Friday 11 October 2024

A new damning UN report on Israel asserts it is carrying out the crime against humanity of extermination.

 🇺🇳 A new damning UN report on Israel asserts it is carrying out the crime against humanity of extermination.

🇵🇸 This will be barely reported in Western Media. So here are some of its findings (link to full report below). 🔴 Attacks against health-care facilities directly resulted in the killing of civilians, including children and pregnant women, who were receiving treatment or seeking shelter and indirectly led to deaths of civilians owing to the resulting lack of medica l care, supplies and equipment, which constitutes a violation of Palestinians’ right to life. The Commission also concludes that such acts constitute the crime against humanity of extermination 🔴 The Commission finds that Israeli security forces resorted to perfidy when soldiers entered a hospital in Jenin dressed as medical staff and female civilians on 30 January. That action constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law . 🔴 Israeli security forces used detainees as human shields in several instances in the West Bank and Gaza, which constitutes a war crime. Israeli security forces transported detainees from the West Bank on the bonnets of Israeli security forces vehicles in the middle of an exchange of fire. They forced detainees into tunnels and buildings ahead of military personnel in the Gaza Strip. 🔴 The Commission finds that such persecutory acts continued in detention in the form of sexualized torture. Male detainees were subjected to attacks on their sexuality and reproductive organs, including violence to their genitals and anus, and were forced to perform humiliating and strenuous acts naked or stripped as a form of punishment or intimidation, with a view to extract information from them. Male detainees were subjected to rape, which is a war crime and a crime against humanity. Such acts of sexual violence, causing severe physical and mental suffering, also amount to torture.


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