Tuesday, 15 April 2014



  1. Nature is all there is, was, or ever will be.
  2. A fundamental attribute of nature is life.
  3. A fundamental attribute of life is self optimization.
  4. The distinction between animate and inanimate is a false one. Life pervades all of nature in varying degrees of potentiality.
  5. The distinction between humans and animals is a false one. Humans are animals. Life manifests itself in all organisms in varying degrees of intensity  and self consciousness.
  6. There appears to be two opposed impulses embedded in nature. On the one hand, life, evolving from the good towards the better for itself and on the other hand, entropy, or disintegration, which is against life.
  7. As finite beings ourselves, we tend to conclude that in the end, one of these, evolution or entropy, must finally triumph, annihilating the other. But in fact there will be no end, because nature, time, space, movement, change and diversity are all infinite, with no beginning and no end.
  8. The life of an organism consists of a birth, life, and death. But each birth is a new creation and each death feeds new life. Births and deaths are equally necessary to the sustaining of living systems.
  9. The fact that every individual organism may resemble its parents does not detract from its uniqueness. Nature never repeats itself precisely. Perfection is a myth, or rather the perfection of nature lies only in its infinite diversity.
  10. Predominantly, males and females search for the most attractive specimen of the other and reach the height of pleasure, joy, happiness and well-being in the sexual climax that each brings to the other. The by-product may or may not be the birth of another unique individual.
  11. Machines reproduce. Organisms recreate, or more accurately, procreate.
  12. Modernity has diverted the natural human desire to please and be pleased by contact or association with other humans, into a lust for the possession of manufactured objects.
  13. This diversion of energies into the acquisition of material objects has had the cumulative effect of cutting us off from each other as well as from our fellow animals and plants with whom we evolved.
  14. In our efforts to build robots more and more like ourselves we have not noticed how robotic we ourselves have become. With disastrous results.                                                http://zcomm.org/zblogs/organicity/


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