Monday 22 July 2024

“Assassination Attempt” — the whodunit prequel to “Contemporary America: Civil War”

Kayla Carman
July 19, 2024

History dictates that many troubled killers, whether Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, or even Charles Manson, often, surely coincidentally, had links to the CIA and the security state.

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With an assassination attempt on President Trump occurring at a recent rally, the question on everyone’s mind is: Whodunit? While we’ve been told the perpetrator is Thomas Matthew Crooks, those of us with critical thinking skills are now pontificating on just whose patsy he was, who else was involved, and, with an incrementally cynical worldview, whether the entire event was a false flag operation or a psyop. Although discovering the truth is important, we must accept that we may never truly know for sure and instead focus on the real objective behind this move. Was it a lone gunman intent on “saving democracy”? The quotation marks and obligatory eye roll are absolutely necessary. Or was it yet another fabricated crisis to justify more state overreach, increased security measures, and, most importantly, to divide citizens, stoke tensions, and perhaps even induce civil war?

With MAGA supporters claiming this was orchestrated by the deep state and the state apparatus blaming these renegade Republicans and even Trump himself for inciting violence and creating a climate of hatred and fear, both sides are reacting as predictably as the real puppet masters would have hoped. Each faction cherry-picking evidence to support their claims, ignoring contradictory facts, and demonstrating immense preference bias, behaving as malleably and predictably as expected.

The objectively weak claims that this was a false flag created by the Trump team to garner sympathy and support ahead of the November elections focus on the fact that Crooks is listed as a Republican and the iconic photos posted soon after, showing a bloodied and defiant Trump as the embodiment of courage and patriotism. A picture tells a thousand words, as they say. When coupled with Trump and the crowd chanting, “fight, fight, fight,” you can feel the powder kegs about to blow. Furthermore, we know false flags are a staple of U.S. foreign policy, so it’s not hard to accept that the establishment might use such tactics domestically to manipulate the public. The key question that remains is whether this is pure theatre with Trump in on it all as a member of the establishment, or whether he has truly become an enemy of the deep state like JFK. His character, agenda, and motives become irrelevant if he has genuinely angered the wrong people and now finds himself at odds with the political elites and power brokers of the world. He would have to be incredibly brave to knowingly allow a bullet to come so close, unless he was double-crossed, and the attempt was a much closer call than expected. This is why critical thinkers and truth-seekers get labelled paranoid conspiracy theorists—because we’ve uncovered firsthand how manipulative, calculated, deceptive, and nefarious the sociopaths in power often are, even with each other.

Given the obvious security breaches, it would be naive not to assume some level of deep state involvement. How did Crooks manage to get into the American Glass Research building with a ladder and rifle and climb onto the roof undetected? Why was the building unsecured against normal Secret Service protocol? Why was the building not included within the security perimeter when there was a direct line of fire from that roof? Why, according to eyewitness testimony, were the cops almost unreactive when told by members of the crowd that there was a gunman on the roof, and why did it take the snipers so long to finally take him out? At the very least, this was all coincidental incompetence, eerily similar to Israeli intelligence failures on October 7th. Those sceptical of state behaviour might suggest these trigger events were at least allowed to happen, if not orchestrated, to advance the agendas of the powerful as reasonable responses to such actions. Once you establish that the consequence is the agenda and causes are manufactured to justify the implementation of such agendas, you start to view the world through a much more cynical lens.

History dictates that many of these troubled killers, whether Lee Harvey Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, or even Charles Manson, often, surely coincidentally, had links to the CIA and the security state. What are the chances? Just like the uncanny friendship between the Bush family and the Bin Ladens prior to 9/11. What are the odds? Despite the vast amount of empirical evidence demonstrating the malevolent actions of these agencies in the past, only a paranoid conspiracy theorist would suggest malicious behaviours by these agencies to protect us today. It’s not like the FBI instigated the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, using entrapment on the useful idiots who became the fall guys. Again, it’s just another strange coincidence that the head of the Proud Boys and the head of the Oath Keepers were both FBI informants. They had intel but did nothing in terms of stepping up security on January 6th, and when questioned by the investigation committee, they refused to deny that there were numerous plainclothes officers within that crowd. I’m sure the official line is that they were there to keep the peace, so at best, they were incompetent, and yet again, at worst, they were the perpetrators creating the cause to justify top-down agendas as the seemingly rational consequence.

In light of the evidence, it’s logical to assume some element of security state involvement, even if it’s simply a case of responding more leisurely to the threat Crooks posed than they would have at a Democratic rally. Given the fallout, however, the whodunit becomes less relevant; the consequence and objective should be the main focus.

In a climate of deep division, tribalism, and increasing demonization of the other side’s supporters within the duopoly, this event is only going to stoke the flames and increase tensions. Why would the establishment push this agenda? For the same reason, rulers have done so for millennia: divide et impera. If the common people blame each other for their plight, the elites can continue to exploit the masses without retribution. In ordinary times, there would be a concerted effort to stop this division from escalating violently, but these are not ordinary times. Like all empires throughout history, its fall is inevitable, and we’re in the decaying stages of U.S. hegemony, with the collapse of the petrodollar imminent. This can be seen in inflation, real wage decline, the worship of court jesters, increased immigration, and civil unrest, all of which are associated with the end of an empire. The elites know this pattern, and to insulate themselves and avoid the Terror witnessed in late 18th-century France, they realise that as Rome—or Washington—collapses, the best form of protection from the masses is to ensure they turn on one another. Hence, the stage is being set for civil war, and going forward, we must prepare to witness an escalation of events on both sides to cause fear, hatred, violence, and vengeance. The fuse has been lit.

As usual, the elites and security state continue to play us all for the fools most of us are, inducing mass psychosis and ensuring, with media guidance, that we react predictably to do their bidding. The only way to avoid future chaos and violence is to become more informed and less malleable, realising that our enemies aren’t our slightly racist nor slightly virtue signalling neighbours but the puppet masters forcing us to view one another as the worst caricatures of the other, preventing unity and inciting civil war, whilst insulating themselves with wealth to avoid the despair, fear, and anger they’ve generated coming for them. The alternative? Contemporary America: Civil War, live streaming directly to your home from November 2024.


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