Sunday 1 September 2024

Why Do the Jews Love Antisemitism?

 • August 28, 2024

It isn’t because those antisemitic tracts say that the Jews control Hollywood and the media. It isn’t because the rabbis claim that life is horrible and thus Jews will always be mistreated by the Goyim. This particular word has grown to become a central tenet of Judaism, and yet compared to the two thousand years of anti-Jewish philosophizing, antisemitism is a small and recent aberration. The word was born in 19th century Vienna and is a culmination of the racial theory that was fashionable then. It put forth the claim that there are two major races, Aryan and Semitic. Racists claim that Jews are intrinsically Semitic, like cats are intrinsically cats. Jews are born this way, and this way they die. International Jewry likes this idea. But why are we obligated to subscribe to it?

“The Jews” came to existence at the end of the first century AD, after Christianity began making inroads into the Greek and Roman world. Just as the Crucifixion was followed by the Resurrection, so appeared the Church of Christ. It took the name of Israel. Not long afterwards there appeared a strong anti-Christian group, and their main raison d’etre was to cast aspersions on the Name of Christ. They took the name of Jews. Their first and most popular text of the first millennium was called Maaseh Taluy, a parody of the Crucifixion of Christ. It was also called Toledot Yeshu, making Judas its hero. Hundreds of copies of this text have been found in Cairo Geniza and elsewhere. Ever afterwards, the Jews have consistently and untiringly fought Christianity whenever and wherever they could get way with it.

The rabbis contend that the Jews await their Messiah. Is it just a coincidence that their Messiah matches up with the Anti-Christ recorded in Revelations? There have been quite a number of Jewish Messiah-king claimants like Simon bar Kokhba (who killed Christians) and Sabbatai Zevi over the years, but none ever achieved any renown outside Jewish circles. The Jews consider the Protestant sects to be more useful to their goals than the Apostolic Churches of East and West; in 19th c. France they worked closely with the Huguenots. The Christian Church has retained the name of Israel, though the term has become increasingly associated with Jewry over the years. The Christian Church and the Jews are like two twins, one good, one evil. They were born at almost the same time, and they cannot get along. Christians are under obligation to convert the Jews, but there is no way the Jews could ever become tolerant of Christians; they have always been a fighting tribe.

Under the Old Covenant, God taught the Jews to be Xenophobic, to resist syncretistic compromise and to exterminate evil-doers. And yet, the Middle East as a region never maintained ill feelings about the Jews. Recently TUR published an interview with Avi Shlaim under the title “The Arab Jew Experience Exposes the Myths of Middle Eastern Antisemitism”. In short, there is not and there never was a negative attitude towards Jews – not because they supposedly share the same Semitic race, but because the Jews are dangerous only to Christians. The Jews manage well in Semitic countries but were never as spectacularly successful as they have been in the US and England. India also has Jews, but again without a significant bloc of Christians to oppose they remain the remnants of a ignored, defunct religious sect.

I understand!” our reader might exclaim. “The Church mistreats the Jews and so they rise up to survive, just as they survived Amalek and the Roman legions!” No, good sir. In fact, it is the Church that is periodically under concerted attack by International Jewry, often for hundreds of years at a stretch. Sometimes the Jewish attacks take the form of genocide, as happened many times in Palestine, the cradle of Christianity. Sometimes the Jews are content to rob the churches, as happened in France at the beginning of the 20th c.

The eternal enmity between Jews and Christians began at the foot of the Cross and continues today. Rene Guenon refers to this antagonistic relationship as ‘initiates’ and ‘counter-initiates’. A contemporary follower of Guenon, Alexandre Dougin, explained it thus:

…counter-initiation to be the sum of secret organizations which, although in possession of initiatic and esoteric data, nonetheless direct their activities and efforts towards a goal which is the direct opposite of normal initiation. In other words, instead of striving towards the absolute, they head towards fatal disappearance and dissolution amidst the “reign of quantity” in its external twilight. In line with Islamic esotericism, Guénon called the hierarchs of counter-initiation Awliya es-Shaytan, that is to say the “saints of Satan.” Representatives of counter- initiation stand behind all the negative tendencies of modern civilization and are secretly administering the course of affairs down the path of degradation, materialization, and spiritual perversion.

In short, the Jews and the Christian Church are mutually counter-initiative. The Church waits and fights for Christ, and the Jews wait and fight for Antichrist. That’s why there can never be peace betwixt them; they are at eternal war. And unexpectedly the Jews are winning this war.

The signs of their victory are clear. While we may be considered stunning and brave when we air our doubts about Christianity or publicly deny the Crucifixion/Resurrection, we risk a jail sentence if we betray a doubt about the Holocaust, the Jewish parody of the Resurrection. Holocaust Denial and other forms of free speech have been criminalized even in Sweden, supposedly the freest European state.

The Jews even stole the name of ‘Israel’, which belongs to the Christian Church. The Jews were allowed to financially promote a heresy called Christian Zionism, now openly flexing its power in the US. Christian Zionists are the kind of Christians who dream of crying ‘Crucify Him’ alongside the Jews. The Jews are currently promoting a limited revival of racialism, so that they might bring new life to the silly word anti-Semitism. It’s high time to return to old terms: the Christian Church is the true Israel, while the Jews are enemies of Christ – and this eternal enmity has nothing to do with race. Race and Zionism has been injected into Christ’s Church by the Jews to herald the arrival of their Antichrist.

Christians should continue to strive to baptise Jews, as baptised ex-Jews saved by Christ can (through the power of the Holy Spirit) become just like the people they live amongst. The financial machinery of International Jewry (bourses, banks, insurances and various rent-extracting devices) should eventually be voided as anti-Christian. The ill-gotten capital amassed by Jews must be confiscated and re-distributed to their host populations. This would be an example of Christian justice, because the Jews gather their vast wealth by dispossessing Christians. This would also be an example of Christian prudence, because the Jews instinctively exercise their power in preparing the world for Antichrist. Finally, Jews should be banned from owning and operating media companies because their eternal enmity inevitably spreads anti-Christian ideas.

This would be a good start to reawaken our Christian faith and begin the revitalization of our societies. You say that this is just an empty dream, but it is not so. The US, main enforcer of Jewish wishes upon the world, is now in the throes of a revolution. Never before (since 1945) have anti-Jewish voices been so powerful. Two Tate brothers, Candace Owens, the brash opinions of Carlson Tacker and Musk shake the Internet. Pavel Durov refused to censure his (and yours) honest opinions, and was promptly arrested. From the demented Left rises the youthful exuberance of Jackson Hinkle to check the unhampered exercise of naked Jewish power.

It does seem as though the evil Jewish overlordship over America is finally coming to its long-awaited demise. We should thoughtfully prepare ourselves to take advantage of this important historical moment. It has come none too early, as our world is minutes away from that WWIII so desired by the Jews. The repudiation of the Jews will bring the United States into Christ’s Good Grace. It will allow the Palestinians to rebuild their homeland, it will restore peace with Russia, it will rout the warmongers from Congress. There can be no downside to denying Antichrist. It is enough just to say after Candace Owens: Christ is King!

Written with assistance and editing of Paul Bennett  



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