Thursday 1 August 2024

Big Brother is Already at Work



Image Source: Screenshot from AzPost Video

A highlight of the Olympic flame’s peregrinations through France was its meeting with a “102-year-old former Resistance fighter”, which was celebrated by the country’s media, who were quick to see it as an apotheosis of the flame’s… humanist and pacifist virtues. All the more so as this otherwise very sympathetic old lady declared that she wanted to carry the Olympic flame “in the name of the values of friendship between peoples that she defended during the Resistance”. Obviously, the old resistance fighter, like the majority of her compatriots, would have had diametrically opposed feelings if the authorities and their media hadn’t hidden the terrible truth from them, if they had explained to them that this Olympic flame had been invented by Joseph Goebbels, one of the greatest criminals in the history of mankind, that its first course paved the way for the Second World Butchery by delineating the future Third Reich, and that the current Olympic circus has its origins in the Berlin Olympics (1936) of triumphant Nazism… (1)

The conclusion is frightening: what was supposed to be the symbol of racism, chauvinism, obscurantism and the most extreme exterminating barbarism is presented to us as the symbol of humanism, friendship between peoples and pacifism! In short, we’re already immersed in a nightmarish reality reminiscent of that described by George Orwell in his brilliant “1984”, where “War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength”.

In fact, there’s every indication that this Orwellian Newspeak is catching on, and that it’s becoming a school of thought among our neoliberal rulers of every stripe and color. Take, for example, the President of the French Republic himself, when he declares loud and clear that he “had no winners” in the recent legislative elections, thus insinuating that the 160 elected from his camp or the 143 from the extreme right equal the 195 elected from the New Popular Front (NFP). And this despite the fact that Mr. Macron suffered three crushing electoral defeats in the space of a few weeks, and that the united left of the NFP came out ahead of the other formations, even significantly improving its parliamentary representation. And why all this? Quite simply, to deny the NFP its right to form the next government as the winner of the elections and the leading parliamentary force, allowing Mr. Macron to continue governing as if nothing had happened. Conclusion: 160=195 and beware of those who think otherwise…

Like, for example, those who persist in thinking that denouncing the genocidal Netanyahu is not anti-Semitism. They risk being accused of… anti-Semitism and “apology for terrorism” and publicly lynched by the French political establishment, its media and above all by… notorious anti-racists and humanists such as the leaders and deputies of that far-right party founded by Waffen SS and other torturers, the Rassemblement Nationale. But beware, there’s much worse to come: to bring the Orwellian circle full circle, we have just witnessed the birth in France (but also in Germany and elsewhere) of a veritable “thought police” (the famous Orwellian Thought Police) which goes so far as to summon the “accused” and open investigations for “apologie de terrorisme” and “provocation à l’antisémitisme” even against leaders and deputies of the political opposition who dared to express their support for the victims of the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and denounced the Israeli genocidaires, wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity!

But these notorious racists and patent anti-Semites, who are currently leading the hunt for so-called left-wing “anti-Semites”, are not just French. They are everywhere, forming a network, if not an outline, of the Brown International, and include in their ranks such first-rate figures known for their… humanism as Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, former US and Brazilian Presidents Trump and Bolsonaro, Indian Prime Minister Modi, Italian Prime Minister Meloni and his minister Salvini, and dozens of others of the same ilk. In short, the world upside down...(2)

It’s exactly this topsy-turvy world that the media (led by the French) are trying to make us accept when they establish and perpetuate their new hierarchy of “values” day after day, which means, for example, that for months they have said and shown absolutely nothing about the daily hecatomb of Palestinian civilians killed, or rather massacred, by Israel in Gaza. In fact, on the very rare occasions when they deign to devote a few seconds to these unfortunate martyrs, they still use words and expressions straight out of Orwellian “Newspeak”: there are never any bombardments, only “strikes” of usually mysterious, unspecified origin, always aimed at Hamas leaders and other terrorists. And as for the defenseless victims of these “strikes”, which are really just target practice, they can’t complain too much, because their homes and towns are still home to terrorists, and Israel is “only defending itself”.

So it’s not at all unimportant to learn that the only time one of these “humanists” who govern us dared to tell the truth, he was censored by both sides, by the unconditional supporters of Israel who massacres the Palestinians and by the friends and sympathizers of Mr. Putin’s Russia who massacres the Ukrainians. We’re talking about Mr. Putin’s right-hand man and Russia’s irremovable Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who not only noted that “Israel pursues goals similar to those of Russia”, but also explained that “the complete destruction of the Hamas movement” and “the elimination of all extremism in Gaza” are similar to the “demilitarization” and “denazification” that Moscow has been pursuing in Ukraine since the start of the offensive in February 2022! “ (3) These didactic statements by Mr. Lavrov, which would normally be “front-page news” in the international media, have nevertheless been totally ignored and eloquently silenced, and the very few (no more than 2-3) articles that have picked them up have been censored by mutual agreement (!) by one side or the other, not just in France, but all over the world! And what is even more revolting is that they have been censored by the Left, because there is only a minority of this international Left who have the courage to say and do what should be the most elementary duty of people on the Left: to be without mincing words and without self-interested pseudo-pacifisms, for both the Palestinians and the Ukrainians until their final victory against their Russian and Israeli oppressors and mass murderers!…

So here we are, ready to conclude with these pseudo-pacifisms which, these days, are the prerogative of all those around the world who make, prepare or support war without daring to say so openly. First of all, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, where they preach a lame “peace” without the aggressor withdrawing and being punished for his crimes. In fact, their “peace” seems to come straight out of Orwellian Newspeak, since it is tantamount to rewarding war, encouraging those who would wage it, and also accustoming us to the fact that the right of the strongest is the rule that should govern relations between human beings. Clearly, our current world is beginning to resemble more and more closely the dystopian world that Orwell created 76 years ago, to warn us of what awaits us if we don’t react in time to those who dream of a totalitarian world where the absolutism of Big Brother clones reigns. So it’s up to us to react and resist…


1. See The Olympic Flame Scam: a Wonderful Idea From Dr. Goebbels!

2. See “ When Einstein Called “Fascists” Those Who Rule Israel for The Last 44 Years… “:

3. See “Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister: ‘Israel pursues objectives similar to those of Russia’                


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