Friday 19 July 2024

The attack on Trump in the context of the American crisis

The U.S. is in the midst of an internal social crisis that is degenerating to the point of unthinkable.

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If perhaps it was not clear enough until now, there is now no excuse for not understanding how things stand: the U.S. is in the midst of an internal social crisis that is degenerating to the point of unthinkable.

The operating regime of the Deep State with stars and stripes is ready to kill its opponents, even in its own homeland, as was the case in the days of JFK, as was also the case in recent weeks in Europe with the assassination attempt on Robert Fico and Viktor Orban’s security, as happened in the Middle East with Ebrahim Raisi and as, perhaps, will happen again. There is no other way: brutal violence is the last effective option for them.

Eliminating the opponent, after all, is a rule that Americans know very well and have applied indiscriminately for decades all over the world. Violence, racism, endless wars, massacres committed in the name of democracy, support for terrorism in Israel, profit ahead of everything, a staggering number of homeless people on the streets, guns being sold practically in supermarkets, men no longer lucid kept specifically in the White House so that someone else (unelected) would be in charge. Attacks, thankfully, failed, more successful attacks, coups halfway around the world, planned colored revolutions, lies upon lies told to justify invasion wars that the media system wants us to pass off as peace missions. This is what the United States of America is all about. Especially today.

The attack on Donald Trump right now, in the midst of a media crisis for Joe Biden made up of back-to-back gaffes that can no longer be hidden from American citizens, is of enormous impact and can be interpreted in multiple senses. What forms the backdrop to all this is the crisis in American domestic politics, now verging on civil war. Just imagine if Trump had been killed: what would have happened? In all likelihood, an armed civil war would have erupted in a matter of days in multiple places in the U.S. macro-area, confirming the various movie theories that foretell imminent war. The U.S. is a ticking time bomb that is continually being defused and then reactivated.

To stimulate reflection, notwithstanding the paucity of information available to date on the event, let us try to offer two possible explanations, which are meant to be provocative.

1) It was a real event with a real shooter who used real bullets, which will of course be evidenced by the findings of real victims and real bullet holes in the impact points around the president’s podium. The story is that a shooter climbed onto a rooftop and fired several rifle shots at President Trump, narrowly missing but grazing and wounding him in the ear. In the course of this attack, the shooter basically compacted the bloc of conservative Republican votes and moderate patriots in America to stand with Trump and to discredit and demonize all politicians, media, and other groups who dislike or vilify him. This will make Donald Trump a kind of superhero, a man of steel who is recovering from an apparent “head wound” (of biblical significance) with infectious courage, as people tearfully watch his aggressive fist in the air symbolizing defiance against Democratic tyranny, while the words “fight fight fight” roar from his lips to the audience. A truly dramatic image. It is strangely interesting that the Secret Service agents organized a very photogenic posture when Trump got up from the ground. Trump resembled the classic statue of the U.S. Marines in Washington DC raising the American flag at Iwo Jima in World War II. There was also an American flag directly above his head. Surprisingly dramatic. Then Trump was driven off the stage in a black SUV and taken away, and the rest is leaking out.

2) The other possibility we have to consider is that the shooting was not real but a false flag event made for political theater and was designed to have an emotional impact that would affect the nation and manipulate people, as well as distract from other issues in the world, such as the implosion of the U.S. economy, the Ukrainian debacle, the collapse of the Netanyahu government in Israel, and the general rise of the BRICS as an economic and political power. Then again, there have been numerous occasions in American history when shootings and attacks were later proven to be false and engineered for political purposes. There are many interesting details that go in favor of a media fabrication, but now is not the time to analyze them.

What is the result of this shooting? Watch Trump emerge with a bandage around his ear and a scowl and a renewed title of hero and a speech about how he “took a bullet for the American people,” etc. Also watch all his supporters quickly become fanatical and delusional with platitudes and slogans of Make America Great Again, stadium choruses and calls for revenge. Think of how soon this whole event could be used as justification for repressive policies of dissent, or how they could be mixed with support for Israel, or for a strengthening of NATO in war footing under the guise of terrorism.

Obviously, there will be a Republican political victory if the election takes place in November, or a convenient civil war triggered by the clash between Trump and the Democrats. Let’s keep an eye on the reactions of Zelensky, Netanyahu, EU governance; there could also be a planned effort and a convenient uncovering of evidence and links blaming the assassination on a foreign country, such as Russia, Iran, China, ISIS-K, etc. Nothing can be ruled out a priori.

We are in a highly kaleidoscopic environment where confusion and propaganda will confuse facts, evidence and truth. Let us hope that it is real and has not been dramatized or falsified, because if it were real, at least we would know who is the psychopath among us and the agenda, the political violence he intends to unleash before the elections. Because if the bombing and the shooting were fake, if it was all artifice and theater to achieve psychological manipulation of the American public, then there is no point in the election because there is no country, only a mass slave state run by a party of lunatics.

One thing is certain: the American crisis can no longer be ignored. It is now up to Americans to choose whether to seize the opportunity to take matters into their own hands and establish, at last, a Heartland in America’s heartland, or whether to remain at the mercy of their fate from Sealand, which will soon disappear in an all but inevitable global armed conflict.

One question is now being asked of every American: you, what kind of American are you? 


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