Where’s the Other Side of Russo-Ukraine War Discussion?
by Walt Zlotow
We in the peace community have no issue with the Chicago Tribune publishing letters supporting Ukraine victory over Russia in their nearly 2 year war.
But publishing two letters Friday, both of which call for robust US support to defeat Russia, paints a false narrative that public opinion is 100% behind endless weaponizing of Ukraine to achieve victory. Polls consistently show that a majority of Americans support negotiations instead of endless weapons to end this horrific war.
Elliot Weisenberg claims history will judge the US harshly if we don’t win against Russia in Ukraine. But history is already judging the US harshly for its 15 yearlong support of Ukraine NATO membership. That, according to NATO General-Secretary Jens Stoltenberg that made the Russian invasion, tho illegal, “virtually inevitable.”
Dean Armentrout ponders whether the US can do “the right thing after having exhausted every other alternative.” What does Mr. Armentrout consider the “right thing” after $113 billion in military aid has left Ukraine a failed state with no chance of victory? Sending in the Marines? Bombing Russia?
The Tribune should consider editorializing for a negotiated settlement, the only way this war can end without becoming either a regional or nuclear war. If not, the least it can do is provide reasoned opinion from the peace community promoting a negotiated outcome.
Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at www.heartlandprogressive.blogspot.com.
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