Saturday, 21 December 2024

The 'new Syria': no borders, no territory, no water, no crude oil, no army, no air defence and no weapons (except for those held by murderous al-Qa'ida gangs and foreign proxies). Just ISIS-in-suits, lots of Mossad,

The 'new Syria': no borders, no territory, no water, no crude oil, no army, no air defence and no weapons (except for those held by murderous al-Qa'ida gangs and foreign proxies). Just ISIS-in-suits, lots of Mossad, thousands of American troops, French Special Forces, German spies, Turkish asset-strippers, British 'diplomats', Zionist troops and constant Zionist airstrikes. The 'Blessed Revolution', which took one of the Arab world's most economically productive, stable and culturally sophisticated states and turned millions into refugees or vanished them into dust. First they told you it was for 'democracy'. Then they told you it was about removing a 'brutal tyrant' (unlike the very genteel Gulf rulers funding the regime change). Then they dared to tell you it was about 'Syrian agency', while all those telling you so were working for US intelligence front organisations. Now the ISIS-in-suits regime is in charge, they tell us it was about Iran and Hizballah all along. A sectarian war to smash Muslim unity; smash the Resistance; hand Syria over on a plate to the Zionists; and turn it into a playground for the financial interests of everyone who paid for the dirty war, all now jostling for their piece of the pie. And those who never understood — or lapped up the sectarian bloodlust — clap along like seals. Photo shows the suburbs of Damascus now.


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