Friday 28 September 2012

buddha from the west - lost in translation

Few people realize that, quite frankly, the Bible discourages people from studying foreign languages. The story of the tower of Babel informs us that there is one humanity (God's one), only that "our languages are confused"

This attitude in the Western hemisphere has not changed, with the effect that we live in a crazy world today. Most American and European scholars believe that the Chinese "speak their languages", only that they "talk" in Chinese. Take the case of "democracy" and "human rights". You may have considered this, but those are European words and do not exist in China at all. Imagine China would return a favor and demand from Europe morewenming and tian ren he yi

The European attitude is reflected in its translations. Most Westerners simply translate every Chinese key concept into convenient biblical or philosophical terminology. As a result, modern nation states, like Germany in the year 2012, are virtually Chinese-free. 

Translation, of course, is an old human habit. That doesn't mean we shouldn't question it. It was our habit to slay our opponents in battle, but we don't do that any more (except in Afghanistan and Iraq). Why do we still destroy foreign key vocabulary?

To put it another way: have you ever wondered why there are now "philosophers" and "saints" all over the world, but that there has never been a single shengren or buddha in the West? Think about it, what is that probability? Whose version of "History" are we taught? The East has been preyed upon and is bleeding out of its socio-cultural originality as we speak. 

                                                        Buddha  from the West ! Lost in Translation   

"Philosophy" is a Greco-Hellenic concept that is syndicated by the Judeo-Christian tradition. Rujiao, Fojiao, and Daojiao are alljiao, teachings. As to "religion" there is only one, the Western conception: We all live in the year 2012 of the Lord Jesus Christ. The so-called "freedom of religion" has to be understood as: "in this Christian world, you may believe whatever you want". China is already evangelized precisely because all "Chinese religions" follow Judeo-Christian taxonomy. 

China is not alone. India, too, is slowly figuring out there is something odd here. The Sanskrit-Hindu tradition invented tens of thousands of unique non-European concepts that are simply blocked out of History by Western media and academia. As if billions of Chinese and Indians in 3,000 years never invented anything - as if they just stood there waiting to be stripped of their intellectual property. 


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