Monday 15 July 2024

The Trump Shooting Means He Wins the Election, and It Means America Is Going to War for Israel


 • JULY 14, 2024


This is like 5,000 words and I’m getting bullied over:

Here’s my thing: the CIA doesn’t miss.

Because that is my basic thesis here, I want to repeat it: the CIA doesn’t miss.

They certainly don’t miss from a perfect sniper perch that they have free access to.

Here’s the next mind-blower from your best parasocial friend, Mr. Andrew Anglin: if it was the CIA, they were aiming for his ear.

“Aiming for his ear” is not meant to be literal. I’d have hoped that was obvious. What I meant was that if the CIA was attempting to assassinate Trump, and wanted to kill him, and had an open shot, and fired ten rounds at a soccer ball sized target (I don’t hear ten rounds, but that’s what the Secret Service says – it’s irrelevant): they would hit the target.

A teenager could make that shot. I don’t know if they did hit his ear. I think the Secret Service around him could have cut him. But I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t know.

Just don’t act like “aim for the ear” is a serious claim. It was meant to emphasize the point that I personally do not believe that the kind of intelligence agency that would be able to get the Secret Service to stand down like that would not have missed if they were trying to kill him. I don’t believe this is possible.

I reserve the right to review this over the coming week. It’s been a pretty rough week, and I don’t feel very good about this article generally, but I deserve better than to have people claiming I’m promoting an “aim for the ear” theory.

The only other option I give any credence to is an actual lone gunman and incompetent SS run by women. The CIA or one of the other intelligence agencies would not set up the perfect shot and then miss.

For people claiming it is all real and just very straightforward: why does the cop behind the shooter wait for him to shoot before killing him?

There are other problems in this article. “Aim for the ear” is not a real problem, it’s a standard hyperbolic Daily Stormer statement.

Regardless, this article is a fucking disaster by any standard, and I apologize for that.

But I’m holding on to the point and not backing down from it: the CIA isn’t going to accidentally not assassinate someone correctly.

Frankly, all of this is just a distraction from the one fact that matters most that no single Trump believer will acknowledge: elections are not real. They are not decided based on vote count. That means if Trump “wins,” he is installed. That is true regardless of whatever the hell this shooting thing was.

Anyway, I am so fucking exhausted right now. This has been one of the worst weeks of my life.

We’ll take another shot at this after I get some sleep.

(See what I did there?)

Original disaster follows.

Author’s Note: Please forget about the beard thing. This is the first official “Sunday Single,” and they will follow in this format of casual but complex for the foreseeable future. This is a serious analysis of the Trump shooting that begins with a story of my struggle to accept the use of prostitutes as morally incorrect.

Author’s Note II: Article’s Revenge (Against Author): I’ve just read this article myself, which I do not usually do, and found that it has a lot of problems. This is also some really good stuff. But please disregard the previous note where I said I’m using this style in the future. This style will be put on hold until my brain tumor mutates again.

This was the first time in the 11 years I’ve been running this site that I decided to take a Sunday off. I want to do this for both personal and religious reasons. What I understand about the Christian faith is that these things overlap. You see Jews flying on airplanes in plastic bags and ordering pizza with no pepperoni and it’s like “there is literally no point to these activities.” But in Christianity, practicality and righteousness overlap. Even atheists admit that prayer has measurable health benefits. Arch-atheist Sam Harris (Jewish, by the way – but who’s counting?) is obsessed with promoting meditation as a way to simulate the benefits of prayer without believing in God.

