Sunday 23 January 2022

Russian-Ukrainian Resistance Says Government Is Planning a False Flag to Start a War

 • JANUARY 21, 2022 

We’ve been saying from the beginning that if the US is going to start a war with Russia or China, it will start with a false flag, as that is just the standard method for starting wars.

It may have seemed weird when US intelligence came out a couple of weeks ago and said that Russia was planning a false flag.

Probably, they did that so that when they do their own false flag, and Russia says “this was a false flag,” people are primed to think of Russia as the real false flaggers.

The CIA is too moral to do something like that.


In an interview with RT on Thursday, Eduard Basurin, a spokesperson for the forces of the unrecognised Donetsk People’s Republic outlined details of an alleged plot to conduct a false flag operation in Ukraine’s two breakaway eastern regions. Without providing evidence to back up the assertion, he claimed that commandos under the control of Kiev are planning to wear the uniforms of the Russian special forces as well as those of local fighters.

The official previously claimed, again without providing proof, that Ukraine was preparing six British-trained units with the task of infiltrating the rebel-held areas of the territory he represents, as well as that of the adjacent so-called ‘Lugansk People’s Republic’. From there, the commandos, he said, would conduct diversions and terrorist attacks on power stations, gas and water supplies, and chemical plants.

Kiev wants to unveil a fake rebel “defector,” who will claim on tape that the would-be attacks were orchestrated by Russia and that “all provocations were carried out by us,” Basurin told RT, citing what he said were intelligence reports. The end goal of the alleged plan is to frame Russia and “lure” it direclty into the conflict, he added.

On Thursday, Maria Zakharova, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson, accused Kiev of whipping up tensions as a cover for military provocations.

Ukraine has not responded to the allegations, but in the past Kiev has repeatedly denied committing unprovoked aggression against the rebels, which it considers to be terrorist groups.

What the US appears to want to do is start a limited conflict in the Ukraine. They want to force Russia to send in troops to protect the Russian nationals (yes, they are “Russian nationals,” regardless of the passports they hold), and try to humiliate and destabilize Russia.

I don’t think they actually want a nuclear war. That doesn’t really make any sense. What they appear to be in the process of doing now is figuring out how to ensure they can limit the conflict to the Ukraine.

Of course, because of the incompetence of Russia, they allowed however many thousands of Moslems from their own Islamic regions to travel to Syria to get CIA terrorist training, and then return to Russia. So, if something happens in the Ukraine, these Islamic terrorists in Russia will be activated, and start blowing up trains and so on, which will agitate the people of Russia.

This is the Vicki Nuland model. It’s basically war by black magic.

The US will then use their intelligence networks – not least of which based out of Twitter, Telegram, and Facebook, which Russia still refuses to ban, to claim this is all Putin’s fault and Putin is trying to reestablish the USSR because he’s an evil dictator, and if he was replaced with a shitlib CIA shill, everything would be happy-happy.

This is to say: the goal is not all out World War. The goal is regime change. A war in the Ukraine would serve as an impetus for regime change.

Anyway, no one knows, but that’s how I read the situation. I can’t imagine that the people in Washington want a real war. A Ukraine war would be much more on par with the wars against the third world that they’ve been fighting since the end of World War II.

If I was Russia, I would escalate immediately and like, invade Estonia or something. I would also hope that China would have the nerve to go ahead and liberate Taiwan, while the US was bogged down in the Ukraine.

That’s the key here: if the US loses Taiwan, that is the beginning of the end. There’s no coming back from that.

This entire ZOG world order is a house of cards based on lies, and the geopolitical situation is all just endless bluffing. China liberating Taiwan and the US being totally incapable of responding would expose the whole thing for what it is. Whatever anyone tells you, the supremacy of the US dollar is based on the supremacy of the US military, and a crushing blow to the US military would trigger the collapse of the dollar and therefore the collapse of the entire Western order.

I have no idea what the US plan for the China side is. They’re moving in nukes and threatening to nuke China if they liberate Taiwan, but the thing about nuking China is that they are going to nuke you back.

If China gets nuked, it’s going to strengthen the resolve of the people. If the West gets nuked in response, the collective psyche will totally collapse in on itself. As absurd as these people in Washington are, they must understand that much, and so I don’t really think there is any plan to start firing nukes – just endless threats of doing so.

But of course, the situation is very fragile, and the people running the West are old and stupid, using strategies that don’t really make any sense in the modern era, and they don’t appear to be thinking about long term strategy. They appear to be so high on their own supply, that they think that fighting Russia or China is like fighting Iraq or Syria (not like fighting Afghanistan, though – Russia and China will be easier than Afghanistan, I’m sure they think).
(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)


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