Monday 9 September 2024

Israeli Rapists and the Depravity of the Zionist Mind

 • September 5, 2024

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Anyone who doubts that “Israel” is an asylum for the criminally insane, and that the lunatics are in charge, must not be following news about the Sde Taiman torture facility. That is where a scandal erupted in early August following the arrest of nine Israeli reservist soldiers on charges of gang-raping a Palestinian hostage with a stick. (They were only charged because their crime was caught on camera, so the US pushed the Israeli authorities to go through the motions of a pro forma prosecution.)

In the world’s eyes, the scandal was that only nine of the torturers at Sde Taiman had been arrested. Israel’s most notorious torture camp, Sde Taiman had long been the site of regular and systematic infliction of the most depraved forms of torture imaginable. Human rights lawyer Khaled Mahajneh, one of the few outside observers who has managed to get inside the torture prison, said: “The treatment is more horrifying than anything we have heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.” According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, more than 30 Palestinian hostages have been tortured to death at Sde Taiman since last fall.

But in “Israel,” the scandal was that the nine gang-rapists had been arrested! Immediately a “right to rape” movement broke out, supported by a chorus of voices throughout much of the Israeli media, and featuring pro-rape protesters gathering to show their rabid support for sexual violence at many locations around the country.

Almost as soon as word of the arrests leaked, a crowd of pro-rape protesters, led by parliamentarian Zvi Sukkot and Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, gathered outside the gates of Sde Taiman. The two dignitaries incited the crowd to attack the guards, storm the torture camp, and free the rapists. A melee broke out as the right-to-rape rioters overcame the torture camp guards, helped by stand-down orders issued to police by supremacist minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and ran wild inside the camp. But they discovered that the rapists, their heroes, had been transferred to Beit Lid in the Occupied West Bank.

That evening, throngs of rape-loving rioters descended on Beit Lid, invading a military court building and later a detention center. According to Le Monde:

Among them were masked, armed men in uniform, some wearing the insignia of Force 100, a unit accused of multiple acts of violence against detainees. Tally Gotliv, a member of parliament from Likud, the ruling far-right party, cheered on the rioters outside, along with two other far-right Mps.

The rioters were unable to immediately free the rapists. But shortly after the nationwide outbreak of pro-rape protests and riots, accompanied by a groundswell of pro-rape opinion in Israeli television and print media, five of the ten accused rapists were freed pending trial.

Since the initial protests and riots, the “right to rape” has been vociferously defended at the highest levels of Israeli politics and society. According to al-Jazeera:

On being asked by Ahmad Tibi, one of the Arab MPs within the Israeli Knesset last week if it was legitimate “to insert a stick into a person’s rectum”, Hanoch Milwidsky, a member of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party, responded: “If he is a Nukhba [Hamas militant], everything is legitimate to do! Everything!”

The United States government, in its dozens of unjust wars on almost every continent, has probably committed even more war crimes than “Israel” has. But Americans, for the most part, don’t vaunt their worst crimes. US officials were embarrassed by incidents like the My Lai massacre and the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, and some have worked hard to make such horrors the exception rather than the rule.

But in Israel, the worst forms of abuse are the rule, not the exception, and much if not most of the population, as well as its leaders, enthusiastically embrace systematic rape, torture, and the murder of defenseless women and children. As Robert Inkalesh writes: “The mere fact that Israeli elected officials supported the gang-rapists, who so badly sodomised their victim that he died of his wounds, tells you everything you need to know about Israel’s government.”

An Aberration?

Is Israel’s right-to-rape frenzy an aberration? Unfortunately it is not. The Zionist occupation has spent 76 years systematically committing a long-term slow-motion genocide against the people of Palestine, and its morals have degraded to the point that comparing Israelis to the people of Sodom (ahl lut) might be an insult to Sodom.

The Israeli right-to-rape protests are not the settler colony’s first mass movement to exhibit almost unbelievable depravity. Huge mobs of Israeli protesters and rioters have been regularly blocking food trucks, and this at a time when UN officials declare that more than a million Palestinians are in imminent danger of starvation. And when the food trucks do get through, Israeli soldiers, steeped in the same genocidal mentality, wait till the starving Palestinians have crowded around the trucks, and then shoot them dead, sometimes over 100 at a time.