If I’m honest, I still don’t understand why I can’t have sex with hookers. I understand why a hooker shouldn’t have sex with me, because she should be a wife and mother. But I don’t see why I shouldn’t have sex with her. I do not see the harm. I have actually heard men say “it hurts your soul” and frankly, that just sounds really gay. I have faith that all sin separates you from God, and I will accept that having sex with a hooker is a sin because this is a part of Christian doctrine, so in a roundabout way, sure. But the idea that having sex with a prostitute emotionally damages a man is ridiculous. Having sex with some stranger you meet in a bar and don’t pay for in cash will likely cost you a piece of your soul. I’ve certainly never had a good experience with that behavior, and actually felt like these women were trying to suck my soul out of me. Why would they have sex with me for free? I’m very handsome and charming of course, but only someone who has zero basic understanding of women thinks they give sex “for free.” It is literally the only thing of value they have to trade, and everything is transactional with women; all of their interactions with men revolve around that gooey hole between their legs. But going into a brothel and paying a woman for an hour? Not buying the theory this causes psychic damage. Sorry, but if you make that claim, you sound like a weird faggot.

Having worked it through, what I’ve concluded is that if all men refused to have sex with hookers, hookers would have to get real jobs as wives and mothers. I don’t think that’s realistic, but we are working to build the Kingdom of Heaven, are we not?

To be clear: I’m not arguing that everything about the religion must be totally logical, I’m simply arguing that every instruction should have a practical logic to it. I’m not saying the trinity or miracles are logical. I’m talking specifically about Canon Law. (I’ll add for my Islamic bros that I basically feel the same about Sharia. I reread the Koran a year or so ago. I don’t necessarily understand the pork thing, but that’s about it. And I’ve done some reading where people claim that pigs carried some disease in the Middle East at the time. Frankly, I can even understand the ban on alcohol. I’m not saying I agree with it. But I understand it.)

Every religion has a rest day and I have been examining the quality of the site, which I think has been rather low lately. So after about two years of considering the Sabbath and whether or not it applied to sitting around typing, I decided that even if it doesn’t, it will help my mental and physical health, in particular because at least once a month (in the good weather months) I can dial it in on Saturday and then go camping/hunting/fishing for basically two days (without having to bring some wifi hotspot device and staying within cellphone range).

The Story of My Life

As is characteristic of my life, on the first Sunday I decide to act on this belabored decision to take it off, basically the one single thing that would require me to work happened to happen.

Frankly, if Joe Biden had died, I probably would have just posted it as a single sentence (just for the people who literally only get their news here, which is actually like, a lot of people). I’ve already written about the various scenarios in which Biden could die, and what they would mean. But this Trump shooting I must write about, because I did not foresee a “fake failed assassination” in my Illuminati card game deck. (For boomers and newfags: “Illuminati: New World Order” is a card game from 1994 that predicted 9/11 and basically every other world event. Here’s a YouTube video showing every card. If anyone has a full deck, please save it for me, and some day we will do a dead drop in Havana or something. Or maybe we’ll just meet at a cafe in Havana and you can give it to me. If we do a dead drop in Havana we’ll probably both end up arrested and spend days in a Cuban jail while the communists try to figure out the meaning of these cards.)

As you have no doubt noticed, this is not a news article. Which works, because there aren’t many facts available at time of writing (early morning Sunday). But briefly, let’s go over the basic facts that we do have.

  • Trump was at a normal rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, with all of the normal Secret Service protection.
  • He was shot in the ear. The photos that show him with two bloody scratches on his face appear to be the result of the SS grabbing and dropping him to the ground.
  • The alleged shooter has been identified as 20-year-old white male Thomas Matthew Crooks. He was also dropped to the ground by the SS, and is dead. There are various bits of information on Twitter that may or may not be true about him, but it appears to be confirmed that he’s from the area, he was registered as a Republican, and donated $15 in 2021 to a Democrat PAC. (Spoiler alert: everything about this guy screams “patsy.” It’s unfortunate that he wasn’t able to scream “patsy” like Lee Harvey Oswald did.)
  • The alleged rifle was an AR. He allegedly fired ten times (which is more than the number of shots I hear in any of the video, but that’s what the SS is saying).
  • The alleged shooter apparently climbed up a building that was effectively inside of the rally, which doesn’t make sense, and has yet to be explained. He was less than 300 feet away from the president. I don’t know how a random twenty year old gets a perfect assassination perch on a former president leading the presidential race. I also don’t know how he misses but hits his ear.

