Sunday, 17 November 2024

Western values, what Western values?


💧Mary Kostakidis
Western values, what Western values? 'The death and displacement of millions of Muslims in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen mean little. But if they are Muslims in Xinjiang, suddenly, their lives take on phenomenal value – propaganda value' 'Whatever horrible things Beijing has been doing, such as developing the whole region with modern road and high-speed train connections, at least it doesn’t include helping to physically exterminate tens of thousands of Muslims, including entire families by root and by branch. Nor has it been starving an entire civilian population; bombing them with Western weapons, from north to south and then back again; denying food and medical aid to create famine conditions; destroying all infrastructure – roads, water and food supplies, hospitals, schools and basic shelters, without which basic survival cannot be sustained; and killing UN aid workers and their entire families, and journalists, doctors and nurses.' 'On Sunday, Israeli air strikes on northern Gaza killed another 30, 13 of them children. Another day, another routine operation by the world’s “most moral” army. I hate to know what the Israeli army considers “immoral”. But you say, it’s all Israel and American-made bombs. Actually, it’s not just them, but several leading Western powers are also criminally involved to varying degrees. They all belong at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, if it weren’t actually run by the Western powers to only target non-Western war criminals.' 'But it’s not just Palestinians. Muslim lives are worth little in the public and political discourses of the West, whether by its politicians or media pundits and reporters. The deaths of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen mean little. But if they are Muslims in Xinjiang, suddenly, their lives take on phenomenal value – propaganda value.' 'When it comes to China, very little evidence is needed to claim atrocities and genocide were committed. But with Israel, no amount of overwhelming evidence proving atrocities and genocide will suffice. If irrefutable, well, just suppress it, and denounce and discredit those who come up with it as antisemitic.' Link below


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