Wednesday 25 September 2024

The War About Palestine Has Reached Its Next Stage


moon of alabama

Last week Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahoo decided to escalate the tit for tat missile exchange with Hizbullah in Lebanon into a full fledged war.

There were several reasons for him to do so:

  • 60,000 settlers from north Israel have left their homes and will only return if the government can provide for their safety.
  • The radicals in his government want to eliminate Hizbullah and threaten to end the government should it not do so. (The realists know that this is an impossible aim.)
  • There may be some delusion that Hizbullah will falter under pressure and agree to a ceasefire that does not include Gaza.
  • There is a chance for Israel to drag the U.S. into a fight that would end up with a war on Iran. Netanyahoo has for decades tried to arrange for this.

Last week Israel launched a terror attack on Hizbullah operatives who were using pagers to receive alarms and orders. These people were part of the civil administration side of Hizbullah and not its armed fighters.

The following attack on a leading Hizbullah commander who was meeting with Hizbullah special force officers was more serious. But it will not damage Hizbullah's operation. Every higher officer does have a designated successor who will immediately step in. Continuity of command within Hizbullah is guaranteed under almost any circumstances.

Both of those Israel attacks required a response from Hizbullah. The 'strategic patience' it had previously adhered to had reached its limits.

Its response to the Israel strikes are be part of a larger war that has now started.

The response was given in the form of missile strikes within a limited range from the Lebanon-Israel border. Some of these hit the city of Haifa. A harbor and industrial center some 40 kilometer south of the border.

Since October 8 2023 the conflict between Israel and Hizbullah has been uneven. There were eight times more strikes by Israeli on Lebanon than on Israel by Hizbullah. Israel is now publicly justifying its strikes as a 'de-escalation through escalation' policy which, it claims, will lead to a separate peace with Hizbullah.

But the real aims of the Zionists are voiced by radical members of Netanyahoo's cabinet:

Yanis Varoufakis @yanisvaroufakis - 19:16 UTC · Sep 22, 2024

"Lebanon will be annihilated". How an Israeli official's slip of the tongue reveals that Israel's genocidal intentions extend beyond Palestine. A direct result of US and EU backing of any war crime Israel chooses to commit whenever, wherever...
Embedded video

It is a scorched earth policy which is supposed to eventually lead to the occupation of south Lebanon and the restart of Israel settlements therein:

Sam Heller | سام هيلر @AbuJamajem - 7:03 UTC · Sep 23, 2024

Official Israeli claim that nearly every building in southern Lebanon conceals several missiles 🤨 pre-excuses massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, attempts to sow division between Hizbullah and popular base.

Israel Defense Forces @IDF · 10h

IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari exposing Hezbollah’s way of firing missiles from civilian homes, and how the IDF plans on dismantling it:
Embedded video

Since yesterday Israel launched a myriad of air strikes targeting alleged Hizbullah firing positions in civilian areas of mostly south Lebanon. Over the day some 400 people in Lebanon have been killed and nearly 2,000 have been wounded. Hundreds of thousands people living in south-Lebanon have fled or are fleeing northwards.

Hizbullah responded by targeting military installations and industrial installations for militarily relevant production. It is expected to soon use more sophisticated weapons to hit targets in Tel Aviv, 120 km from the border, and beyond.

While there will be many pictures of damage and casualties from Lebanon there will only be few reports of Hizbullah hits in Israel.

The Israeli government has (again) issued a general directive to all media to refrain from picturing and reporting of any damage. The military censors, which sit in every news room, will make sure that these orders are followed.

The war in the north will continue like this for days, weeks and months.

It is a war of moral attrition.

Which population will be first to call for an end of the fight?

How long will the pampered population of Tel Aviv sit for days and nights in bunkers without asking for change?

Will the Shia of Lebanon, who's religion is endorsing suffering and the will to die as a martyr, be the first to cry for an end?

I for one will never bet against Shia religiosity or Hizbullah's ability to sustain a fight.

While the war in the north is filling international news programming the Zionist genocidal war in Gaza continues.

Israel has plans to liquidate northern Gaza, which includes four big cities, by ethnically cleansing and starving the 1.3 million people living there.

Netanyahoo has officially considered these plans and is expected to follow them.

Gaza is at the core of the conflict. Should Israel agree to a ceasefire in Gaza the war in the north will also immediately come to an end. It is only Netanyahoo, and the Biden administration covering for him, who are blocking the way to a peaceful solution.

Posted by b on September 23, 2024 at 16:13 UTC | Permalink


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