kinds of punches that the Queensbury rules have not yet codified. Specifically, if both Hezbollah and the Houthis are troublesome southpaws, we can expect Iran to hit from a myriad of angles we cannot yet envisage and that POTUS Trump’s bluster cannot ward off.

The shadow boxing between Israel’s Nagasaki crew and Iran’s axis of resistance has been ongoing since Nasrallah made his quixotic cameo appearance shortly after the October 7th attacks. Though Nasrallah, like many of his comrades, past and present, is probably convinced Israel will give him a violent end, he and his comrades, both near and far, long ago factored that into their calculus.

Israel, in other words, is not the only player with a Samson option. If NATO’s Nagasaki crew want to continue to entertain Israeli in its folly, then they should also know that if Armageddon and a nuclear winter are the consequences of their folly, then fair enough, so be it.

We have, in essence, a binary choice of two end games to this Israeli-made debacle. Israel’s Nagasaki crew can continue to encourage Israel to lead us all into a nuclear high noon, or we can inch our way back from the abyss to the Pope’s holier and saner approach of praying that sanity and humanity will miraculously resurrect themselves. Although the Samson option and its consequences is the easier all-round lose-lose option, the saner Papal option would entail romping up the BDS option and decommissioning the various Jeffrey Epstein honeypot traps Israel’s Nagasaki lot specialise in. Allied to that, the incendiary screeds of Sam Harris and other Israeli cretins would likewise have to go onto the pyre, as a consequence of a focused and heavily financed BDS campaign from the Axis of Resistance.

As things currently stand, the Iranian octopus is playing not so much n-dimensional chess but one-dimensional Chinese checkers with Israel’s Nagasaki crew, who can do nothing but throw a tantrum and kick the board over whenever the mood takes them.

Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war, says the old Roman adage, which captures the attitude one must adopt when dealing with Israel’s Nagasaki crew. If Israel uses the Samson option, then Israel and her lapdogs must perish as a consequence. If Israel is not prepared to use her illegally acquired nuclear arsenal, then the BDS movement must strive to help strip Israel clean of them. We are not Buridan’s eternal ass, stuck forever on the horns of an idiotic philosophical dilemma. Either Israel is made to disarm and de-escalate or Israel can bring the wrath of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon down on it and its acolytes. At this stage, it is almost irrelevant what path Israel chooses, as the world has suffered more than enough at its hands to simply wipe the slate clean and let them start their carnage all over again. The Axis of Resistance has Israel’s measure and Israel knows it and that, having lived by the sword, unless she backs down, Israel is destined to die by the billion and one cuts of untold millions of swords.


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