This is the map:

You might be saying “it’s simply not believable that the Secret Service would not have a man on that roof and a sniper bead on the building. Again: less than 300 feet away.

Well, the solution to that conundrum is that they did have a bead on the building, because the shooter was dead within seconds after firing. The second round of shots heard in all the clips is him being killed.

People were filming the guy. Unless this video is some kind of AI, it appears there was actually some law enforcement behind him waiting for him to shoot and then shooting him.

That video is utterly ridiculous. Is it fake? How is this real? It’s not clear to me that this video is real, which is why I didn’t list it among the facts. It seems too extreme. Even if it is real, they are going to have to say it’s fake. (For most of the rest of this article, I’m just going to assume that it is fake or will be declared fake. We passed the point about a year ago where it is possible to determine if that video is fake or not.)

Regardless: why was this man allowed to climb onto the roof of the building and shoot the former president in the head? (Yes, the ear is a part of the head.)

Why was there no drone surveillance? Isn’t that standard procedure?

This video isn’t fake:

This is some normal guy saying he was with other people trying to tell the cops and the Secret Service to stop the guy for 3-4 minutes, and they wouldn’t listen to him.

Very strange, huh?

Wonder if he’ll get an interview on CNN or Fox?

So What Happened?

The obvious and most immediate explanation that is going to come to everyone’s mind when they hear the media come out with their “lone gunman with inexplicable access to a sniper perch” is going to be that this was an attempted assassination by the CIA, and the Secret Service was in on it.

The media is going to push “lone gunman” while knowing that people will think it was the CIA. Almost certainly, Tucker Carlson is going to go out there and say it is the CIA, as will virtually every other “mainstream alternative” media figure. I assume Joe Rogan will say it. Alex Jones. They’re all going to say it. And this is part of how the media operates: it is part of the control grid that the mainstream media prepares for the reaction by the mainstream alternative media. (The Daily Stormer has now become the alternative alternative media, by the way. There are a few others in that camp. Honestly, calling Joe Rogan, who is the most listened to broadcaster in the world, “alternative” is sort of confusing. I’m sure he lost some people when he went to Spotify, because old school podcast people hate Spotify and Joe Rogan’s original fanbase was old school. He was saying “nigger” up until like 2014. Anyway, before he took that $100 milly in blood money from Spotify, he was getting 12 million listens per episode, and the number of regular listeners was 200 million. For comparison, Tucker Carlson, the highest rated TV news host, was getting 4 million at his peak in 2020 on Fox News. No one has totaled up Tucker’s current views. He’s on Twitter, but also YouTube and podcast platforms. I would guess he’s getting into Rogan territory, maybe 4-5 million average. Anderson Cooper, the highest rated leftist TV host, gets 1.3 million average views. The point of this aside is to say: these “alternative” figures are a huge part of the media landscape, and more directly influential on people who follow politics. People who don’t follow politics have a droning leftist narrative in their ear all the time, because all of the institutions, including the academy and corporate HR culture, are controlled by Jews.)

Here’s my thing: the CIA doesn’t miss.

Because that is my basic thesis here, I want to repeat it: the CIA doesn’t miss.

They certainly don’t miss from a perfect sniper perch that they have free access to.

Here’s the next mind-blower from your best parasocial friend, Mr. Andrew Anglin: if it was the CIA, they were aiming for his ear.

So, what I am going to assert is that it was not a lone gunman, because that is simply impossible. The kid they killed was probably mentally ill and groomed online by some spook. (They likely gave him blanks and the shots probably came from somewhere else. That seems to be the game plan with these events.)

I Hate to Tell You This, But I Think Trump is Being Installed as President and is Going to Start a Massive War

These would be the greatest optics of all time:

There’s a reason why they’re not the greatest optics of all time, and you all know what it is.

