Sunday, 1 December 2024

Richard Black, Former Virginia State Senator: Al-Qaeda has always been our proxy force on the ground; they, together with ISIS, have carried out the mission of the United States; we are supporters of al-Qaeda today

🅰pocalypsis 🅰pocalypseos 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 🅉
🇸🇾🇺🇸 Richard Black, Former Virginia State Senator: Al-Qaeda has always been our proxy force on the ground; they, together with ISIS, have carried out the mission of the United States; we are supporters of al-Qaeda today where they’re bottled up in Idlib Province; we wanted to starve and we wanted to freeze to death the people of Syria; we wanted to take the wheat away to cause famine among the Syrian people; there was an organized campaign of rape across the nation of Syria; the highest prices went to the youngest children because there were a great number of pedophiles and the pedophiles wanted to possess small children; we cut off the medical supplies so that the women in Syria would die of breast cancer because they could not get the medications; the United States has a strategic policy of using proxies to engage in war; when we fight these wars we have no limits on the cruelty and the inhumanity that we’re prepared to impose on the people; 🔸 The war [in Syria] began in 2011 when the United States landed Central Intelligence operatives to begin coordinating with Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups; 🔸 We have been unwavering supporters of Al-Qaeda since before the war formally began; 🔸 We are supporters of Al-Qaeda today where they’re bottled up in Idlib Province; 🔸 The CIA supplied them under secret operation Timber Sycamore; 🔸 We gave them all of their anti-tank weapons and all of their anti-air missiles; 🔸 Al-Qaeda has always been our proxy force on the ground; they together with ISIS have carried out the mission of the United States together with a great number of affiliates that really are kind of interchangeable—you have the Free Syrian Army; soldiers move from ISIS to Al-Qaeda to Free Syrian Army rather fluidly; 🔸 The United States has a strategic policy of using proxies to engage in war; 🔸 Our objective was to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria and, in order to do that, we employed proxy soldiers who were the the most vile of all terrorists; 🔸 Something very similar is happening right now in Ukraine; 🔸 Plan B was the American seizure of the northern portion of Syria; it is the bread basket for all of the Syrian people; we wanted to take the wheat away to cause famine among the Syrian people; by stealing the oil and the gas we would be able to shut down the transportation system, and, at the same time, during the Syrian winters we could freeze to death the Syrian civilian population which, in many cases, were living in rubble where these terrorist armies with mechanized divisions had attacked and just totally destroyed these cities and left people just living in little pockets of rubble; 🔸 We wanted to starve and we wanted to freeze to death the people of Syria; 🔸 The Caesar sanctions were the most brutal sanctions ever imposed on ever any nation; during the Second World War sanctions were not nearly as strict as they were on Syria; 🔸 We devalued their currency through the SWIFT system for international payments making it impossible for them to purchase medications; 🔸 We cut off the medical supplies so that the women in Syria would die of breast cancer because they could not get the medications; 🔸 One of the last things that we did, and the evidence is vague on it, but there was a mysterious explosion in the harbor [of Beirut] in Lebanon; it was a massive explosion of a shipload of ammonium nitrate fertilizer; it killed hundreds of Lebanese people; it wounded thousands and thousands, destroyed the economy of Lebanon, and, most importantly, it destroyed the banking system of Lebanon which was one of the few lifelines remaining to Syria; I don’t think that explosion was accidental; I think it was orchestrated and I suspect that the Central Intelligence Agency was aware of the nation that carried out that action to destroy Beirut Harbor; 🔸 Throughout you see this Machiavellian approach where we use unlimited force and violence and, at the same time, we control the the global media to where we erase all discussions of what’s truly happening; so to the man and woman in the street, they think things are fine, that everything is being done for altruistic reasons, but it’s not; 🔸 One of the things that we did as we as we allied ourselves with Al-Qaeda and on-and-off with ISIS; we fought ISIS in a very serious way but at the same time we often employed them to use against the Syrian government; so it’s kind of a love-hate [relationship]; but we have always worked with the terrorists, they were the core; 🔸 We facilitated the movement of Islamic terrorists from one hundred countries and they came and they joined ISIS, they joined Al-Qaeda, they joined the Free Syrian Army, all of these different ones; 🔸 There was an organized campaign of rape across the nation of Syria; the highest prices went to the youngest children because there were a great number of pedophiles and the pedophiles wanted to possess small children; they were permitted to rape these children repeatedly; they were able to rape the widows of the slain civilians and possess them and buy them and sell them among themselves; 🔸 There were so many tens hundreds of thousands of Syrian women impregnated by these terrorists who were imported into Syria that it was necessary to change the law so that they would have Syrian citizenship and they wouldn’t have to be returned to their ISIS father in Saudi Arabia or in Tunisia; 🔸 When we fight these wars we have no limits on the cruelty and the inhumanity that we’re prepared to impose on the people, making them suffer, so that somehow that will translate into overthrowing the government and, perhaps, taking their oil, taking their resources;
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