Sunday 23 January 2022

Biden's Ukrainian Albatross

 written by daniel mcadams


Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell is given credit for popularizing the "Pottery Barn" rule of foreign policy. Though he denies using that exact phrase, in arguing against what became the disastrous 2003 US attack on Iraq Powell made the point that, as in Pottery Barn, "if you break it, you own it."

Bush and his neocons - ironically with the help of Colin Powell himself - did indeed break Iraq and the American people as a result "owned" Iraq for the subsequent 22 years (and counting). It was an idiotic war and, as the late former NSA chief Gen. Bill Odom predicted, turned out to be "the greatest strategic disaster in American history."

Attacking and destroying Iraq - and executing its leader - not only had no value in any conceivable manner to the United States, it had negative value. In taking responsibility for Iraq's future, the US government obligated the American people to pick up the tab for a million ransacked Pottery Barns.

There was no way out. Only constant maneuvering and manipulation to desperately demonstrate the impossible -  that the move had any value or even made any sense.

So it is with Ukraine.
In 2014 the Obama/Biden Administration managed to finish what Bush's neocons started a decade before. With the US-backed overthrow of the Ukrainian government that year, the US came to "own" what no one in their right mind would ever seek: an economic basket case of a country with a political/business class whose corruption is the stuff of legend.

Rather than admit what a colossal blunder the whole thing had been, the US foreign policy establishment doubled down.

"Oh, this might be a neat tool to overthrow our own election: let's pretend Trump is Putin's agent!"

In fact Trump was impeached because a certain Col. Alexander Vindman - himself of Ukrainian origin and doing the bidding of a Ukrainian government installed by Washington - solemnly testified to Adam Schiff and his Democrat colleagues in charge of the House that Trump was clearly Putin's puppet because his lack of enthusiasm for continuing to "own" Ukraine went against "the Inter-Agency Consensus."

We "own" Ukraine and there is no way back - at least if the US foreign policy establishment has its way.

That is why our hapless State Department today continues to peddle the fiction that Russia is about to invade - and thus "own" - Ukraine. US foreign policy is one of projection: accuse your rivals of doing what you yourself are doing. No sane country would want to "own" Ukraine. Except the Beltway Think Tank class, thoroughly infused with military-industrial complex money.

That is why the US government, though its Embassy in Kiev, is bragging about the arrival of $200 million in lethal aid, all pointed directly at Russia.

That is why the US State Department is maintaining the fiction that Russia is about to launch a ground war to occupy Ukraine by dramatically announcing an "evacuation" of all "non-essential personnel" from its Embassy in Kiev.

It's just too bad that we don't share the opinion of who are really "non-essential" State Department personnel in Kiev: the last person out could be asked to turn off the lights.

By overthrowing an elected government in Kiev in 2014, the US government disenfranchised millions of voters in eastern Ukraine who voted for the overthrown president. Those voters unsurprisingly came to view the US-installed regime as illegitimate and sought self-rule under the concept of self-determination. As ethnic Russians, many of these successfully sought Russian passports.

Russia has been clear for a long time about Ukraine: it will not allow an armed invasion of eastern Ukraine that would result in the deaths of thousands of Russian citizens. Were the shoe on the other foot, the US - and any country - could be expected to react the same way.

The US is nearly the last country on earth that still holds to the WWII-era concept of war for territorial gain. Russia wants to "own" Ukraine like most people want to "own" a 2003 Saturn. That is why despite neocon/neo-liberal hype, magnified by the lock-step US media, Russia is not about to invade Ukraine.

This fantasy is being pushed by those who desperately need to continue to gin up enthusiasm for a thoroughly idiotic and counterproductive imperial enterprise.

Biden while vice president sowed the regime change winds in Ukraine. Now his inept Administration will reap the whirlwind of that continuing train wreck and eventual dissolution of the country. No matter what Antony Blinken peddles to the contrary.

Even the comedian Zelensky knows this is a really bad joke.

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