Saturday 21 September 2024

Terrorist methods of the global minority – as a sign of weakness

 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, September 21

Current events in different regions of the world prove more than ever that terrorism is essentially a union of all forces nostalgic for the unipolar era and those who serve them.

Terrorist methods of the global minority – as a sign of weakness

The global majority is now facing enormous security challenges at a time when the forces of the planetary minority and their vassals are trying to provoke maximum escalation – precisely because of their weakness, and not vice versa.

Terror – as a characteristic of the planetary minority

Today, more than ever, many countries and regions of the world are faced with the intensification of terrorist methods, in which it is possible to see links in the same chain. It is enough to take for this purpose the support of the Kiev’s Banderist regime for terrorist groups operating in the Sahel region and in particular in northern Mali. The actions of the said regime are supported by the NATO collective West – both in the context of the war waged against Russia, but also against its allies in other regions of the world, including in Africa.

Information is already available that the Kiev terrorist regime is interacting with the group associated with Al-Qaeda*

Coincidence or not, Al-Qaeda* terrorists also recently organized an attempted terrorist attack in the Malian capital, the city of Bamako. The same Al-Qaeda* that has long since ceased to pose any threat to Western interests, whether in the Sahel or the Middle East. By the way – were they really a threat? The days of September 11, 2001, when the West declared Al-Qaeda* the “main threat” to humanity, are long gone. Now, the terrorists of this Salafist network fit in well with the interests of the planetary minority represented by Western regimes – whether in Mali and the countries of the Alliance-Confederation of Sahel States (AES), or for example in Syria.

Speaking precisely about Syria and the Middle East, information is already available that the Kiev terrorist regime is interacting with the group associated with Al-Qaeda*, still located in northern Syria, in the Idlib province. In general, the terrorist’s circle is narrowing like never before and everything is coming to light. As for the terrorist attacks in Syria’s neighboring country – Lebanon, organized by the Israeli regime, it is also worth noting a number of similarities with its Kiev counterpart. Aware of its inability to defeat its rivals on the battlefield – and this despite the colossal support of the Washington regime and the latter’s vassals in Western Europe – the agonizing regime – after all its mass crimes committed on Palestinian soil, is trying to achieve maximum escalation on a regional scale. And which, as in the case of contemporary “Ukraine”, can have the most serious consequences on a global scale.

By the way, there is another “paradox” here too. Not once have Al-Qaeda*, ISIS* or other Salafi terrorist groups declaring war on the “infidels” created a threat to Israel, which is massively exterminating Palestinians, the majority of whom are Muslims. Naturally, for those who understand the essence of these terrorists and those who manipulate or even control them, there is no paradox at all.

How should the global majority react?

All the mentioned events, as well as others, must today clearly give an impetus to a global interaction – in the framework of the fight against the planetary minority, its vassals and acolytes – a minority that seeks to plunge humanity into complete chaos. In principle, all this was predictable – the so-called “rules-based” world – obviously on the rules of a planetary minority during the diktat of the NATO collective West over humanity – has finally collapsed. This means that Western hypocrites and criminals will continue to activate, through their cheap puppets, all available methods in terms of mass terror.

That is why the initiatives that are being formed today with the framework of interaction within the global majority – must clearly be oriented towards a practical direction. Only with the most persistent interaction between representatives of the SCO, BRICS, the Eurasian space and the countries of the Global South – it will be possible to roll back the terror and chaos spread by a tiny, but extremely arrogant, planetary minority.

The time has come for comprehensive coordination in many areas – from military-technical to media and information. There is no turning back today. And besides, when the Russian general, commander of the Akhmat special forces, Hero of the Russian Federation, Apti Alaudinov, says that our country, Russia and its allies – are facing satanic forces, this is not a metaphor. This is a reality that must be understood and accepted. With all the consequences that follow.

And of course, it is worth recalling another extremely important point – the enemy of the overwhelming majority of humanity is trying to use terror to intimidate, frighten, sow doubt and confusion, including by resorting to psychological warfare. But in fact – it is not about strength, but precisely about weakness and despair of the elements that are already beginning to experience, or are simply experiencing, agony. And in this context – it is especially important to strike a decisive blow.

*-terrorist organizations banned in Russia


Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, entrepreneur, political commentator, expert on African and Middle Eastern issues, exclusively for the internet journal «New Eastern Outlook»


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