Many of the Zionists’ worst crimes explicitly target helpless women and children. Israel systematically murders children by various methods, including:

*Deliberately blowing up their houses, using an AI tracking system sadistically named “Where’s Daddy” designed to hold back on bombing until “suspected Hamas members” return home so their women and children can also be murdered.

*Routinely shooting children and babies with sniper rifles, often putting two bullets, one through the head and one through the heart, into the same small body. (This has been going on regularly for decades as a matter of de facto national policy, as reported by Chris Hedges in 2003.)

*Bragging about shooting pregnant women in the belly: One of the Israeli Defense Forces’ most popular T-shirts shows a visibly pregnant Palestinian woman with a target on her belly above the legend: “One shot two kills.”

*Regularly and systematically using bulldozers to bury large numbers of Palestinian civilians alive.

*Unleashing killer dogs to rip apart both living and dead bodies, and filming, posting, and celebrating such actions.

*Systematically murdering journalists; the total number killed since October, as of this writing, is 169.

Thanks to the peculiar form of criminal insanity afflicting Israel, Zionists of all stripes, at both the popular and leadership levels, brag about their horrifically depraved behavior rather than denying it, denouncing it, or at least feeling ashamed of it, as would normal people in a normal society (meaning virtually every other society on Earth.) Israelis are the only people who crowd hilltops and throw barbecue parties to celebrate watching Palestinian women and children being blown to bits, crushed under rubble, and burned to death with white phosophorus.

Thanks to the vociferous support for genocide expressed by a long list of top Israeli officials, the International Court of Justice has had no difficulty proving intent, which is normally the sticking point of genocide prosecutions. Netanyahu calls Palestinians “Amalek” meaning that they must all be exterminated, including women and children. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant calls Palestinians “human animals” (who are therefore fit to slaughter). Parlimentarian Revital “Tally” Gotliv, a member of Netanyahu’s Party, advocates exterminating Palestinians with nuclear weapons, while another minister, Amichai Eliyahu, says “there are no non-combattants in Gaza” and insists that using nuclear weapons is “an option.”

Whence the Sickness?

How did Israel become a lunatic asylum run by sadistic psychopathic killers? One school of thought blames settler colonialism. According to this analysis, generally put forward by left-leaning scholars, the crimes of European colonialism were legion, and Israel is simply the last remaining settler colony. Just as the French colonizers of Algeria behaved atrociously in their losing war against the resistance, so too we should expect the Zionist settler colonizers of Palestine, who hailed from such places as Poland, Ukraine, and Brooklyn, to behave badly in their losing war against the Palestinian resistance.

The claim that “Israel is just another settler colony, and its behavior resembles the others” has been tenable, at least until recently, because the full depravity of the Zionist genocide of Palestine has been systematically hidden due to the gross overrepresentation of Jews in decision-making positions in mainstream media. But harsh reality is now emerging, thanks in part to the genocide of Gaza that is being broadcast in gory detail 24/7/365 on social media. What the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians is many orders of magnitude worse than what the French did to North Africans, the British did to Kenyans and Rhodesians, or the Boers did to black South Africans—though in some ways it is comparable to the worst period of the genocide of the Congo under King Leopold’s Belgians.

For the most part, European settler colonizers, despite their history of atrocities, merely wanted to dominate and exploit the natives, not exterminate and replace them. But Zionists are pursuing sheer, unmitigated genocide. They have no interest in sharing the land of Palestine with its native inhabitants. They want to murder them en masse and expel any survivors, thereby erasing Palestine from the map.

So the Zionists are genocidal not because they are colonialists, but because they are colonialists with a genocidal ideology. One hypothesis often bandied about by casual observers is that Jewish victimhood is responsible for the Zionists’ atrocious behavior. According to this pop psychology interpretation, the poor suffering Jews were victimized so badly during the Holocaust that they have been condemned to inflict the same kind of trauma on someone else, and the Palestinians are convenient targets.

This explanation probably includes a kernel of truth. The Holocaust is just one of a long list of episodes in Jewish history and mythology, including countless pograms and expulsions as well as the well-known incidents recorded in the Torah (Moses and the Egyptians, Joshua and the Philistines, Esther and the Persians, the Exodus and the Romans, and so on) in which Jews claim to have been mistreated by their neighbors. So yes, Jewish ideology, based on Jewish self-serving mythological “history,” is indeed based on the mother of all persecution complexes. This has led Jews to imagine themselves as God’s Chosen who are always right, even when they are plainly doing wrong. (And lying about their history—obviously a group that has had terrible problems with so many of its neighbors is itself the main source of those problems!)

