Sunday, 23 December 2012

no level playing fields for the controlling colonials

'Protecting the "Freedom" of the internet' is the  reason  Aunty Beeb and the rest of western mainstream media  have been giving us, for the  American walkout .   Here is another point of view. from  the 'other' side.

My mistrust of mainstream media  groweth.  It's subverting 'spin' is as scary as its desire to control all the international commons. .  

A level playing  field, in any field,  is what scares the "commons" controlling colonials.

The United States’s decision to walk out of the International Telecommunication Union’s World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) in Dubai along with some of its allies last week could represent a turning point in global Internet governance. These countries refused to sign the new International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs) that contain some basic principles governing the technical architecture of the global communication system. 

The real flash point, however, came on December 13, on a proposal to include text in the preamble seeking the “right of access of Member States to international telecommunication services. It is difficult to see what a global telecommunication treaty would mean without such a basic high-level principle. The U.S. took it to be aimed at the unilateral trade sanctions that it applies against some countries. Since this text had been hotly debated many times during the preceding days, and was in and out of the draft, Iran sought a vote on it. A gentleman’s agreement at the meeting had indeed been to not go for a vote and seek consensus. But an equally important point to note is that the U.S. was standing against a simple statement asserting a collective right of people. As the proposal to insert this text in the preamble was carried 77 votes to 33, the U.S. declared it would not sign the treaty. The U.S. was immediately followed by the U.K., and the process broke down.


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