Saturday 25 May 2024

Western elites fret over Ukraine and Gaza… and Russian nukes

The West is losing and the hope that Blinken has in the establishment there to keep up a failing military campaign is misguided and foolish.

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With the unannounced visit of Anthony Blinken in Kiev recently, there was naturally a great deal of speculation as to what the mindset is in Washington during an election year not only for the U.S. but for the EU as well – and let’s not forget Britain whose leader just announced a snap election which caught everyone off guard.

Western elites are getting skittish. And they have a lot on their plates to justify their nervous twitches of late. The recent meeting between Russian and Chinese leaders affirmed the message to them: “Mulitpolar world is coming quite fast”. In Ukraine, there is little point any more in faking it. The West is losing and the hope that Blinken has in the establishment there to keep up a failing military campaign is misguided and foolish. Desperation now is no longer opaque and shrouded in a smoke and mirrors of fake news by western journalists who only have their NATO talking points to write up. Now it is palpable.

Barely a week passes without a new measure taken by either NATO or President Zelensky which must have a devastating impact on morale.

Just recently Zelensky signed into law a bill allowing some Ukrainian convicts to serve in the country’s military in exchange for the possibility of parole at the end of their service, a move described even my the New York Times as “Kyiv’s desperate attempts to replenish its forces after more than two years of war.”

Of course for those criminals to benefit from their contribution they also have to live, an unlikely scenario for most of them on the front line of battle surrounded by old men or 25-year olds making up the numbers of what has been dubbed the “meat grinder”.

In fact, Zelensky might stop short of actually enacting it as it has been pointed out to him that the measure echoes a practice that Russia has widely used to bolster its forces and that Ukraine ridiculed at the beginning of the war.

Yet being ridiculed is not really an issue this late in the game.

Blinken on his part should be well used to looking a dumbfounded numpty on the world state as even his hardened support base has noticed that whenever he gets on a plane and jets in to a troubled hot spot, all that is produced is an ejaculation of banal sound bites. And that’s it.

He seems to think that the number of times he flies to a location makes him an expert on the place or gives his arguments more gravitas, as he pointed out to Ted Cruz recently in Congress where the Republican senator cross-examined him on the genocide which the U.S. is helping Israel carry out there.

It was mind-numbing how ignorant Blinken was on a host of subjects and just goes to prove that without preparation how unqualified many western politicians are on their own subjects. Without notes and with no planted questions from friends in the press pack, Blinken’s exchange with Cruz was so cruel that most of us had to look away as blow after blow came down on the battered body of Blinken. It was literally like watching someone shoot dead fish in a barrel with a Magnum. Blinken, who is America’s foreign policy guru, didn’t even know how many barrels of oil Iran is producing daily. Amazing.

If this is the guy running U.S. foreign policy advising ‘Ol Joe about the world, then it is hardly surprising that Biden is heading to he polls with two world wars which he has instigated – and is currently funding – while Russia, China and Iran just get stronger by the day, all, it should be stressed by both Biden’s reckless policies but also, perhaps more importantly, his weakness.

This isn’t just a blundering, bellicose Washington circus which rides into town and shoots all the wrong people before setting up camp. This is America at its worst whose miscalculations in Ukraine are going to divide further a weary NATO as western elites are forced to take the food out of the mouths of their own poor to spend more on guns n ammo. It is also an administration which is behind the Gaza genocide which is threatening to spill over into the region and will certainly not leave the U.S. a victor either there or back home. The NATO birthday party, planned very shortly, will give the satirists plenty to work on as western leaders soil their underpants watching Russia moves its nuclear weapons around near the Ukrainian border and Europeans head to the polls to elect MEPs in the European Union, a project which is a headless chicken on its best day and makes Blinken, by contrast, look quite credible. 


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