Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Top US General Says There Are ‘No Plans’ To Send US Trainers to Ukraine


Gen. Brown suggested the US could send trainers once the war is over

by Dave DeCamp May 21, 2024 at 2:41 pm ET 

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown told reporters on Monday that the US currently has “no plans” to send troops to Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces but suggested it could happen once the war is over.

“Right now, there are no plans to bring US trainers into Ukraine,” Brown said. “Once this conflict is over and we’re in a better place, then I would suspect we would be able to bring trainers back in.”

His comments came after The New York Times reported that Ukraine had requested NATO send training troops and that Western countries were “inching closer” to obliging the request. In that report, Brown was quoted as saying US trainers would be sent to Ukraine “eventually,” but it appears he was talking about once the war was over, although a future peace deal with Russia could prohibit NATO troops on Ukrainian territory.

Other NATO countries are considering deploying troops to Ukraine, including France, Estonia, and Lithuania, despite the risk of provoking a direct clash with Russia.

One thing the US is considering is sending up to 60 “military advisers” to Ukraine, according to a report published by POLITICO last month. US officials said they would support the Office of Defense Cooperation based at the US embassy in Kyiv to help with “logistics and oversight efforts for the weapons the US is sending Ukraine.”

Back in October 2022, the Pentagon announced that ODC and defense attaché personnel were back in Ukraine after being absent for the first few months of Russia’s invasion. The Pentagon said at the time that the personnel were conducting “onsite” inspections of US-provided weapons.

It’s unclear how many ODC and defense attaché personnel are in Ukraine, but sending up to 60 advisors would mark a significant escalation in US involvement in the war. As of March 2023, the US also had 14 special operations soldiers in Ukraine.


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