Monday, 19 December 2016

‘Next they’ll be saying Russians are coming to eat our babies!’

We should be talking to the Russians. And I for one, and many of my listeners here in Britain do not believe that Russia is the enemy, Jon Gaunt, radio host, told RT. Martin Summers, independent journalist and commentator, also contributed his thoughts.
Russia and Syria could allegedly be orchestrating sex-attacks by refugees to sabotage the German parliamentary elections in September next year, according to a recent report put out by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
The ECFR is a Soros-funded think tank of which the billionaire was a founding Council member.
It cites an "expert" of the pan-European think-tank, insinuating that Russian President Vladimir Putin himself is involved in the plot.
RT: Putin, Assad, Saddam, refugees, sex-attacks and elections... quite a mix. What do you make of this story?
Martin Summers: Frankly, it sounds like the silly season, doesn’t it? I think the level of idiocy in Western propaganda attempts to smear Russia. Any objective person can surely tell that this is exaggerated mummery; it is not to be taken seriously – this is the pantomime season.
RT: The report cites a single individual belonging to a pan-European think-tank, as the source. Is that enough to justify such provocative headlines?
MS: There are all sorts of academic think tanks and whatever out there, and… who is the Pan-European think tank? And we could probably just look it online and find who funds them and so on. I imagine they’ve got some corporate sponsorship of some kind. What is very interesting is that all the different media outlets in the West pick up each other’s stories. When you ask them what are the sources, they say: “Well, it came from somebody else. We got it from them, they’ve got it from somebody else…” What they are doing is they are feeding into the 24-hours news feed with these tidbits of political propaganda. The idea that President Putin is sitting down orchestrating refugees sex-attacks in Germany – I think that rates a ‘Hmm,’ don’t you? Is that a serious kind of allegation to make?
RT: In the UK, it's being reported Vladimir Putin's spies have launched a campaign to target Britain with cyber-attacks. The Russian president is being portrayed as quite the spymaster these days, isn’t he?
MS: Well because of his intelligence service background… of course he is the KGB man. George H. W. Bush was ex-head of the CIA, nobody said anything about that. The fact is that Vladimir Putin is being presented as this kind of evil Svengali like Fu Manchu, but manipulating everything in Western politics. The fact of the matter is: the Russian President has got an awful a lot to do – just managing and running Russia and managing various affairs he needs to deal with. Trying to stick his finger into a US presidential election – even if it was possible - is not really a very sensible thing to be claiming. It is just doesn’t have any credibility to my mind at all.
RT: Nigel Farage had this to say about another recent allegation against Russia - of involvement in Brexit. Is it really hysteria or are these accusations actually based on something?
MS: Well, there is a Labor MP who claimed that the Brexit vote was fixed by Russian interference in the Brexit election. This is picking up on the sort of things that are being said in the US. Frankly, that is absurd. I was a ‘Remain’ voter, I wasn’t a Brexit voter, but the idea that the Russians somehow fixed the result is La-La Land, really. We’ve now got senior people, like the former head of MI6, Richard Dearlove, coming out with what I would call not serious allegations. And the more the Western media pushes this kind of not serious allegations line, which they seem to be determine to do, then in fact in the world public opinion they are going to lose badly. 

'Pure propaganda'

Jon Gaunt, host, from
RT: Putin, Assad, Saddam Hussein, refugees, sex-attacks and elections... quite a mix. What do you make of it all?
Jon Gaunt: It’s called propaganda – simple as that. It would appear that the EU is very unhappy about the fact that Britain democratically decided to get out of the EU. They are unhappy that people in America decided to vote for Trump and not Hillary Clinton. So they start off with these ridiculous stories that Vladimir Putin and the Russians tried to steer the American election. Now we’ve got an MP standing up in the mother of all parliaments – Ben Bradshaw in London – and saying the Russians affected the Brexit decision. Next they will telling us that the Russians are going to come and eat our babies. It’s completely and utterly ridiculous. It’s stupid, it’s base propaganda. And the majority of people in Britain from what I’m hearing, when I listen to my listeners on Talk2Me Radio and on other phone-in shows here in the UK – the British population is seeing straight through this. This is pure propaganda. The EU needed a new enemy. They’ve decided that new enemy is Vladimir Putin and so they are poking him with the biggest stick they can find. And it is frankly ridiculous.
RT: In the UK, it's being reported Vladimir Putin's spies have launched a campaign to target Britain with cyber-attacks. The Russian president is being portrayed as quite the spymaster these days. What do you make of it?
JG: It wouldn’t even make the theme, would it, for James Bond movie. They are trying to make out Putin is this enemy. I think Donald Trump has got it right when he says: “Let’s talk to Putin.” We clearly got to talk to Putin, rather than poking him. Obama, the other day was saying: “Oh, there will be repercussions” for what he alleges Putin did. Well, he is one step away from the golf course. I would suggest that Barack Obama, the worse president we’ve had in the US in recent history, to take that walk: go on the golf course and get off the political scene. Let Donald Trump, somebody who’s done business, get on with business.
I suggest that we in the West should be talking to your president; we should be talking to the Russians. And I for one, and many of my listeners here in Britain do not believe that Russia is the enemy. There is a front-page splash today in one of our - I think the second biggest newspaper tabloid - that is essentially saying that Russia is involved in all these plots, and that Putin is somehow, as I say, a James Bond villain masterminding all this. It just doesn’t add up. We had all this before the referendum. There was a thing called Operation "Fear,” where the establishment elite in this country tried to scare the British public to vote to stay in the EU. They failed…
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.


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