Monday, 24 December 2012

"the rapes will go on" and on and on. and on.....

This is a photograph I shot when Campa Cola was  King and Coca Cola had yet to return to the Indian market. That was a long time ago . The Delhi Police were reacting to violence against women by  setting up special patrols to help women. The Mahila Sahyata Dasta vans were supposed to protect women in Delhi buses and streets. Martial Art classes for women were another knee jerk response.

 Looks like all that did not do much .  The horrendous gang rape, in Delhi, is so deja vu.

Violence against women in Delhi was something that struck me when I first moved there.  I remember getting into the occasional  fight against men who "eve teased" .  One  "eve teaser'  turned out to be  CID  police man. Even the  Policemen at the Police station were a bit taken back with that 'eve teaser'. I suppose they let him go  once I walked out of the  door.  That would be so like them.

The story I am linking to says a lot about the very men society looks to for protection.  Nothing , it seems, has changed in all these years. Nothing will  if this is the way  police men think of women and rape. But then, rape is more about power than sex. And the sense of power that a uniform bestows on its wearers is a power the uniformed have yet to understand. All over the world.

 Will the rapes will go on, and on and on ????

She asked for it.
It’s all about money.
They have made it a business.
It is consensual most of the time.

THIS IS how policemen — keepers of the law and protectors of innocent — view rape in the Delhi- National Capital Region (NCR). Although generalising is fraught with hazards, this is one generalisation that can be made. There’s evidence to support this.

While we may have excellent statutes to deal with crimes against women, do we also have the police machinery to implement the law in its letter and spirit? Are police stations of the NCR being manned by professional and efficient police officers who can deliver justice to hapless women turning up at their doors?


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