Monday, 26 March 2018

The Dawn of Psychographic Outcome-based Warfare

The Dawn of Psychographic Outcome-based Warfare

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Israeli intelligence-surveillance-military complex – perhaps, in a dozen or more highly-secured computer systems laboratories in Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ramat Gan, and Petach Tikva – the idea was first stumbled upon. Borrowing from the psychographic tools developed by online marketing firms and coupling them with age-old propaganda methods and more-modern psychological warfare techniques used by military and intelligence services, it was determined that elections can be manipulated, not at the ballot box, but by influencing the voters. Welcome to the world of psychographic outcome-based warfare or “POW.”
It is no longer vogue to interfere with vote counting. Instead, psychographic warfare experts have decided that it is much more advantageous to influence the voters before they cast their votes. This form of information warfare was initiated in 2006 after the development of the Megaphone Desktop Tool, a software program designed to respond to what was considered anti-Israeli content on the web. Using RSS (Rich Site Summary) news feeds, Megaphone and an umbrella propaganda organization called Give Israel Your United Support (GIYUS) were able to martial support for Israeli policies by automatically casting votes in on-line polls, respond to comments deemed negative toward Israel in chat rooms and on-line forums, and directing email to various news organizations, including the BBC, Independent Television News (ITN), and Reuters. According to “The Register” in the United Kingdom, what Megaphone provided was “a high-tech exercise in ballot-stuffing.” Megaphone received the nickname of “lobbyware.”
In 2007, Megaphone was re-programmed for other uses and a revised version was marketed by Collactive, a firm that was at the center of providing spamming software to unscrupulous on-line marketers. The seed money for Collactive was provided by Sequoia Capital, a Menlo Park, California-based venture capital firm active in financing high-technology ventures in Israel. It is no coincidence that Sequoia Capital’s headquarters is located a mere 7.5 miles from Facebook’s headquarters in East Palo Alto. The nexus of spamming software developers and deep data mining firms like Facebook and Google, the latter just 10 miles from Sequoia, would soon pose a significant threat to the conducting of democratic elections in over 100 countries and regions and provinces around the world.
It is now known that Facebook was permitting Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based company, to mine the ubiquitous provider repository of personal data, to develop software to geo-demographically target, and thus influence, the decisions of voters around the world. Far from tampering with voting machines or vote tabulation machines, what Cambridge Analytica did, along with its US-based subsidiary – Cambridge Analytica LLC – was to tamper with the minds of voters. This was accomplished using sophisticated psychographic programs. After several dubious elections in the United States, including the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, both rife with election fraud in Florida and Ohio, respectively, the new method for “throwing” elections resided at the voter decision level. By psychographically profiling voters based on their web activity and behavior, interests, attitudes, values, Cambridge Analytica -- armed with weaponized election outcome-based software -- was able to conduct mass psychological warfare campaigns to steer voters away from certain political candidates, their political parties, and popular referendum choices
Microtargeting 230 million American voters using as many as 5000 different data vectors harvested from the massive databases of Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other social media applications was the determining factor in Trump’s election victory. In almost every case where elections were influenced by these manipulation operations, parties and candidates favorable to Israel and Israeli interests were the victors. GIYUS and Megaphone had been transformed from an influence-peddling operation to a full-blown election behavioral change outcome determiner. Instead of on-line polls succumbing to the purveyors of such malfeasance, it was actual polls that became the target for “Made in Israel” psychological manipulation.
Donald Trump’s upset election victory in 2016 was helped along by Long Island, New York hedge fund tycoon and computer scientist Robert Mercer. Mercer, a right-wing product of the military-intelligence complex, owing to his early work on artificial intelligence for the US Air Force Weapons Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. Mercer was able to transform artificial intelligence used for weapons systems to predict winners and losers in the stock market. The programs developed by Mercer made him a multi-billionaire.
Mercer’s Renaissance Technologies was a major investor in Cambridge Analytica. Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah Mercer were also major financiers of the pro-Trump alt-right news site Breitbart News. Cambridge Analytica, working hand-in-glove with Breitbart and the Trump presidential campaign’s digital operations unit, engaged in a psychographic and psychological warfare campaign unseen in US history and preceded virtually-unreported election interference operations in in Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Latin America.
Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, SCL Group of London, formerly Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) – a firm with links to the British Ministry of Defense, Britain’s MI-6, and the US Departments of Defense and State – was founded in 1993 by a former executive with the advertising firm Saatchi & Saatchi. The advertising giant was founded in 1970 by brothers Maurice and Charles Saatchi, who hailed from a very wealthy Jewish family in Baghdad, Iraq. The Saatchi brothers, both Orthodox Jews, as are Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump, are strong supporters of Israel. The connections between SCL and Cambridge Analytica to prior web-based propaganda operations developed by Israeli intelligence, therefore, should be of no surprise.
A Cambridge Analytica psychologist, Michal Kosinski, was involved in research by a private firm that concluded that Internet users who “liked” Nike shoes and KitKat chocolate bars were also anti-Israeli. Some of Kosinski’s funding came from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a notorious research laundering operation for the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency.
Nor should it be surprising that Cambridge Analytica employed the services of two rabid pro-Israeli officials in the Trump campaign and early administration, indicted former Trump National Security Adviser, Lt. General Michael Flynn, and former Trump chief strategist, Steve Bannon. Jared Kushner, whose ex-convict father Charles Kushner has close ties with Israeli intelligence, personally oversaw the use of Cambridge Analytica by the Trump campaign. In fact, the classic intelligence “tradecraft” employed by Cambridge Analytica, under the direction of its former CEO, Alexander Nix – starting vicious rumors about political candidates’ sexual orientation and other sexual habits, as well as trying to compromise candidates with attractive female Ukrainian prostitutes – are favored tactics of Israel’s Mossad.
