Friday, 14 February 2014

"Tell Us, Please, What Is It That Scared You So?'


'Tell Us, Please, What Is It That Scared You So?'
'Even though there was no fatwa, no ban, not even a court order, you have not only caved in, you have humiliated
 yourself abjectly before a fly-by-night outfit by signing settlement.'

Everybody is shocked at what you have gone and done—at your out-of-court settlement with an
unknown Hindu fanatic outfit—in which you seem to have agreed to take Wendy Donniger'sThe Hindus: 
An Alternative History off the bookshelves of 'Bharat' and pulp it. There will soon no doubt be 
protestors gathered outside your office, expressing their dismay.

Tell us, please, what is it that scared you so? Have you forgotten who you are? You are part of one
 of the oldest, grandest publishing houses in the world. You existed long before publishing became
just another business, and long before books became products like any other perishable product 
in the market—mosquito repellent or scented soap. You have published some of the greatest writers
 in history. You have stood by them as publishers should, you have fought for free speech against
 the most violent and terrifying odds. And now, even though there was no fatwa, no ban, not even 
a court order, you have not only caved in, you have humiliated yourself abjectly before a fly-by-night
outfit by signing settlement. Why?You have all the resources anybody could possibly need to fight 
a legal battle. Had you stood your ground, you would have had the weight of enlightened public opinion
behind you, and the support of most—if not all—of your writers. You must tell us what happened. 
What was it that terrified you? You owe us, your writers an explanation at the very least.

The elections are still a few months away. The fascists are, thus far, only campaigning. Yes, it's looking bad, but they are not in power. Not yet. And you've already succumbed?

What are we to make of this? Must we now write only pro-Hindutva books? Or risk being pulled off the 
bookshelves in 'Bharat' (as your 'settlement' puts it) and pulped? Will there be some editorial guide-lines
 perhaps, for writers who publish with Penguin? Is there a policy statement?

Frankly I don't believe this has happened. Tell us it's just propaganda from a rival publishing house. Or an
 April Fool's day prank that got leaked early. Please say something. Tell us it's not true.

So far I have had been more than happy to be published by Penguin. But now?

What you have done affects us all.

Arundhati Roy

(Author of In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones, The God of Small ThingsListening to Grasshoppers
Broken Republic and other books all of which are published by Penguin India


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