It’s sickening to me that there is a female SS officer in that shot. It really damages what would be the most iconic image of this century. However, it will also let future historians know in a second what was going on in this strange epoch we are all living through. (These future historians will be working in male-only universities, where the “women’s rights” debate revolves around whether or not it should be legal to teach women to read.)

I believe that this event was not a failed assassination attempt. I believe it was a successful attempt to stage a fake assassination attempt in order to boost Trump to Caesar-type god-king status.

This is something I believe very strongly. I would never say I was certain of something like that.

There’s a woman SS officer in the photo. Maybe it was a bunch of female SS officers that were supposed to be watching the potential sniper perches, and it really was just some leftist “lone gunman” kook. Maybe it was the CIA and they missed. Those are possibilities. There is a nonzero chance that either of those things is true. It is also possible that some other intelligence agency more directly controlled by the Democrat Party organized it. It could have been something even smaller, some kind of private intelligence group. Knowing what I know about mentally ill people on the internet, I would say that virtually anyone with a 130 IQ could locate and groom a mentally ill 20-year-old to do this in 2 weeks. There are a lot of extremely unstable young people in the United States.

However, you still have to deal with the Secret Service failure, which is inexplicable. This is on par with Israel leaving the border open on October 7th. He climbs up on the roof, inside of the rally, people are filming him as he sets up a mount and they wait for him to shoot and then immediately shoot him.

Based on every single piece of the official narrative, Trump has never been more at risk of assassination than after the Biden debate, when Biden was basically shown to be unelectable. I have argued, and I can say it more or less with certainty, that if Biden got 25-30% of the real vote, which is probably what he is likely to get after that debate, they could still just say he won and nothing would happen. Nothing would happen immediately, at least. But I think it would be so ridiculous, that most people with power in this country and in Israel simply would not want to do that. I think the only people who would want to do that are the people who are running the Biden White House – whoever that might be.

This Olympian Godlike Optics Victory Comes Very Recently After Biden was Thrown Under the Bus

I made a pretty solid argument following the debate that Biden was purposefully thrown under the bus in order to benefit Donald Trump. Clearly, he was thrown under the bus, but the prevailing wisdom is that the Democrats did this to replace him. They are certainly saying that in the media, but it has not happened, and they haven’t even focused in on a candidate or series of options. The media is clearly being directed to throw Biden under the bus, but they don’t appear to be betting on any direction beyond that.

To be crystal clear: no one knows who these people running the White House are, and I pretty much just assume it’s the people you see. Sullivan and Blinken probably really do make the foreign policy decisions, and they support the Ukraine because they are gay and Jewish, respectively. Yellen is actually running the Treasury Department, and actually believes the US can just keep printing money and that that will result in military victories in two wars that all experts on the topic say are unwinnable, and I think Sullivan and Blinken hear her say that and think “well, she probably knows what she’s talking about.” (That’s really the only way I can grasp the fact that they haven’t tried to freeze the Ukraine while they all know that Bibi is pushing for a full-on war with Iran and all of Shia Islam and potentially a lot of Sunnis as well.) Mayorkas probably really does just order the Border Patrol to leave the border open, just because he’s Jewish and read a white paper about how the browning of America means permanent Democrat rule.

Of course, these people are all obviously morons who don’t really have any leadership qualities at all. They all look very weak and timid. Blinken most notably looks scared all the time. But look at any of the others, during interviews or appearances in Congress; they all look like they just got caught masturbating by their mothers. The only one who ever speaks with any confidence is Yellen, because she’s an empowered yenta. Therefore, the actual work would be done by staffers. That’s the “shadow government,” and no one really knows who these people are or if they’re being organized by someone. Frankly, there are probably a lot of millennials just screwing around doing weird ideological stuff and running cheap grafts. The lobbyists are going wild. I think it’s basically exactly what it looks like: a complete circus.

