Sunday, 31 December 2023



 am going to show you some videos that I am sure some will find shocking. Others may yawn and remark, “Why are you telling me what I already know?” Let me start with a theme not directly linked to the current war raging in Gaza. There are a lot of evangelical Christians who are convinced that the State of Israel is a fulfillment of Bible prophecies and believe 100% in supporting Israel.

I think those Christians might be surprised to learn that many Orthodox Jews view them a godless heretics and that Jesus should (or will) be boiled in feces. Not making this up.

This video is spreading among some in the Christian community in America and is starting to have the effect of causing some to reconsider their unqualified support for Israel. If any of you have any comment on how one can negotiate with a guy like this, let me know. I suppose one could make the argument that this ultra Orthodox rabbi is an exception and is not representative of mainstream Zionist thinking. Okay, then please explain the following.

Meet Danny Neumann. The dude is my age. He is a recognized celebrity in Israel because of his past feats as a football player. Yet, he has an opinion on Gaza and the Palestinians.

I guess he is channeling his inner Adolf Hitler. Last time I checked the phrase, “kill them all,” includes women and children. Neumann is not some far rightwing nut. But he is not alone. Meet Mr. Moshe Feiglin, the leader of the Israeli Zehut Party. This guy is not some ultra right religious nut. He’s a Reagan Conservative by Western standards who likes pot. Just take a look at Zehut’s platform:

Sounds reasonable so far. Then you get to this:

  • Applying full Israeli sovereignty to all parts of the Land of Israel.
    • In the West Bank: Nullification of the Oslo Accords.
    • In the Gaza Strip: Any attack by Hamas against Israel must be responded to by a full re-conquest of Gaza (though unnecessary small incursions must be avoided).
    • Terrorists will be offered the option of peaceful withdrawal, and individual non-Jews will be offered three options: financially assisted emigration to a destination of their choice; permanent residency status (equal rights, except for national voting rights) after having declared their loyalty to Israel and been thoroughly vetted; or Israeli citizenship (full equal rights) when doing military or national service.

The Hamas attack on October 7 has radicalized him. He is openly calling for executing a Holocaust on the Palestinians:

My point in showing these videos is to make sure people in the West understand that Netanyahu’s war in Gaza enjoys broad support among Israelis, even those that hate Netanyahu.

I am not suggesting that there are not similar videos of Hamas or Hezbollah leaders making similar declarations about eliminating Jews. And that is the problem. There are only two ways to deal with this. The first is horrific — let them fight it out until one side exterminates the other. I prefer the second option — outside intervention to separate the parties and get them back into their respective corners (to use a boxing analogy). If other countries do not find a way to stop this killing I fear that events will spiral out of control and embroil the world in a global war.

The sad fact is that the only country that can put a stop to the killing is the United States. It controls Israel’s ability to continue bombing the Palestinians in Gaza and provides critical funding. But it is a political year and AIPAC has its hooks so deep into the yawning maws of both Republicans and Democrats that neither Biden nor any leader in Congress is going to step up and demand an end to the killing.


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