"apocalyptic threat to the world " - israel and not iran
Profiteering from the in'Security' Industry with technologies it battle tests in the human lab of the Occupied territories, is the raw reality of Israel's Military Industrial Complex, A complex that has a complex relationship to the American MICongress complex and supplies people-control technologies all around the world - and not just to the countries this report mentions. Israeli security software is used by the "Defence " sectors of even the West's major powers.
And the sense of insecurity its policies create helps Israel sell more of its "security" solutions.Solutions that secure the power of those in power.
And the sense of insecurity its policies create helps Israel sell more of its "security" solutions.Solutions that secure the power of those in power.
According to the Israeli government and sympathetic entities, Iran poses an apocalyptic threat to the world.
Indeed, since its inception, the Islamic Republic has repeatedly engaged in destructive behaviour confirming its antagonistic role vis-à-vis the global population.
In the 1990s, for example, Iran assisted the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide with arms and training, while continuing to sell weapons to Indonesian dictator Suharto as he presided over the extermination of hundreds of thousands of persons in East Timor.
Drawing on its own expertise in large-scale forced displacement, Iran contributed to the implementation of a scorched-earth policy targeting indigenous communities in Guatemala, one of the highlights of a conflict that culminated with over 200,000 fatalities.
Elsewhere in Latin America, Iran provided the homicidal Chilean dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet with useful methods of popular oppression, while helping spawn the contemporary incarnation of Colombian paramilitarism that has been responsible for an untold quantity of civilian bloodshed and other forms of suffering.
Just kidding
Actually, none of the above is true. The real culprit in all of the items listed in this sample chronology is none other than the state of Israel.
In a new report entitled "Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression", the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) endeavours to set the historical record straight by cataloguing "the role of Israel's government, its military, and related corporations and organisations in a global industry of violence and repression".
Relying on Israeli and other sources, the well-documented report cites numerous manifestations of said industry beyond the aforementioned instances of nefarious collaboration from Rwanda to Colombia.
One prominent reference is to late Hebrew University professor Israel Shahak's book Israel's Global Role: Weapons for Repression, which illustrates how "from Rhodesia to apartheid South Africa to the Gulf monarchies, Israel ties its interests not with the masses fighting for freedom, but with their jailers". Among previously affected masses was the population of Nicaragua, where, according to Shahak, Israel supplied 98 percent of the arms used by dictatorAnastasio Somoza during the last year of his reign, when an estimated 50,000 were killed.
Israel also armed South African jailers - the government as well as some of the Bantustan regimes - and offered to sell the country nuclear weapons. As the Guardian pointed out in an exclusive report on the subject, South Africa in turn "provided much of the yellowcake uranium that Israel required to develop its [own] weapons".
Dealing in insecurity
It is almost platitudinous to point out that the lucrativeness of the "security industry" necessarily rests on the proliferation of insecurity.
We might ponder what level of individual or general security is possible, for example, in the context of massive Israeli arms sales to places like India, a repressive and racist state disingenuously advertised as a bastion of democracy by free-market sycophants and similar creatures.
In a speech at the Earth at Risk conference, renowned Indian author Arundhati Roy painted an unadulterated picture of domestic conditions:
Poverty and terrorism have been conflated. In the Northeastern states we have laws like the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which allows soldiers to kill on suspicion. In all of India we have the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, which basically makes even thinking an anti government thought a criminal offense, for which you can be jailed for up to seven years.
Roy contends that, as the world is currently configured, "[w]eapons are absolutely essential... not just for oil or natural resources, but for the military-industrial complex itself to keep going". India's inexhaustible supply of poor people-slash-terrorists will thus presumably prove profitable.
Commenting on the willingness of various countries to court Israel in the security arena while defying it in other venues such as UN votes on Palestinian statehood, Silver quotes Israeli President Shimon Peres' observation: "We have relations with countries that don't recognise us, but they want to co-operate with us for security."
Since Israel's oppression of Palestinians is fundamentally dependent on its security industry, this sort of cooperation ends up validating the oppression that such states purport to oppose.
As for states less concerned with maintaining principled facades, the US heaves billions of dollars a year at Israel in encouragement of perpetual bellicosity.
IJAN's indictment of Israel's "use [of] profits to further repress and displace Palestinians, developing still more deadly weapons in the process" would seem to underscore the implications of this winning homeland security formula for homelands worldwide.
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