Where I Tend to Want to Go with This

Because it is a circus, it’s difficult to really analyze. Generally, you use game theory to examine the motives of players, but other than Bibi Netanyahu, no one is behaving like a rational actor. Bibi is unhinged, talking about a seven-front war (like that song), but he is a “rational actor” in terms of having goals and a plan to enact these goals. The rest of these people just sort of vaguely want to do Bush-era type Pax Americana multiracial homosexual Jewish globalism, i.e., “spreading democracy.”

If you listen to the few serious adults in America who are willing to speak frankly in public, and these people are very few in number, you will constantly find them in a state of confusion, expecting to find some kind of rationale in all of this lunacy that is going on both domestically and on the foreign policy front, and becoming frustrated because they can’t make any sense of it. This is basically universal among any serious people speaking on what is happening on earth right now. The Russians are the same. They are all saying that they do not understand what America is doing. Russians think slightly differently, so they are more likely to imagine there is some kind of secret plan at work that they just haven’t quite figured out yet, despite the fact that they have very good intelligence.

(The only possible secret plan I’ve been able to think of is that these people are doing the plot of the Silo and Fallout TV shows – that they’ve built underground bunkers and they are planning to nuke the entire world and then emerge hundreds of years later and build a new civilization.)

I don’t personally feel confused by any of it, necessarily. It just looks like a situation that is completely out of control, and unless the US is able to do some kind of color revolution in Israel, Bibi is ultimately going to get the US involved in a war with Iran.

Here’s where I would go with that: Ron Klain, the Jew who was the chief of staff for Biden from his inauguration until last year, did his debate prep. He’s the guy who was running the White House, insofar as anyone was, up until February of 2023, and he was in charge of throwing Biden under the bus. He looks like a guy who’s got a lot of dirty laundry.

It looks like some of that dirty laundry is probably, you know – kids’ clothes. If you catch my drift. (I’m suggesting that he looks like a child rapist.) He could also simply be an Israeli-inclined Jew posing as a normal American Jew pervert.

Ron Klain was (by pure coincidence) replaced as chief of staff by another Jew, Jeff Zients, who could be a pervert that the Mossad has dirt on, or he could be a willing Israeli agent. Who knows. I think it’s one or the other with both these men, and I think what we’ve witnessed is Bibi installing Donald Trump as president.

We know from the Epstein scandal that the Israeli Mossad was building blackmail files on American Jews. No one really talks very much about that. Whitney Webb has done good work on the Epstein story, but I don’t think that she’s quite edgy enough to point out that it’s very strange how focused the Mossad was on American Jews. What I have suggested is that Israel has historically been a project of American Jews, and that Israel doesn’t control America, but rather American Jews use Israel as a way of controlling America and acting lawlessly internationally. I think this is originally how it functioned. All of Israel’s money comes from America. What I think happened is that Bibi Netanyahu flipped this upside down, used the Mossad to operate within US intelligence, and built blackmail files that put him in charge of American politics. I also think he’s commandeered AIPAC, an organization that completely controls the US Congress and is traditionally run by American Jews. Again: Bibi is the only visible “rational actor,” so it would make sense that in the middle of this circus, he would seize control.

Nothing that America is doing right now will work to secure American hegemony. The fact that they recently pulled a bunch of mid-range missile systems from the Philippines shows that they’re backing off of the Pacific theater. China is holding high level meetings with South Korea and Japan. The Philippines is a very weak country; there is of course an IQ gap between the average Filipino and the average Northeastern Asian, but the Filipinos are not like blacks or something, and they have zero interest in war with China and are trying to get out of it.

If you were actually pushing for a return to Pax Americana unipolarity, you would not be jerking off in the Ukraine accomplishing literally nothing for no reason. You would be pushing for the collapse of the Chinese economy and some kind of soft regime change that didn’t involve removing the CPC/CCP from power, but would agree to isolate Russia and “open up.” China was actually on this type of path before Xi effectively made himself emperor and did a purge.

