Shock News: Russia did not poison the Skripals in Salisbury.
Shock News: Russia did not poison the Skripals in Salisbury.
Obviously anyone who paid any attention to the alleged Russian operation to poison former KGB agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with 'Novichok' is already aware that this was not a Russian operation but rather a smear job by the British secret state.
But equally, not every one had/has time to pay attention and not everyone is immune to the siren call of Russophobia - even those on the left who really should know better. Naming no names here!
Anyway, it transpires the British intelligence sources claim that the Russians had smeared 'Novichok' on the front door handle of the Skripal's house was false and that they knew it to be false four days after the 'attack'.
It was at that stage that Yulia Skripal testified that the attack had been accomplished in the restaurant where she and her father were having lunch and that they collapsed minutes later on a park bench.
As John Helmer writes:
The implication of the Skripal evidence, revealed for the first time on Thursday, is that the attack on the Skripals was not perpetrated by Russian military agents who were photographed elsewhere in Salisbury town at the time; that the attacker or attackers were British agents; and that if their weapon was a nerve agent called Novichok, it came, not from Moscow, but from the UK Ministry of Defence chemical warfare laboratory at Porton Down.
Porton Down’s subsequent evidence of Novichok contamination in blood samples, clothing, car, and home of the Skripals may therefore be interpreted as British in source, not Russian.
This evidence was revealed by a police witness testifying at the Dawn Sturgess Inquiry in London on November 14. The police officer, retired Detective Inspector Keith Asman was in 2018, and he remains today the chief of forensics for the Counter Terrorism Policing (CTPSE) group which combines the Metropolitan and regional police forces with the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and the Security Service (MI5).
According to Asman’s new disclosure, Yulia Skripal had woken from a coma and confirmed to the doctor at her bedside that she remembered the circumstances of the attack on March 4. What she remembered, she signalled, was not (repeat not) the official British Government narrative that Russian agents had tried to kill them by poisoning the front door-handle of the family home.
Obviously the Secret State is desperate to continue the cover up and that is why the Skripals have been
1. Banned from giving evidence
2. Are being held incommunicado by the spooks.
3. Have not signed any of the 'evidence' of their 'testimony' which has been supplied on their behalf by the spooks.
4, Are being represented by a government paid lawyer who appears never to have met or talked to them.
5. As Helmer writes: 'Neither Yulia nor Sergei Skripal has been asked by the police, by the Inquiry lawyers, or by Hughes to confirm or deny whether Yulia’s recollection of March 8, 2018, of the spray attack in Zizzi’s Restaurant is still their evidence of what happened to them.'
In other words a massive cover up is continuing on the Skripal case.
For those in need of some foundations for scepticism here is the last briefing produced by the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media of which I was a co-author with and Paul McKeigue, published in May 2018.
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