Tuesday, 27 February 2024


Palestinian Children Plead for Food

As some of you know I strongly disagree with those who believe the Holocaust was a fabrication or exaggeration. I will be happy to debated the subject with anyone, anytime, anywhere. With my position firmly established on that point then you will understand that I am not trivialing accusing Israeli authorities of behaving with the same ferocity and lack of humanity as the Nazis. Brazil’s President Lula created quite a stir the other day when he accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza in the same fashion that the Nazis tried to exterminate the Jews in World War II.

Let’s start with ghettos. The Nazis rounded up Jews and forced them into ghettos. They were walled in and the exits were guarded by soldiers. That is exactly the situation the people of Gaza face. Just look at the similarities in the following videos.

I am particularly struck by the eerily similar images of Jews and Palestinians carrying all of their belongings in a suitcase or a plastic bag. The wall Israel erected to incarcerate the Palestinians is just one more unfortunate point of comparison.

Then there is the treatment of the “prisoners”. The Jews in Auschwitz were de-humanized.

Then there is the treatment of the “prisoners”. The Jews in Auschwitz were de-humanized.

Like the Nazis, the Israeli Zionists routinely strip and humiliate Palestinian prisoners. The facts presented by the following video speak for themselves.

Like the Nazis, the Israeli Zionists routinely strip and humiliate Palestinian prisoners. The facts presented by the following video speak for themselves.

The daily life in the Warsaw Ghetto was one of hunger, privation and unrelenting suffering.

Warsaw Ghetto

That is the same experience the Palestinians now face. Israeli settlers are blocking the arrival of relief supplies. Israeli snipers are shooting Palestinians trying to grab a box of supplies and food.

I note the irony that YouTube allows unfettered access to view images of the Holocaust but tries to limit who can see similar images from Gaza. What is unfolding in Gaza is a war crime of gargantuan proportions. Unfortunately, only Yemen is carrying out military strikes to try to compel Israel to stop the slaughter.

Israel, by its conduct, desecrates the legacy of those Jews who were exterminated by the Nazis and those who survived. Israel’s conduct is brutish and sadistic. I fear we will not see the end of this before there are more than 100,000 dead Palestinians.



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