Saturday 14 September 2024

A foul formula: Zionism x Appeasement = Genocide


Richard Llewellyn

The capitulation by seemingly intelligent and decent-minded national leaders to the Holocaust Industry’s relentless campaign to validate any action by Israel in the current conflict in Palestine is seriously affecting the political landscape. It seems that the leaders of “the Western World” have learned nothing from nearly a century of calamitous events.

Appeasement of genocide has never produced an honourable, decent, or even lasting outcome; it is utterly failing now to resolve the ghastly situation in the case of the Israeli decimation of Palestine.

The fact that in this case there is a mountain of evidence being broadcast world-wide via social media may be ameliorating the pernicious influence of the Holocaust Industry aka the Zionist support factory. The mainstream media is heavily biased towards exonerating the Israeli Government and the IDF and, to a lesser degree, the rampaging settlers, and many national governments, including especially that of the US and shamefully of Australia, as well despicably follow that lead.

What the Holocaust Industry is touting is that the genocide being wrought by the Zionist forces against the Palestinians is entirely justified by the horrors perpetrated by the fascist forces of several nations against Jews in the last century. While that has some emotive weight (yes, Joe Biden, I am looking at your supply of unfathomable quantities of offensive weaponry under the guise of supporting “Israeli defence”), it is a miasma when placed in the current context.

Ironically, in the situation, the actions of the Zionists have identifiable parallels to the motives driving the Nazi agenda: the doctrine of Lebensraum and the utility of an entirely fictitious pan-national falsehood. In the current case, this pan-national fiction is embellished with a claim to divine authority, rather than to the loose concept of “national disgrace” visited upon the German peoples by the Treaty of Versailles.

Examined dispassionately, Adolf Hitler’s claim of malignant treatment by the Treaty of Versailles actually is more justifiable than the Zionist proclamation of divine right. The unjust treatment of Germany in 1919 was recognised in the post-WWII settlements; the Zionists are fabricating falsehoods to support what is essentially a “business is business” narrative for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

And most “Western” nations, including Australia, are failing to confront the Zionist blitzkrieg for what it is. This, in defiance of the fact that a very large number of Zionist-repudiating Jews are decrying the actions taken in their name, supposedly on their behalf and, most evidently, at their future expense. They understand that the violent and totally understandable anger of a people being ruthlessly crushed on their doorstep will not forgive, let along forget, the atrocities. They would like a future in which they are safe and they understand that this means shared with the Palestinian fellow Semitic people.

And, as decent human beings, they are appalled — an inadequate word, really — at scenes such as this, from a most recent attack on a “humanitarian” area by the IDF.

A child, shredded like a ravaged scarecrow; a baby, obviously shot with extreme accuracy through the back of the head. Revulsion does not adequately convey the impact; it is visceral, nauseating, and so horribly real.

I challenge our prime minister, our foreign minister, to watch this and still declare that the appeasement they conduct of Israeli action justifies appeasement for ANY level of obeisance for the sake of alliances.

I challenge Peter Dutton and his toadies to maintain that it is correct to deny humanitarian entry into Australia because of the risk of “importing terrorists” – such as these shattered remnants of once human lives..

And I challenge the US — Biden, Blinken, and, yes, Harris — to stand proudly and label this as justifiable defence. Perdition is inadequate for such perfidy.

It is possible — though debatable — to suggest that the extent of the tragedy that was the Holocaust was initially and for some considerable time under-appreciated. Access to information does not compare to that which we have today and state-imposed censorship on the press and radio would have been significantly easier to enforce. But the facts came out and Germany was cast (understandably and justifiably) as a monster for decades.

Today, we have social media channels easily circumventing most restrictions, even though the mainstream media self-censors out of fear of the wrath of the Holocaust Industry. The “net” provides access to a multiplicity of information sources (unless technically restrained by state operation, such as is the case inside Israel today). The information across a broad spectrum is open to view in all the major states currently engaged most deeply in appeasement with added direct financial, materiel and legislative/legal support of the Zionist juggernaut. Ignorance is an impossible defence.

To hell with the “International Rule of Law” – praise the Lord and send more munitions, all in the name of “defence”.

It is hard to decide, taking the long view, which is the greater iniquity: the almost unspeakable atrocities being cast by the Zionist Government and the virulently pro-Zionist IDF upon the Palestinians, or the repercussions that will inevitably blight the future of Israel and Jews world-wide for many decades.

Appeasing Benjamin Netanyahu and his Zionist coterie is an appalling, inexcusable, malignant, immoral and utterly stupid action on the part of every government guilty of such malfeasance.

Of which the current Australian Government is one. Poor Fellow My Country, indeed.


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