Finally, the effort to engineer regime change in Syria has been achieved
“The first CIA effort at regime change in Syria was in 1947 at the very moment of its inception. And there were multiple efforts to overthrow governments in Syria and well before Bashar Al Assad took power. … They all failed. There were efforts of course to change the Bashar Al Assad regime, to overthrow it. Hillary Clinton and others famously advocated that the United States CIA spent about 5 billion dollars in training of various groups including this one to overthrow the regime, presumably on behalf of Israeli security interests which have been foremost in the minds of the Biden Administration … So as I said there are many foreign hands in this. Precisely what role was played by whom is a little bit murky still. But finally, the effort to engineer regime change in Syria has been achieved.”
Update on Syria and the geopolitics of West Asia with Ambassador Chas Freeman.
Ambassador Freeman served as US Assistant Secretary of Defence from 1993-94, and as U. S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (89–92), handling the fallout of the Gulf War. He was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during the historic U.S. mediation of Namibian independence, And he was Richard Nixons principal interpreter during his 1972 visit to China, which lead to the normalisation of US–China relations.
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