Monday 2 September 2024

NATO’s fifth dimensional warfare comes a cropper in Kursk


Declan Hayes
  September 1, 2024

Genghis Khan would have had General Olexsandr Syrski, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, skinned alive because of the monumental blunder that is his Kursk intrusion.

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Genghis Khan would have had General Olexsandr Syrski, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, skinned alive because of the monumental blunder that is his Kursk intrusion. Syrski, who is only a ventriloquist’s dummy for the high-heeled Zelensky and his NATO bagmen back at Ramstein, thought he was a Hannibal or a Scipio, who would carry the day by having his fifth dimensional Azov warriors attack Russia from the rear; the Chechens are now scraping up their remains and putting them into plastic sacks.

Syrski is a one-dimensional, four-star stain on the Ukrainian military and on the Ukrainian people. His record in the current war with Russia is so dire that he is as big a liability on Ukraine as is the cross-dressing Zelensky. Far from being another Hannibal or Scipio, Syrski is a one trick pony, who sacrificed thousands of his men for no discernible reason, and his promotion to the top seat seems to be due to his sole skill of brown nosing Zelensky.

Although his foray into Kursk has also been compared to the Werhmacht’s Ardennes counteroffensive, it is far more hare brained than anything Hitler’s finest ever got up to. Syrski sent his best troops with his best equipment into Russia with no hope of being re-supplied and with no realistic objective in mind. On top of that, his men indiscriminately tortured and murdered Russian civilians and Russian conscripts they encountered, thus galvanising the Chechens to expedite their doom.

Because these invading troops were trained at great expense and with great fanfare by NATO’s boot-lickers in the Czech Republic, Britain, Spain and France, those who trained them should also share their fate. Like Syrski himself, his NATO enablers are beneath contempt.

But there is something even worse there than that. Syrski’s Nazi storm troopers were supposed to implement Blitzkrieg 2.0, to storm into Kursk and, by practicing fifth dimensional warfare, send the Russians reeling back towards Siberia. It did not work out that way.

When the Wehrmacht overran the Low Countries and rolled into France in May 1940, they were professionally led and professionally trained troops using novel (Blitzkrieg) tactics against their French enemies, who were ill-prepared to effectively resist them. That is not the case with modern Russia and the very fact that Zelensky and his snow-snorting buddies thought otherwise should be a source of deep concern for their fellow-fascists.

Even if we assume that the Ukrainian divisions, who rolled into Kursk, had the best training imaginable, they have now found out that things work very differently when the rubber hits the road. Though their crimes mean they will be lucky to be shown much quarter, that is not the type of luck Eisenhower and the great Napoleon were referring to when they said they wanted lucky generals.

Of much wider concern are the Ramstein Rambos, who think it is fine to sacrifice soldiers’ lives in stupid war games like Kursk for no discernible gain. Strange though it seems, these NATO cretins have failed to even acknowledge how Russia has been transformed since Yeltsin quit the stage. Russia is no longer a pathetic drunk that NATO can easily mug. She is in fine fettle and has demonstrated time and again that she can and will defend herself, no matter the cost.

The problem, as I see it, is NATO’s top echelons are awash with clowns, who are still fighting the wars of the Yugoslav and Soviet successions, where the West had every conceivable advantage, except that of intelligence. Their rank stupidity is manifested in their analysis of their loss of Crimea at the time of what they term the Revolution of Dignity which was really a very undignified pogrom NATO’s inked up Nazis conducted against unarmed Russians and sundry secularists in Odessa and Kiev. Although Zelensky and his chums can tell all the tall tales they like about it, there is nothing dignified in incinerating Odessan teenagers and taking selfies of yourself doing it. Not even the original Nazis did that.

As regards Crimea, there is no longer anything to see there. NATO tried to grab control of Crimea but Putin beat them to the draw, secured Crimea and thereby secured the future of Russia’s Black Sea fleet. There were no lessons in Russian subterfuge or modern warfare to be learned there. NATO tried to pull a fast one but Russia’s High Command were faster.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia can trace their lineage back to 25 January 1763, from before George Washington cobbled together his Continental Army, in other words. We don’t even have to assume they have learned a thing or two in those years, as they have beaten off massive, invading armies time and again. Napoleon and Hitler both got to Moscow and each got there with the finest armies of their era. And both came a cropper, just as Sweden’s Charles X11 did by the very same tactics more than a century before Bonaparte led his Grand Armée to their doom.

As regards this pimple that is Syrski’s Kursk incursion, Russia has 100,000 troops twiddling their thumbs in nearby Belarus, who could have acted as firefighters in Kursk, had they been needed. But they were not needed because Russia quickly got Kursk under control without their help.

Russia’s current situation is that it has an economy that more than pays its bills, and that can pay for the experienced armed forces it has to protect itself and its interests. NATO, on the other hand, has maxed out its credit card and has blown up the Nord Stream pipeline in a form of economic hara kiri that defies any logic or forward planning. Having prevailed against Grenada and Saddam Hussein, it feels it can now defeat a near peer equivalent power like Russia.

Although Russia may be easily beaten in Ramstein simulations, cretins playing at cowboys and Indians are not the real thing. Kicking over a hornet’s nest in Kursk is the real thing, but it is not an intelligent thing. Not only is it a very stupid thing, but it is a very costly thing to do as well.

The armed forces of AustraliaBritainCanadaGeorgiaPolandThailand and God knows who else have written endless tracts on fifth dimensional warfare which, in this case, would entail blitz krieging Russia by land, sea and air, and simultaneously sizzling its electronic brain and incapacitating its nerve cells.

Though all of that might sound smooth as silk in a Manstein or Langley coffee shop, it is all poppycock, all froth, no substance. Though predator-prey models are delightful intellectual exercises, NATO’s fifth dimensional Coco the Clowns currently have no realistic hope of overcoming the Russian High Command, who have lived and breathed their own habitat’s strengths and weaknesses for the last 260 years. If Hitler, Napoleon and Charles X11 could not get beyond first base, what hope have cross-dressing male strippers like Zelensky and clusters of inked up Azov Nazis under Syrski’s one dimensional leadership?

Though fifth dimensional warfare is the way of the future, the unbridled ignorance and criminal arrogance of one trick ponies like Zelensky, Syrski and the cardboard cutouts, who occupy the White House, make them redundant to it.

Kursk has shown that generalship, in as many dimensions as one likes, is a synthesis of applied art and multi dimensional advanced applied science, that requires a skill set far beyond the capabilities of the buffoons in Kiev and Ramstein Syrski answers to. Though Genghis Khan would have had Syrski skinned alive, there is no need for that anymore. All that is needed is for Syrski, Zelensky and NATO’s other clowns to resign, for Zelensky to go back to his day time job as a male stripper and, as for the one-dimensional, four-star General Olexsandr Syrski, aka the butcher of Bakhmut, far from being a hero of Ukraine, this idiot is responsible for more Ukrainian deaths in Kursk and in Ukraine than anyone else, except for the high-heeled Zelensky himself.

As for fifth-dimensional warfare against Russia, that will have to wait until NATO gets the basics right. NATO must, as a matter of urgency, arrest Zelensky, Syrski and all the other jokers right up through the Ramstein rat line and even all the way to Hunter and Joe Biden, if anything is to be salvaged from this entire debacle NATO’s one-dimensional Neros and Caligulas have visited upon us all. The mothers, widows and children of Ukraine’s fallen should curse every last one of them in this world and the next for all eternity.


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