Tuesday 15 March 2022

Iran Warns Iraq Against Threats From Iraqi Soil


Missile strike a response to recent Israeli sabotage

by Jason Ditz 

Iran has followed weekend missile fire against Irbil by saying they will not tolerate threats from Iraqi soil, adding that they’d warned Iraq about this more than once.

Iran fired missiles into several sites in Irbil, reportedly targeting a site belonging to Israeli Mossad. Iran said it was retaliation for recent Israeli attacks on a factory in Tabriz.

Iranian officials say that the attack on the Tabriz drone factory emerged in Iraqi Kurdistan, and that was why Irbil was hit. The Israeli government has decided not to comment on the attack at all.

The strike in Irbil raised speculation that the US consulate was the target, though reports were that no damage was done there. Israel probably doesn’t want to address this because US speculation of other motives by Iran can only serve to fuel anti-Iran responses, something Israel has long advocated.



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