It seems some people are not understanding what I'm saying. So, here is another way of putting it, this time from a Jewish author
It seems some people are not understanding what I'm saying. So, here is another way of putting it, this time from a Jewish author
"Zionism has fundamentally hijacked the Jewish religion, conflating Judaism-a faith rooted in spirituality, ethics, and covenantal obligations-with a form of political nationalism. This conflation has led to the idolization of the modern state of Israel, elevating its political and military pursuits to a sacred status that has no basis in Jewish tradition. If Moses were to descend from Mount Sinai today and witness the distortion of Judaism into a nationalist ideology, he would react no differently than he did when the Israelites worshiped the golden calf: with righteous indignation, seeing it as a betrayal of the divine principles enshrined in the Torah.
Zionism, as a modern political movement, has nothing to do with the timeless teachings of Judaism. The Torah speaks of justice, compassion, and humility before God, while Zionism often represents the opposite-militarism, territorial expansion, and exclusion. Those who idolize Zionism, claiming it to be synonymous with Judaism, have strayed far from what it means to live as a Jew. Their devotion to a political ideology over the ethical commandments of the Torah reveals a form of idolatry that is antithetical to the very essence of Jewish faith.
Judaism's strength has always been its moral and spiritual vision, not its allegiance to a nation-state. The attempt to tether Jewish identity to Zionism erases centuries of Jewish history and tradition, in which Jews maintained their faith without sovereignty or territorial claims. True Judaism transcends borders and nationalistic pursuits; it is about creating a world rooted in justice and holiness, not one that venerates power or land. Those who elevate Zionism above the ethical core of Judaism are not practicing Judaism at all but a new form of idolatry, one that Moses would undoubtedly condemn. This false conflation has diluted the essence of what it means to be Jewish, leaving behind a movement that serves the state, not God."
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