The Jewish religion has indeed inculcated the self-styled Chosen People with a kind of collective narcissism which implies disrespect for the rights of others. The American Jewish writer Ron Unz points out:

But unfortunately, there is also a far darker side (to Judaism), primarily involving the relationship between Jews and non-Jews, with the highly derogatory term goyim frequently used to describe the latter. To put it bluntly, Jews have divine souls and goyim do not, being merely beasts in the shape of men…In 2010, Israel’s top Sephardic rabbi used his weekly sermon to declare that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews and do work for them….Jewish lives have infinite value, and non-Jewish ones none at all, which has obvious policy implications. For example, in a published article a prominent Israeli rabbi explained that if a Jew needed a liver, it would be perfectly fine and indeed obligatory to kill an innocent Gentile and take his.

Another interpretation of Israel’s genocidal mania is that it stems not just from the Jewish tribal persecution and superiority complexes, but specifically from Jewish messianic-millenarian eschatology. Traditionally, Jews have denied that Jesus was the Messiah. Instead, they say, the real Messiah will be a military conqueror who crushes the goyim (the non-Jewish nations) and subjects them to Jewish rule, such that every Jew will have hundreds or thousands of goyim slaves.

Beginning with Maimonides (1135-1204) Jewish elites began to believe that the arrival of the Messiah could be hastened by Jewish behavior, specifically mass piety. Several leading rabbis in successive generations argued that Jews could force the messiah to appear if they tricked the Christians and the Muslims into destroying each other in an apocalyptic war. Finally, in the 17th century, the real founder of Zionism, Sabbatai Zevi, an avowed satanist, declared himself the Zionist messiah and set the whole Jewish community in an uproar by urging Jews to follow him to Palestine. Though Zevi’s mission apparently failed, another satanic “Messiah,” Jacob Frank, systematized Zevi’s philosophy of evil, founding a heretical form of kabbalistic Judaism, Sabbatean-Frankism, that laid the basis for the Rothschild banking dynasty and the Zionist project.

Sabbatean-Frankists pray to Satan, “he who permits what is forbidden.” They systematically violate all of the Ten Commandments and indeed all moral law, believing the more reprehensible the crime, the more divine reward they will receive from their “god” namely Satan. For such people, the murder of helpless innocent women and especially children is a divine sacrament.

The path from the founder of Zionism, the self-styled Satanic Messiah of 1666, Sabbatai Zevi, to today’s satanic rapists, torturers, and child-killers of Israel, is undeniable and obvious. Its rough outlines can be seen in the meticulous scholarship of Gershom Scholem, and the fact that Rothschild Zionism is Sabbatean-Frankist and hence satanic has been confirmed by Jewish sources including Israeli investigative journalist Barry Chamish and his mentor, Rabbi Antelman. It seems highly likely that the pious traditional Jewish scholars of Naturei Karta largely agree with their analysis. French-Moroccan scholar Youssef Hindi has published what may be the most powerful extant analysis in Occident et Islam, which I am currently translating.

So it is no accident that the mask has slipped from the hideous Zionist visage at the same moment that the most vicious and unholy messianic-millenarian genocidal maniacs have taken over Israel, embarked on the worst program of systematic depravity ever witnessed, and plotted what Sabbatean-Frankist satanists call “redemption through evil.” They intend to put Dajjal, the Antichrist, on the world-throne in Occupied Jerusalem, and they think this project will succeed if they can only be evil enough. That is the reason why their evil is so exaggeratedly flaunted that it seems “cartoonish.”

But as we know from Islamic eschatalogy, Dajjal will ultimately be vanquished. The holy martyrs of Palestine have not died in vain. For evil brings forth good to oppose it, and ultimately goodness and truth prevail, and falsehood and evil vanishes. Indeed, “the truth has come, and falsehood has vanished; for falsehood (by its very nature) is bound to vanish” (Qur’an: 17:81).

The truth about the battle between good and evil we see today in Occupied Palestine is gradually growing clear to an ever-greater majority of the world’s population. All of Dajjal’s tricks, all of his media propaganda and abject lies, cannot stop the light of truth from rising.

(Republished from Crescent International by permission of author or representative)


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