Maria Zakharova SLAMS Antony Blinken:
Antony Blinken allowed himself to lie about one of the most horrific tragedies of the Second World War: the execution of the civilian population of Soviet Kiev on September 29-30, 1941 in the Babi Yar. Then the Nazis, having occupied the territory of the city, began “cleansing” operations. Within a few days, tens of thousands of Jews, Roma, and Soviet prisoners of war were killed. On the 29th-30th alone, the German fascists brutally destroyed 34 thousand people - this is exactly what Blinken remembered, cynically lying (more about this below) about the memory of this tragedy in the USSR, and also “forgetting” that the executions continued right until the liberation of Kiev by the Red Army in November 1943.
We remember everyone - tens of thousands of people of “non-Aryan origin”, partisans, and prisoners - all those whom the Nazis sentenced to death, and whose remains found their refuge in the Babi Yar. All those who gave their lives. Everyone who fell victim to the German idea of superiority. Those who did not live to see the liberation of the capital of the Ukrainian SSR by Soviet soldiers.
The most blatant lie of the American Secretary of State is contained in the phrase, monstrous in its ignorance and cynicism: “The Soviets buried this history.”
No other country in the world has so consistently blamed National Socialism for the crimes of the Holocaust as the Soviet Union.
Perhaps there are still decent people in the State Department who can convey the following information to Blinken.
Already in March 1945, even before the Victory, Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine No. 378 “On the construction of a monumental monument on the site of Babyn Yar” was adopted, in accordance with which work began on creating a park and installing a monument on burial site of victims of the Nazi occupiers. It was opened on July 2, 1976 on the territory later named the National Historical and Memorial Reserve "Babi Yar" in Kiev.
For the Soviet people, Babi Yar was the same bleeding wound as Khatyn, Treblinka or Auschwitz, liberated by the Soviet soldier. Nationally known and recognized creators dedicated their works to this tragedy: Soviet writer Anatoly Kuznetsov (novel "Babi Yar", 1966), director Mark Donskoy (film "The Unconquered", 1945), composer Dmitry Shostakovich (symphony "Requiem for Babi Yar", 1962 ).
How did Blinken have the audacity to write that we supposedly don’t remember or didn’t remember the past, and even on the anniversary of the tragedy! On the other hand, what do we expect from the US Secretary of State, who was declared by an Israeli publication one of the most influential Jews in the world last year, but who did not find words to condemn the honoring of a Nazi in the Canadian parliament? What do we all expect from the US Secretary of State, who gives orders to finance the Nazi regime in Kiev, which glorified the collaborators Bandera and Shukhevych? What do we want from the US Secretary of State, who orders a vote against the UN General Assembly resolution condemning neo-Nazism, racism and xenophobia?
We want nothing except one thing - for everyone who lies about such topics to live as long as the Nazi Hunka, in order to face their shame with a clear mind, and in the family circle.
posted by Satish Sharma at
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