Friday, 6 December 2024

One day the blunt denial of the Israeli genocide in Gaza by many Western politicians will be a case-study in politicial cynicism. Facts and law are ignored, while ideology or prejudice prevail.

One day the blunt denial of the Israeli genocide in Gaza by many Western politicians will be a case-study in politicial cynicism. Facts and law are ignored, while ideology or prejudice prevail. In the two reports on genocide I wrote this year, first, I provided an analysis of Israel's ACTS of genocide, and then, I placed these actions in a historical context, exposing INTENT attributable to the State. 's recent work, #CartographyOfGenocide, perfectly complements my analysis and is a must-read for all. Here in video:
Palestine Deep Dive
There is NO SAFE PLACE in Gaza. @weizman_eyal | @ForensicArchi | @FranceskAlbs | @AlnaouqA
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One day the blunt denial of the Israeli genocide in Gaza by many Western politicians will be a case-study in politicial cynicism. Facts and law are ignored, while ideology or prejudice prevail. In the two reports on genocide I wrote this year, first, I provided an analysis of Israel's ACTS of genocide, and then, I placed these actions in a historical context, exposing INTENT attributable to the State. 's recent work, #CartographyOfGenocide, perfectly complements my analysis and is a must-read for all. Here in video:
Palestine Deep Dive
There is NO SAFE PLACE in Gaza. @weizman_eyal | @ForensicArchi | @FranceskAlbs | @AlnaouqA
Embedded video
One day the blunt denial of the Israeli genocide in Gaza by many Western politicians will be a case-study in politicial cynicism. Facts and law are ignored, while ideology or prejudice prevail. In the two reports on genocide I wrote this year, first, I provided an analysis of Israel's ACTS of genocide, and then, I placed these actions in a historical context, exposing INTENT attributable to the State. 's recent work, #CartographyOfGenocide, perfectly complements my analysis and is a must-read for all. Here in video:
Palestine Deep Dive
There is NO SAFE PLACE in Gaza. @weizman_eyal | @ForensicArchi | @FranceskAlbs | @AlnaouqA
Embedded video


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