Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Homeless Jesus

Homeless Jesus

by Abby Zimet
Some wealthy residents of Davidson N.C. aren't sure about the new art installationoutside St. Albans Episcopal Church, a bronze figure representing a homeless Jesus sleeping on a bench, wrapped in a blanket. The work deliberately includes room to sit on the bench; it's only if people get that close they can tell it's Jesus by the crucifixion marks on his feet, but not many are, because, you know, ick, homeless person. The Rev. David Buck praises the statue, by Canadian sculptor and devout Catholic Timothy Schmalz, for "giving authenticity to our church" and reminding well-off parisioners to care for "the marginalized of society," as Jesus instructed: "As you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me." Which all sounds well and good but didn't stop one woman from calling the cops on Jesus because "I was concerned for the safety of the neighborhood." Others have complained that it's inappropriate because Jesus wasn't in fact a vagrant or homeless person. Oh, wait... 


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