Friday 16 August 2024

World Shocked as Investigation Reveals Jews Use Palestinians as Human Shields as Standard Procedure!

 • August 15, 2024

These human shield videos of the Jews were common way before October 7th and the invasion of Gaza. It was always SOP for the IDF to grab someone on the street and hold a gun to their head while they march through a town.

One of the weird things about the whole Gaza mania in the West – this pro-Palestinian movement, which I support, but which is a wacky left-wing thing for the most part – is that people seem to have been unaware that the Jews have been doing this since the 1940s (and even before).

There are others who will claim that Israel has changed, and it is now “far-right,” and it used to be more liberal. This is also wrong. There are definitely liberal Jews in Israel, and there have been more liberal politicians, but the entire concept of a “Jewish state” inside of Palestine has to involve an ethnic hierarchy.

The Guardian:

Israeli soldiers are using Palestinian civilians as human shields in Gaza to enter and clear tunnels and buildings they suspect may have been booby-trapped, a leading Israeli NGO and newspaper have reported.

The practice was so widespread across different units fighting in Gaza that it could in effect be considered a “protocol”, said Nadav Weiman, the executive director of Breaking the Silence, a group founded by Israeli combat veterans to document military abuses.

The group has collected testimony describing the practice from veterans of the 10-month war in Gaza. The accounts they have heard match those reported in an investigation by the newspaper Haaretz, which claimed that the chief of staff’s office was aware of the practice.

The senior ranks know about it,” one source said to have taken part in finding civilians to serve as human shields told the paper. “Our lives are more important than their lives,” Haaretz quoted commanders telling their soldiers.

The practice is said to be so routine that Israeli soldiers have a name for the human shields, who are referred to as shawish – informal slang for a low-ranking soldier – and the process was described by several witnesses.

Palestinian civilians, mostly young men, are picked up by Israeli soldiers, dressed in Israeli army uniforms, then sent into tunnels and damaged houses ahead of Israeli forces, soldiers told Haaretz and Breaking the Silence.

Their hands are tied together and a camera is attached to their bodies as they go in. “Palestinians are told: ‘Do one mission of … a [tunnel] shaft and you’re free,’” Haaretz quoted one soldier saying.

Footage of Palestinian civilians, including some in IDF uniform, being sent into devastated buildings was obtained by Al Jazeera and broadcast in July.

Breaking the Silence said it had heard reports of civilians being used as human shields from the early stages of the war in Gaza. Initially it said it thought it had been one commander acting illegally, but testimony started coming in from soldiers stationed across the territory.

Again, it’s just sort of shocking people did not know about this.

I guess that’s just part of the censorship. It’s mostly leftists in the pro-Palestine movements, but I’ve been talking about Jew abuses of Palestinians for over a decade and was censored by leftists. Maybe if they wouldn’t have censored me, they would have known about this earlier?

Another thing that people don’t really seem very aware of is that many (most?) of the “Orthodox Jews” who won’t serve in the military actually oppose the existence of a secular Jewish state in the first place. I’m not an expert on internecine Jewish feuds, but most religious Jews were against establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, and some of their leaders were bribed off and eventually did accept it, and I think telling them they didn’t have to serve in the military was part of the bribery. But there are many among them who don’t vote and don’t believe the Israeli state should exist. Only the most extreme actually endorse Hamas and Islamic Jihad openly, but the weird part is, if they were in power, Hamas would not do anything to these ultra-religious Jews in Israel.

I bring that point up to address the fact that a lot of these protesters will denounce Hamas on the grounds that they apparently believe they want to kill all Jews (or whatever). They really do not. Hamas rule is the solution to the Israel-Palestine problem. Moslems have controlled Jerusalem since the end of the Crusades. They have allowed Jews and Christians to live there and practice their religions freely.

There is no two-state solution, that is just ridiculous to talk about and the only people who talk about it are liars defending Israel’s supposed “right to exist.” Israel does not have a right to exist in terms of a moral right, and more importantly, they don’t have a natural right to exist because they are supported by the United States and would not exist without that support.

No one should be afraid of promoting a one state solution, which would be a multi-ethnic, multi-religious state run by Hamas. The Jews are the ones who pushed ethnic purity of the territory, because they wanted a secular Jewish state. The original (stated) reasons they wanted that are long forgotten, and now it’s just about power and a part of the global Jewish conspiracy.

Some land would have to be returned to Palestinians, because Jews stole it. That would be complicated. But China and other third parties would be involved. Not all Jewish land would be seized. That is not even the agenda of Hamas.

Before you ask: yes, there are probably people in Hamas that just want revenge because Jews murdered or imprisoned their families. I don’t deny that. But the stated goals and the reality of what would happen if the state of Israel was dissolved would be that China and probably also Russia would come in as third parties and help to sort things out, negotiating some fair settlement for the Jews as well as the Palestinians. Some Jews would leave, because while Hamas would allow religious Judaism, they would not allow gay sex or feminism among the Jews. But they would not kill random Jews. Again, maybe some Palestinians just want to kill Jews, I’m sure that is the case because how could it not be, but Hamas is a professional organization and would work with third parties to figure out what was fair for the Jews.

No one should feel bad about “from the river to the sea” or anything else calling for a one state solution.

But obviously, leftists are stupid people, so they don’t really understand anything. Of course I support leftists being against Israel, because I support anything against Israel. But these people are dumb. They understand nothing about this situation, and they didn’t even know about it until last year.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)


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