Saturday, 28 December 2024

"I they are hiding everything. And what I mean by that is that they are sabotaging all of the mechanisms that we would normally use to figure out what's true.

Bret Weinstein: "I they are hiding everything. And what I mean by that is that they are sabotaging all of the mechanisms that we would normally use to figure out what's true. And that sounds like a wild exaggeration, but it isn't. The fact is it's not even just a an attack on the university system. It's an attack on every single university." "The research done there is low quality, not repeatable. The lessons taught there are actually, in large measure, not even true anymore. Things that are verifiably false are taught as if they are true. Our regulatory agencies work exactly in reverse. They protect regulators from from citizens, not the other way around." "So something is attacking all of the mechanisms in civilization that are supposed to seek the truth and act upon it, and that's not a coincidence. I define the west a little differently than other people. I define it in a way that I think, is maybe less intuitive, but more natural. I would say the West is the agreement, put aside our lineage level differences and to collaborate with anybody who has something that they bring to the table that's worth collaborating with. So that is such a powerful idea." "It is so productive that it has created an incredibly vibrant society here in the US, but it has also become contagious and it has spread throughout the world. Because once people see how dynamic and productive a system that is, they wanna participate." "And that system is now in grave jeopardy. It is falling apart because we've become obsessed with, ways in which it is imperfect, which is a terrible mistake, but even worse because the, the democratic structure at the heart of it, consent of the governed, is under attack by something that is uncomfortable with the idea that we should have power over our own future." "Because our, our truth seeking apparatus has been under such intense attack, we don't know what's true. Some things that are very easy to establish. It's not a difficult scientific question to figure out whether or not mRNA vaccines cause turbocancers." "That's a very straightforward scientific problem, but we are nonetheless left to grapple with anecdote because to the extent that there are studies, they're likely to be set up to fail, and the rest is anecdote. So we are left to make sense of the world without the most obvious basic tools, without anything that flows to us from the enlightenment, and that is indeed a very dangerous predicament." "I'm an evolutionary biologist, and in evolution, we talk about something called the adaptive landscape. It's a metaphor that helps us understand some subtle processes in evolution, and the idea is that opportunities are peaks on this adaptive landscape, and there are valleys that keep you from going from a low peak to a higher one. Now the the important thing to realize is that we have to leave the peak we're on." "This is not a sustainable place. We can't run a society this way, which means that we will have to go through an adaptive valley. So to the extent that people see things as very, very dark, they're not imagining it, but that's inevitable. There's no guarantee that we get through the adaptive valley, but the fact that it's dark is not evidence that we should turn around and go back up the hell we came from. We can't." "That's not a long term plan. So the the the wonderful thing is all of the people with integrity and capacity have all been antagonized by the same enemy. We're all on the same team at this point. And being on the same team with all of those people who with who have all of this insight and courage and integrity, that's exactly the team you want. It's the right team for us to head into the adaptive valley and find the peak on the other side because, frankly, the future is depending."
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