Friday, 13 December 2024

Israel has won. Our legislative and executive branches are composed mainly of people whose primary loyalty is to a foreign government

Jenin Younes (former handle @leftylockdowns1)
Israel has won. Our legislative and executive branches are composed mainly of people whose primary loyalty is to a foreign government. It’s why we are funding a regime that indisputably shoots kids in the head. That rapes detainees, by its own admission. That kills US citizens with impunity and no repercussions from our own government. That is about to drag us into a war that will be disastrous for Americans, financially and in terms of national security. It’s why free speech on campus is over. The same is true of mainstream media. It’s why, despite making fairly regular appearances on Fox and other conservative stations prior to 10/7, I’ve never been invited back and never will be. It’s why my colleagues have to field endless complaints about me at conservative events to which I’ll never again be invited. And to add to this dystopian nightmare, if you make any of these fairly obvious points, you’re accused of “antisemitism.” It’s worse than McCarthyism, and maybe worse than the fictional world of Orwell’s 1984 (the year, incidentally, that I was born).


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