Sunday, 24 September 2017

Russian General Staff to US: 'You're Only Pretending to Fight ISIS - Get Out of Our Way'

Russian irritation with US support for ISIS is on full display

This is a repeat of an article which ran this morning entitled: 'Areas With US Special Forces' Are Source of Attacks in Syria - Russian TV.  We are running it again with a different headline to highlight a different aspect of the story.

The following news report appeared on the main government news channel yesterday (Friday) afternoon.
Russia continues to accuse the US of effectively fighting them as they mop up ISIS in Syria.
Attacks are coming from areas where US special forces are based. The Russians suspect, with good reason, that the Americans are helping coordinate the attacks.
Another accusation is that somebody opened the upstream dams to raise the water level of the Euphrates, complicating getting troops and equipment across it.
This could not have been done without American approval, as they control the forces who control the dams.
The Russian military is, understandably, angry.
Defense Ministry spokesman general Konashenkov did not mince words, calling out the US for supporting ISIS, and only pretending to fight them for the last 3 years, telling them to 'Get Out of the Way.'
As the end of ISIS approaches in Syria, it is obvious who is really fighting them, and who has been pretending to fight them for the last 3 years. If the American led coalition would prefer not to fight terrorism in Syria, then the least they could do is get out of the way of those who have been doing it consistently and effectively.
Here is the full transcript: (key parts bolded):
Militants have attacked Syrian troops in Deir-ez-zor.
They came from the North, where US special services are located, along with Syrian Democratic Force bases.
This was reported by General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry
In addition, there has been a dramatic increase in the water level of the Euphrates river over the last 24 hours
Making it difficult for the Syrian army to traverse the river.
There has been no rain there
The Syrians say that the only way this could have happened is if water was released from upstream dams,
They are guarded by the opposition, which is controlled by the American-led coalition
Konashenkov put special emphasis on the following statement:
As the end of ISIS approaches in Syria, it is obvious who is really fighting them, and who has been pretending to fight them for the last 3 years. If theAmerican led coalition would prefer not to fight terrorism in Syria, then the least they could do is get out of the way of those who have been doing it consistently and effectively.
Despite this, the Syrian army, with the support of the Russian air force, continues to expand the bridgehead on the east bank of the Euphrates. They have freed 60 sq. kilometers from the terrorists.
I remind you that this is an oil-rich region, which has been providing oil to the terrorists.
That is why they (i.e. the Americans) are so energetic in trying to throw a spanner into the works.

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