Charles Kushner employed such entrapment tactics in helping to set up, in an Israeli intelligence-led homosexual “honeytrap,” the former Democratic Governor of New Jersey, Jim McGreevey. Charles Kushner was also criminally charged with trying to use prostitutes to entrap his accountant and brother-in-law, government witnesses in the federal corruption case brought against him. Cambridge Analytics had at least 10 employees embedded in the Trump campaign’s digital operations, which was led by Brad Parscale, recently named as the head of Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign.
There are also connections between Cambridge Analytica and Palantir, the firm established with CIA venture capital funds and headed by Trump’s close friend and economic adviser Peter Thiel. Headquartered only a few miles from Facebook and Google in Palo Alto, Palantir uses deeply-mined personal and geo-spatial data to assist the Pentagon and US intelligence community in conducting micro- and macro-targeted psychological warfare and “information operations.” Palantir is only 10 miles from another firm that started with CIA seed money, Oracle, Inc., the grandfather of relational databases.
In an exposé on Cambridge Analytica aired by Britain’s Channel 4, Nix revealed the firm used “some Israeli companies,” which he noted were “very effective in intelligence gathering.” The developer of the application used by Cambridge Analytica to collect and mine personal data on 50 million American Facebook users, alone, for political and other purposes is Aleksandr Kogan, a colleague of Kosinski. Born in what was the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, Kogan and his family were among hundreds of thousands of Jewish residents of the Soviet Union who emigrated to the United States during the final years of the USSR. In a move worthy of a James Bond villain, Kogan briefly legally changed his name to Dr. Alexander Spectre. It is noteworthy to point out that a malicious program that breaks down the security of “secure” computer applications is also known as “Spectre.”
Many Moldovan Jews serve as kingpins in what the Federal Bureau of Investigation calls the “Eurasian Mafia.” Russian President Vladimir Putin was absolutely correct when he recently told NBC News in an interview that Russians may not have been involved in US election meddling, but that they could be “Ukrainians, Tatars, or Jews with Russian citizenship... Maybe they hold dual citizenship, or green cards. Or maybe Americans paid them for this job.”
Based on the origins of Cambridge Analytica, SCL Group, Renaissance Technologies, Saatchi & Saatchi, Sequoia Capital, Facebook, Google, Palantir, Collactive, and Megaphone/GIYUS, there is no “maybe” about the involvement of Ukrainians and Soviet Jews in psychographic election manipulation. One could add to President Putin’s list, Moldovans, Israelis, and British and American nationals, not to mention Latvians, Estonians, Romanians, Turks, and Macedonians.
SCL Group conducted classified research for Britain’s Ministry of Defense and NATO on “Target Audience Analysis” (TAA), a subset of what Western intelligence agencies call “Population Intelligence.” Rather than having ties to Russian intelligence or the Russian government, Cambridge Analytica’s and SCL Group’s links beat a direct path to Whitehall, the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, the US Defense Intelligence Agency while under the command of General Flynn, UK Conservative Party headquarters, NATO headquarters in Brussels, and most particularly, the Mossad and Israeli Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.
The former Australian Privacy Commissioner, Malcolm Crompton, summed up the way companies like Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group interfere with elections on a massive scale. He told the “Brisbane Times” that political parties, themselves, were to be primarily blamed. Crompton said that parties use “very sophisticated machines in the electorate” that collect information from contact with voters. He added that such “information sources could then be combined with Facebook data to build a profile of voters.
The extent of Cambridge/SCL Group’s election interference around the world is staggering. In addition to the United States, conglomerate has been active in elections in Kenya, India, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda, Moldova, St. Lucia, Argentina, Czech Republic, Ghana, Latvia, Italy, Nigeria, St. Kitts-Nevis, Mexico, Jamaica, Poland, Scotland, Lithuania, German, France, Hungary, Romania, Thailand, South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, Northern Ireland, Kedah, Bihar, Colombia, Dominica, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Iceland, Nepal, Iran, Malaysia, and the Brexit "Leave" campaign in the United Kingdom.
In 2015, Cambridge Analytica’s Israeli hackers operating from its London office hacked the emails of then-Nigerian presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari to dig up embarrassing personal information about the candidate, a Muslim. This was to benefit incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian who supported close ties to Israel. That same year, Israeli hackers hacked the email and medical records of St. Kitts-Nevis opposition leader Timothy Harris of the People’s Labor Party. The Israeli government was known to oppose Harris for his policy of strengthening ties with Venezuela, a bitter opponent of Israel. Harris, against the odds imposed by the Israeli hackers and Cambridge, won the election.
Cambridge Analytica struck again in 2017, when it helped President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election campaign in Kenya to spread on-line malicious rumors and gossip about his opponent, using Facebook and its application, Whatsapp. Kenyatta has maintained strong intelligence and military relations with Israel. In practically every election in which it interfered, Cambridge Analytica and SCL did so on behalf of leaders and parties favoring close ties with Israel. This was no coincidence.
With all the attention on election integrity, now comes along a firm offering block-chaining technology to audit and authenticate vote counts. Agora, a Swiss-based firm blockchain technology company issued the following press release on March 8, 2018: “Sierra Leone’s 2018 presidential elections, which took place on March 7th, represents the first time in history that blockchain technology has been used in a national government election. West District’s results were registered on Agora’s unforgeable blockchain ledger, and the tally made publicly available days before the usual manual count.” Block-chain technology is at the core of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It is also no coincidence that behind the introduction of cryptocurrency in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, a close diplomatic ally of Israel, are Israeli technology firms. The manipulation and penetration of global elections to benefit Israel will not end in the foreseeable future nor will politicians, afraid of the Israeli Lobby, point fingers at the true culprits behind election malfeasance in over 100 countries.


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