The Final Analysis

My thesis on the Trump shooting is that the Mossad shot him in the ear to take him to god-king level.

But the big thesis here is that every time I go through this thing, what I find is that Bibi Netanyahu wants Donald Trump to win the election because he would do a much better job organizing a war in the Middle East than Biden’s shadow government of circus freaks would. Klain threw Biden under the bus by doing this ridiculous debate, someone announced to the media that they’re going to replace Biden, and now nothing is happening and some of them are walking it back; they are not getting clear orders.

If polls are to be believed, Trump is more popular in Israel than Bibi.

Bibi is pissed off about Biden. He’s pissed off at the protests. He’s pissed off about these ceasefire hoaxes and everything else. Trump is telling you what he thinks of Gaza, which is an outright genocide: he says “finish them off.”

That’s what he’s going to say about Hezbollah, it’s what he’s going to say about Iran.

Everything is all lined up.

Trump is a personality cult. He is a figure of immense power.

The fist after being shot in the head made him into an eternal folk hero and god-king.

The people he wants in his cabinet are all neocon lunatic Israel firsters. His ultra-optics ear event doesn’t change anything about that. During the debate, he said he would not agree to Putin’s negotiation terms. So he’s not even saying he’s going to end that war. He supported that last $60 billion aid package, and Lindsey Graham – who is the gay “war with all heterosexual countries forever” guy, who also happens to be Trump’s biggest supporter – said that the Ukraine aid bill couldn’t have been passed without Donald Trump.

According to Newsweek at the time, it “raised eyebrows.”

By my estimation, it actually did this:

Trump took $100 million from Jew casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson’s widow and the very widespread rumor is that he agreed to declare all of Palestine – that is, Gaza and the West Bank – Israeli territory. Whatever the negotiations were, she didn’t give him $100 million because she misses his charming smile.

I know this is still hard for people. It’s hard for me. I completely ruined my life for this man.

But the thing is: he’s the Israeli candidate. He’s going to win the election. America is going to war with Iran, and there is going to be popular enthusiasm for Jewish wars more powerful than there was after 9/11 – at least among whites.

The worst part of all is how this affects me personally: I’m going to be in a position of siding with leftists and brown people against the Great White Hope.

I’m not supporting wars for Jews. I’m not going to do that. Basically, everyone else is going to support it. After this shooting, which is the symbolic culmination of everything they’ve done to him going back to the dirty dossier, all of this war against him, which always felt to all normal Americans as a war on all normal Americans, Trump is going to keep 95% of his supporters even if he declares boots on the ground in Iran (it will probably be Yemen first, and then there will be a lot of naval conflict, then there will be covert ops in Iran, and then he will announce boots on the ground in Iran – but these are details).

I don’t usually make predictions because I’m not a wizard. But I’ve worked this thing through in my head a million times over, and everything I’ve told you here appears obvious to me.

But There is Good News

The good news is that the US is going to lose the wars and China is going to be the dominant world power. When the bottom falls out of the dollar, the jig is up.

In that scenario, we will be allowed to rebuild our country. It will be a whole new world when the Jews are out of power.

It’s just such a horrible tragedy that it’s Donald Trump who is going to do this to us. That will be very difficult for people to recover from, and most people will not recover from it.

We’re in for a rough ride.

But when the empire falls, there will be a future for white children.

There will be hope.


Having thought about that insane video of the cop waiting for the guy to shoot and then shooting him, and seeing all of the talk of this being “staged,” there is some possibility that they will claim Trump did a false flag against himself. The media used to say false flags didn’t exist, but now they accuse Russia of them constantly. This would be really weird, but I can’t understand that video.

Unless the cop behind him was a woman cop. I guess I could then understand the behavior. However, that still doesn’t explain why the Secret Service wouldn’t have shot (and probably shot that cop as well, I would think). Unless, again, the Secret Service were also women.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)


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