Monday 14 October 2024

History is full of power-drunk countries that didn't know how to stop in time. Israel is approaching this

Gideon Levy, Haaretz:

'Meanwhile, millions of people are fleeing from the Israeli army for their lives, displaced, refugees, destitute, hopeless, wounded, orphans and crippled in endless processions of suffering in Gaza and Lebanon. Soon in the West Bank and maybe also in Iran. Never have so many people fled in terror of Israel, not even in the Nakba of 1948. They will never forget what Israel did to them. Never. To Israel and the Israelis, it brings not only joy, satisfaction and national pride but also a power trip the likes of which they have never seen, certainly not since 1967.' 'Israel feels that the sky's the limit for its attacks, its conquests, the killing and the destruction that it is capable of sowing. And there is no stopping it. Never before has it stood like this in front of an empty goal, convinced that it has been given the kicking opportunity of a lifetime..' 'The abhorrence of the world's masses will eventually be joined by their governments, and one (distant) day they will be sick of it. Israel has no international backing except for the United States and Europe. True, they haven't yet lifted a finger, but one day public opinion there could change that.' 'History is full of power-drunk countries that didn't know how to stop in time. Israel is approaching this. Meanwhile, the thought of millions in the Middle East fleeing in terror before it, suffering indescribable pain and humiliation under our boots, should cause every Israel to shrink in shame and fear. Instead, they fill the Israeli heart with pride and encourage them to seek more of the same. And there's no stopping it.'


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