What Is the Thinking Behind the West’s Collective Punishment of Russians?
I don’t want to give advice, but it does seem to me that patriotic Russians going out and breaking up these protests would look a lot better than the cops doing mass arrests.
But it’s just a few women and weak faggots anyway, so patriotic Russians are more likely to just laugh than view them as a threat.
The Russian capital has seen an anti-war protest for the second weekend in a row amid the ongoing attack on Ukraine. The Sunday demonstration had not been agreed with authorities and ended up in numerous detentions.
According to Moscow police, as cited by RIA and Interfax news agencies, around 300 protesters have been held. The law enforcement has cited “various violations of public order” as the reason for the arrests, without elaborating. Authorities also did not announce the total number of those taking part in the rally.
Authorities had taken “all the necessary measures” to “prevent” the rally, which hadn’t been agreed with the city authorities as required by Russian law, police have pointed out. There were no reports about any incidents during the protest.
Some media have reported that large police units have been deployed to Manezhnaya Square, just outside the Kremlin, and that the square itself had been mostly cordoned off before the protest.
Moscow wasn’t the only Russian city to see protests on Sunday. In St. Petersburg, around 150 people have been detained following a similar rally in the city center, according to local media. The demonstration there was attended by a much smaller number than the previous weekend, according to journalists.
These protests are much smaller than the ones seen in 2020 during the Alexi Navalny hoax.
Putin’s approval rating has skyrocketed as every Russian is seeing that ZOG’s war is not against Putin, but against the Russian people. Every action that is being taken by the West is intended to hurt normal Russians. It’s really not an environment where you’d ever hope to be able to do a color revolution, which brings up a lot of questions.
No one looks at McDonald’s or Adidas shutting down, or finds all their video games stolen, and says “Putin did this…!” Instead, they think “Putin is right about these people!”
It’s pretty much group psychology 101 that collective punishment unifies people against the enemy engaging in these tactics. That is in fact exactly why Israel uses collective punishment – they want the Palestinian resistance to be strengthened and emboldened, so they’ll keep firing rockets, so Israel has an excuse to discriminate against them. Israel has a policy of offering zero positive incentives to Palestinians, because they need them aggressive in order to justify conflict.
(People speculated for years that Yasser Arafat, the longtime Palestinian leader, was on the Israeli payroll, because his hostility towards Israel justified their actions against the Palestinians. However, my counterargument to those claims was that Arafat didn’t need to be on their payroll, because Israel’s use of collective punishment would have led to an Arafat style leader under any circumstances.)
That technique really doesn’t make any sense in the context of the West’s war on Russia. The plan, as far as I could tell, was to use the Ukraine to bleed Russia in a way that would invigorate and bolster the opposition in Russia, for the purpose of trying to get the Navalny types to do a Maidan type thing. If there were hundreds of thousands of protesters, the police couldn’t arrest them, they’d have to use military style tactics against them, which would lead to more joining the protests. It’s a pretty standard roadmap for regime change.
But what we’ve seen instead is an extreme attack on the Russian people directly, both inside Russia and abroad.
- Is this stupidity?
- Or something else?
I frankly can’t think of anything else it would be, other than stupidity. It appears that the Twitter and reddit crowds pressured the Western establishment into taking extremely counterproductive actions by turning what was ostensibly a war against the Putin government into a war against the Russians as a group.
It could be that there’s something I’m missing here. But even if you wanted an all-out war with Russia, you would still want as many partisans supporting the West as possible.
You also have the domestic problem of making it clear that you are at war with all Russian people, and with the entirety of Russian culture – including historical Russian culture. Yes, the hype machine of the mass media generally works on most people, but there is a percentage of the population that is at some point going to ask “are we the baddies?”
Last week, a German hospital said that it would begin denying medical treatment to Russians.
What is the purpose of that?
Obviously, it’s a part of the entire collective punishment agenda. A lot of people are going to see that and get a really nasty feeling. At the very least, this sort of thing risks people in the West losing enthusiasm over the war agenda.
You combine that with what Westerners are being asked to sacrifice financially in order to support this war, and you’re just not really acting in rational self-interest.
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